

Dunedin City Council is making its Southern Cycle Routes option decision at its first Council meeting  with a decision due late today or tomorrow.

The new Council appears to be favourable to opening up at least the Caversham Tunnel (and considering the Chain Hills Tunnel).  Here is hoping the Council votes for an economically sound cycle (and walking) project.  The feasability report states clearly the tourism dollars that such a project would likely generate.

November 15, 2010 Fiona READ MORE

The St James Cycle Trail - the first full Great ride to open on Nga Haerenga, The NZ Cycle Trail, official opening of the St James Cycle Trail.

Saturday 20 November, 10.30am at the Maling Pass entrance car park~35km from Hanmer Springs-just before Lake Tennyson.

Bring your bike to be one of the first to cycle part of this new trail.

For details of the Official Opening, length and times for various cycling options and safety information

Wet weather alternative -St James Homestead

The St James Cycle Trail - the first full Great...

November 15, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Since CAN presented the 3,500-signature petition and 9-point plan in 2008, have we seen enough action to improve safety?

Driver competence is clearly an issue. So let's call for retesting.

You can start driving at around 15 or 16, and there's no check to see if you are up to date with road rules, just an eyesight test every 10 years.

Let's require drivers to demonstrate their competence evey 10 years. There's a duty of care that goes with operating a vehicle that can kill.

What else should we call for?

November 15, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) has called for urgent action following the deaths of three cyclists this weekend.

CAN spokesperson Patrick Morgan says news of the deaths has highlighted the need for New Zealand's roads to be made safer for people cycling and those wanting to take it up.

"There are Government strategies and programmes to promote cycling and cycle safety, but we haven't seen enough changes on the street yet."

"Urgent action is needed. This will require a lot more resources and leadership to make changes."

In 2008 CAN presented a 3...

November 14, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Attached is a Health and Safety Plan and Ride Briefing Glen wrote up for bus bike awareness workshop. I generalised that Health and Safety Plan however mostly left the wording in Square brackets that Glen wrote, as found the words useful prompts myself. Thanks for this Glen it is really comprehensive.

The H & S plan is useful for organisers to think clearly about potential dangers.Although obviously it needs to be filled in by a competent experienced person.

The Ride Briefing is almost entirely drafted up by Glen too. I just added a bit more re what to tell participants e....

November 11, 2010 Fiona READ MORE

It's with heavy hearts that we need to inform you that as of today, 10th November, we are suspending Auckland's public bike service. After 3 years of running the operation as an advertiser funded service, we've come to a point where we can no longer sustain the business in its current format. The last of your Nextbikes will be coming off the streets today.

We are working hard to save public bikes for Auckland and need your help now. To save the service we need your support, feedback, thoughts and ideas at our Facebook Page - Nextbike Rider. With the current change in the cities...

November 11, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Does This Match Your Experience?
Donald Appleyard (1928-1982) was a Professor of Urban Design at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1981, he published his research on "livable streets" and the impact that our car culture can have on the quality of life of people living near busy streets. He quantified community interactions in similar neighborhoods that had more or less car traffic, and this allowed him to uncover fundamental principles that urban planners should use to make our cities better to live in (and also greener). Our friend at Streetfilms...

November 8, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Nelson Councillor & Police Officer Eric Davy said he would be happy to see a cycle allowance (for remuneration) introduced alongside the introduction of a cyclist tax.


If Nelson city councillors were paid by the minute, they wouldn't have done too badly out of their discussion on their pay.

It generated the biggest response out of any items on the agenda at their meeting last week.

A staff recommendation that councillors adopt an annual salary payment system drew comments on whether it was the fairest pay method.

Councillor Ian Barker said...

November 8, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

A new Swedish invention could spell the end of bad hair days for bike riders.

A Swedish design house has created a potentially life-saving fashion accessory for cyclists.

The Hovding airbag collar has been designed to provide a safe alternative to the bicycle helmet without the detrimental effect that stack-hats tend to have on one's hairdo.

Designed to wrap around the cyclists neck like a scarf, the Hovding (which means Chieftain in Swedish) will deploy an airbag in the form of a hood if its in-built sensors detect a potential head impact.

The sensors are...

November 8, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A Balham biker has gone into the cycling community’s record books by becoming the rider of the one millionth Barclays cycle hire journey.

And as a special thank you, the banking giant awarded 37-year-old Rupert Parson and three friends annual membership of the scheme for five years - as well as a cycling makeover at Bobbins Bicycles in Islington.

Mr Parson said: “It was a complete surprise, and I have to say that I thought it might be a practical joke when first took the phone call.

“I normally commute on my bicycle along a cycle superhighway, but there are...

November 8, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Communal bike hire is great - but do we have to help advertise a bank? James May's not so sure.


This column, as I've tried to make perfectly clear in the past, is pro-bicycle and pro-cycling. I love a bicycle and I haven't been without at least one since I was three years old.

That's why I don't like being lectured about cycling by sanctimonious reformers who bought one last week and imagine the rest of us haven't discovered them yet.

The bicycle might just be the greatest of all inventions. It empowers the human machine, and with no input beyond...

November 8, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE


This report is up before the NPDC's Monitoring Committee; their first meeting is on November 9th starting 4.30 pm.

Anyone want to go and speak to it in support of the Roading Asset team?

Full agenda including Kylee's report in at:



TEAM: Roading Asset
APPROVED BY: Max Aves (Manager Roading Assets)
DATE: 18 October 2010


November 4, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Success in a competition to design new gates for the Rotary Pathway has also netted Hawke's Bay students national design awards.

Thomas Daulton, from Lindisfarne College, has won the secondary school category of the nationwide Transpower Neighbourhood Engineers' Awards, a competition run by the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ). He earned $1000 for his school.

November 4, 2010 Graeme READ MORE


October 31, 2010 Bernie Kelly READ MORE

Welcome to CAN Do, CAN's annual get-together. The weekend includes our AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink, and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand.

Dates: Saturday 30 - Sunday 31 October 2010

Registrations are now closed.

Notes and presentations from most of the sessions are available- see links in the programme below.  The notes are also available here.

Venue: Petone...

October 30, 2010 glen READ MORE

Getting more children biking regularly is the goal of New Zealand's top cycling projects this year.

Schools and children are the winners at ASB Cycle Friendly Awards

Getting more children biking regularly is the goal of New Zealand's top cycling projects this year.

We are delighted to reward projects that are getting children on their bikes, said Awards Coordinator Dirk De Lu.

"Having fun on a bike should be part of every Kiwi child's life. These projects empower our children to stay in shape, gain confidence, build independence, and best of all,...

October 29, 2010 Patrick READ MORE
Oct is a New Zealand/Aotearoa version of It's a citizen-initiated web service to collect issues relating to the built environment and route them to the appropriate council. Issues might include glass on roads, potholes, lighting, parking on cycleways, problem intersections, etc.

If you're not familiar with FixMyStreet, a citizen (cyclist!) locates an issue on a map by entering a street address or postcode that is then geocoded to a latitude and longitude via Google. They may upload a photo of the issue. Once the details have been confirmed by the...

October 28, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Horizons Regional Council is currently reviewing the Regional Transport Plan which specifies what public transport services should be provided in the Region. The council invites public feedback on the current Plan, community transport issues and the services the community wishes to see implemented in the future in order to prepare a draft Plan for public consultation in July 2011.

A series of pre-consultation meetings are taking place throughout the region.  CAM members are encouraged to attend these which include

Palmerston North

Monday 1 November...

October 27, 2010 Christine READ MORE

When a small group of women devoted a few weekends to walking from Pencarrow to Red Rocks, the idea of the Great Harbour Way was born. With the concept included in the manifesto of the capital's new mayor seven years later, the vision is gaining momentum. Kiran Chug reports.

Around Wellington Harbour, more than 60 kilometres of coastline encompasses wild, windswept expanses, genteel suburbs, industrial areas and rocky headlands. For a small group of Wellingtonians, it represents boundless tourism and recreation opportunities.

Since 2003, they have worked towards the development...

October 26, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Attached is a letter from Barry Kidd advising you of the changes being made to the Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport Funding 2009/10 - 2018/19.

These changes are important to understand because they will affect funding applications to the NZ Transport Agency in the future.

This letter is being sent electronically and in the mail to several key stakeholders in the land transport sector.

If you have any questions about the letter please contact Jacob McElwee on (04) 439-9320 or at

October 26, 2010 Patrick READ MORE