News: June 2016


This is the first step towards improving our communications with our members and with everyone interested in CAN's goal to get more people on bikes, more often.Our next step is to restructure and refresh the website content – Rome didn't get built in a day!We would appreciate your help. If you find any issues on the website please email with a screenshot and short description of the problem. And if you know Drupal and are keen to volunteer to help on the CAN journey, our webmaster would love to hear from you!

June 17, 2016

The trialling of mandatory minimum overtaking distances for motor vehicles overtaking cyclists was a key recommendation of the New Zealand Cycle Safety Panel in 2014.CAN is represented on an Opus / NZTA advisory panel.CAN says:People on bikes often say close passing puts them off cycling NZ research will help ensure decisions on overtaking gaps are based on evidenceHaving a public conversation can help foster safer behaviourA rule on minimum overtaking gaps is not a magic fix, but is part of a package of measures to make cycling safer and more attractiveNZ has minimum following distances. A rule on overtaking gaps is similar. From NZTA, 2016The NZ Transport Agency has engaged Opus Research to investigate the feasibility and possible implications of introducing mandatory minimum overtaking gaps for cyclists, together with a behaviour change programme...

June 9, 2016