

The sad recent news story about a 5-year-old girl killed by a street-cleaning vehicle while riding bikes with her father in the Turkish province of Konya -- a city that had previously announced plans for the country's first bike-sharing program -- got me thinking about what it would really take to create a cycling culture in Turkey. Similar questions, it seems, are on the minds of people in South Africa and Japan as well.

In Istanbul, some friends of mine get up before the sun rises to pedal around the city when traffic and pollution are at a minimum. Other brave cyclists...

September 6, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Transport for London's new cycling adverts may have been expensive at nearly half a million pounds, but it's the advertising execs' vision of cycling that's rubbed me up the wrong way.

If you've been to a London cinema lately, you've probably seen Transport for London's (TfL) hip new cycling advert, replete with Mark Ronson soundtrack. It opens with a shot of the BT tower seen from Regents Park (presumably an ironic nod to the fact cycling is almost totally banned in the park aside from a tiny trial on the broad walk) before hopping on a sightseeing tour of London. A...

September 2, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Dutch Cargo Bike is the Australia & New Zealand arm of the popular Dutch “Bakfiets” brand. Our company brings the solid reputation of the inventor of the 2-wheel “Bakfiets” Cargo Bike to the Southern hemisphere.

Just think how you can drop the kids of at kinder or school, continue on to work or do your shopping, without having to get petrol, pay for parking or stand in traffic jams. At the same time you improve your health and fitness. For many mums and dads Cargobikes are the ideal way to unwind while doing what needs done anyway. Day to day jobs turn into fun...

September 2, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

In 46 years of bike riding, Sue Abbott has never worn a helmet. So when the highway patrol pulled her over in country Scone and fined her for a no-helmet offence, she decided to fight.

The 50-year old mother of four has never been in trouble with the law, has never fallen from her bike, and thought it ridiculous she could not ride at 15km/h on a dedicated cycleway with an uncovered head.

A police video of the incident last year records the sergeant surmising ''it's a hair thing'', a view shared by many people when they first meet her.

But Ms Abbott says it's...

September 2, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Road crashes are costing Canterbury $1.4 million a day, figures show.

The New Zealand Transport Agency's Canterbury Road Safety Report estimates the social cost of fatal, serious and minor road crashes last year at a staggering $4.3 billion nationally, with Canterbury's share amounting to $509.6m, or about $1.4m a day.

The social cost combines the loss of life and life quality with the loss of output due to injuries, medical costs, legal costs and property damage.

The average value of a loss of life is estimated by the amount the public would be willing to...

August 30, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

TNO Quality of Life, Leiden, The Netherlands.

OBJECTIVE: To study the association between commuter cycling and all-cause sickness absence, and the possible dose-response relationship between absenteeism and the distance, frequency and speed of commuter cycling.

METHOD: Cross-sectional data about cycling in 1236 Dutch employees were collected using a self-report questionnaire. Company absenteeism records were checked over a one-year period (May 2007-April 2008). Propensity scores were used to make groups comparable and to adjust for...

August 30, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

This issue is all about cycling safety.

A note on the central stories of fatal and other cyclist accidents in Adelaide
- by TP Hutchinson and VL Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Piloting a Safe Cycle education program – by Eddie Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Encouraging safer cycling through the NSW BikePlan - by Lyndall Johnson and Matt Faber . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cycling safety in the...

August 25, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Can you advise me on this dilemma?
Wellington has bus only (bikes forbidden) and bus lanes (bikes ok).
A couple of bus lanes lead into traffic signals, where there is a 'B" green light, which operates before the green light for other parallel lanes.
If I find myself in the bus lane, can I go on the green B, or do I need to wait (with a line of buses behind me) for the general green?


August 24, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cyclists on footpaths

The arguments between Motorists and cyclists continue with no end in sight. I am moved to write this after being hit by a car last Wednesday. (Re: Bums on Bikes, Write On, August 4) I am a cyclist and I run red lights frequently and will continue to do so as well as riding on footpaths. I do this not to deliberately annoy motorists but merely get from A to B safely in one piece.

Roads are for cars and footpaths are for pedestrians therefore us cyclists are the “lepers” of the road caught in no mans land, were we’re damned if we do and...

August 19, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling advocates are calling for a ceasefire in the latest skirmish between some drivers and cyclists.

A public dispute has been sparked by news of an Auckland cyclist who uses video cameras and lasers to track aggressive drivers.

TVNZ story here.

Cycling is a great way to get around, and an activity enjoyed by more than a million New Zealanders says Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) spokesperson, Patrick Morgan.

Mr Morgan says, "While riding two abreast is legal, cyclists need to show courtesy to other road users. This means riding in single file on busy roads...

August 18, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling is on the increase in New Zealand and although it is generally becoming safer, by following a few simple tips we can prevent crashes.

Most cyclist and truck or bus collisions happen when vehicles turn left at traffic lights or other intersections. 

Risk can be minimised if drivers and cyclists alike are aware of each other and behave responsibly.

Tips for cyclists

Cycle sensibly and assertively to help yourself stay safe.

Recognise that truck or bus drivers may not be able to see you Never cycle up the left side of a truck or bus stopped at a junction  Look...

August 17, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Aaron Oaten, the brain-damaged son of "the Helmet Lady" who furiously campaigned to make cycle helmets compulsory in New Zealand, has died at 37.

Mr Oaten passed away in Palmerston North's Arohanui Hospice on Saturday, after 24 years living as a tetraplegic, paralysed from the neck down after a bicycle accident in 1986.

Aaron, aged 12, was cycling to school when he was knocked from his 10-speed bike by a car on Pioneer Highway. The instant his head hit the concrete gutter, his life changed forever.

Aaron slipped into a coma. When he awoke eight months later, he...

August 17, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Chris Rissel says the helmet laws put people off riding bikes


A public health expert has called for laws making the wearing of bike helmets compulsory to be repealed, to encourage more people to ride bikes.

Australia became the first country to make riding without a helmet illegal in 1991.

Associate Professor Chris Rissel, from Sydney University's School of Public Health, says the greatest drop in head injuries was in the 80s - before the laws were introduced - because of road safety campaigns and...

August 17, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Hmmmm! so maybe we should get our transport minister to ride a bike and hope he......


August 16, 2010 Sridhar READ MORE

Some of you may have heard of "ciclovia", the car-free street events that originated in Bogota, Colombia. In Portland, Oregon, they're known as "Sunday Parkways" and they've been a hit there since the first one in 2008.

Sunday Parkways take place at various locations throughout Portland about once a month, and involve closing off a loop of ~10km of streets for 5 hrs so that people can walk, ride, scoot, skate, whatever without the distraction of motor traffic (yes, if you're a local you can still access your house, although they encourage you not to drive if you can avoid it)....

August 16, 2010 glen READ MORE

The ASB Cycle Friendly Awards for 2010 ceremony will be held, in Wellington on Friday 29 October 2010 with sponsorship from Wellington City Council.

Friday 29 October 2010 at 5:30pm: ASB Cycle Friendly Awards at Wellington City Council Chambers, Old Town Hall Building, 111 Wakefield St. Map.
Entrance is opposite Michael Fowler Centre, at the north end of Cuba St. There is bike parking at the door. Bus info here.

The Cycle Friendly Awards were devised by CAN and have been running since 2003. The purpose of the Awards is to acknowledge...

August 13, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Sami recently wrote about the new Sobi bike system; It is a wonderful concept, and very different from bike sharing systems we have seen in Paris, Montreal and other cities. Urban systems like Velib in Paris or Bixi in Montreal are expensive to set up and maintain.

Sobi (Social Bicycle System) is a simpler system. CrunchGear explains that it is based on smart phone technology; instead of being attached to a fixed stand, it relies on GPS and mobile communications, and a big, secure lock that can attach to any bike rack, or any bike for that matter.

It is...

August 12, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A new campaign calls for transport firms to send their HGV drivers on cycle-awareness courses and fit their vehicles with cameras

The risk to cyclists from large lorries is a problem in all urban areas. Thankfully crashes are rare – on average about eight cyclists per year are killed by lorries in London, accounting for about half the cyclist deaths in the capital. Across the UK, about 28 are killed by lorries each year, with 70% of these in urban areas.

But worryingly these accidents are always serious, and saturation media coverage of each one...

August 12, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The single biggest road safety issue in New Zealand today is speed - drivers travelling too fast for the conditions.

Lower speed limits don’t just save lives – they make NZ towns and cities better places to live (source: Simon Kingham in The Conversation, 2022)

In 2008, excess or inappropriate speed was a factor in:

* 34 percent of all road deaths (127 deaths)
* 17 percent of all reported injuries from road crashes (2629 injuries).

As well as road safety, reducing speeds has many benefits for our...

August 11, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cyclists could be forced to rethink their travel plans as Wellington's new trains cut the amount of space available for bikes in peak times.

Greater Wellington regional council is reviewing the rules for bikes on trains, with a policy due to go out for public consultation in the coming weeks.

Among the changes being considered is a ban on bikes in peak times – a move labelled short-sighted by cycling advocates.

The policy review was prompted by the Matangi trains being introduced to Wellington – the first of which arrived last month – as part of a $500 million...

August 11, 2010 Patrick READ MORE