

To all road users - The case for cycling and safer roads for all:

Over the last two weeks there has been a great deal of attention given to cycling. As leaders in the cycling community; BikeNZ and the Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) feel this open letter is warranted, as we want more New Zealanders to enjoy the pleasure and benefits of cycling without fearing for their lives. We don't consider cycling a dangerous activity and believe some of the recent commentary has been ill-founded and irresponsible.

We would like to make a number of important points in the debate on how to...

November 23, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Give us a chance

November 23, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

In remembrance of the three Morrinsville cyclists Willie Muller, Mark Fergusson and Kay Wolfe who were tragically killed last week, the Morrinsville Wheelers Cycling Club is organising a ride of Remembrance and Reflection on the Tuesday 23rd of November 2010.

Everyone in the greater community is welcome to join this cycle ride

Date: 23 November 2010 

Time: 6pm everyone is to meet. Ride starts at 6.30pm

Location: Hangawera Road - (first road on the left hand...

November 23, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

New Zealand roads often seem to be ruled by the maxim, might is right.

In the name of self-interest, this is perfectly understandable. A 40-tonne truck-and-double-trailer rig will do a lot more damage than a mobility scooter and can take a power of stopping, so it generally pays to offer it plenty of respect, regardless of any subtleties in the Road Code.

However, a healthier attitude would be one guided above all by a keen awareness of the right of the most vulnerable to be safe.

The danger that cyclists face on our roads has been highlighted during the past week, in...

November 22, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Those bereaved by the deaths of five cyclists in as many days over the last week may be assured of the sympathies of us all.

But in turning from individual tragedy to examine the wider implications for road-user policy, it is important to keep the matter in perspective.

This is not an epidemic, nor even an upsurge, but a statistical blip. On average, 10 cyclists die on New Zealand roads each year.

The carnage of the last few days has taken this year's death toll to 10 and it is probable that the blaze of publicity surrounding the recent deaths will prompt a...

November 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The Great Harbour Way will provide a cycleway and walkway to link Wellington and Lower Hutt, so it was logical that the newly-elected leaders of the two cities – Celia Wade-Brown of Wellington (right) and Ray Wallace of Lower Hutt (centre) – took part in this morning’s mayoral ride.

Several hundred cyclists accepted the invitation from Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and gathered under the sails on Queens Wharf in readiness for the ride.

Some of them will have been aware that the Wellington City Council’s waterfront company has announced the really bad idea of reducing...

November 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The death of a young woman cyclist, a visitor from Britain, on Tamaki Drive last week demonstrates yet again the need for a better accommodation of all the ways in which people enjoy this jewel of a road. Motorists, cyclists, joggers, strollers, are all drawn to the flat waterfront drive with its headlands and bays and sweeping views of the harbour entrance and inner gulf and deserve to be able to use it more safely.

After four cyclists were injured by a car last year, the old Auckland City Council spent $455,000 on improvements, mostly warning signs alerting drivers to the...

November 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Red double-decker buses and black cabs have long been iconic symbols of London, but Britain's capital may soon become just as famous for its distinctive blue and silver rental bicycles.

As its public transit system struggles to cope with growing passenger loads, London is starting to embrace cycling. This year it launched a new bicycle-sharing system that allows residents to rent a bicycle from hundreds of locations in central London.

Government officials and cycling groups agree that unless London pushes itself to become one of the world's most bike-friendly cities,...

November 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Road safety is no accident, nor is it a joke.

Allow me to debunk myths about people who ride bikes, (R Fowles, DomPost letters 20 Nov)

Let's look at the facts.

It's not ok to break the rules, whether you are on a bike or driving. Ministry of Justice figures show just one percent of traffic offences are committed by people on bikes.

The Cycling Advocates Network's 'Stop at Red' and 'Cruise the Waterfront' campaigns promote responsible cycling.

Riding two abreast is legal, although cyclists need to show courtesy to other road users by not impeding the flow of...

November 20, 2010 Patrick READ MORE



"An upgrade of New Plymouth pathways drawing from a $4 million fund will be the first major stage of the city's multi-million walking and cycling overhaul.

Seven pathways are to be widened in parts, sealed and made easier to walk and cycle.

In June the city was named one of two model walking and cycling communities.

The New Plymouth District Council project, named Let's Go, is designed to link the coastal walkway with existing paths and change travel behaviour, says project manager Carl Whittleston."


Full story:

November 20, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Cyclists welcome Chief Coroner's decision to investigate crashes

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) and BikeNZ welcome the Chief Coroner's decision to investigate recent cycling crashes.

Spokesman Patrick Morgan said the inquest will examine whether there were any patterns and possible law changes needed.

"CAN and BikeNZ are keen to help the coroner in any way with our expertise."

He said CAN and BikeNZ are committed to raising the standard of cycling.

"Road safety is no accident."

"We are all responsible for making our roads safer...

November 19, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Merry Cycling Christmas from CAN Safer Traffic Speeds   -   Share With Care   -   Invest in a Winner

Your support of CAN is appreciated.  We are raising awareness with all people receiving e-CAN about the opportunity to support CAN financially, either by joining CAN as a financial member or becoming a regular donor.

Don’t you hate it when they pass you too close or cut you off? 

Don’t you wish there were more attractive and safe cycleways? 

Would you like to see...

November 19, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Cycling advocates are picking Hastings as a cycling tourism mecca to rival Otago's rail trail.


(Photo - CYCLE TOUR: Taking a tour of Hastings' cycle friendly features, Barbara Insull (left), Owen Mata, Shawnae Heremaia, Barbara Cuthbert, and Claudia Wirihana, front. Shawnae and Claudia, from Hastings. Photo / Paul Taylor)

"I think it's quite realistic that within two years all of New Zealand will know about Hastings, and all of New Zealand will want to come and ride here," said Cycle Action Auckland spokeswoman Barbara Cuthbert.

Ms Cuthbert and fellow CAA...

November 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

November 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Take action to make our roads safer
We are distressed at this week's crashes and want to take action.
Here's some ideas from the Cycling Advocates Network.

1. If you are in Wellington, come to Civic Square at 5pm on Friday 19th, where we'll make a short video. See below for details.

2. Keep riding. There's safety in numbers so the more people there are riding, the lower the risk.

3. Remember that fatal crashes are rare - down from 27 in 1990.

4. Send your thoughts to Minister of Transport Steven Joyce: s.joyce@ministers.govt...

November 18, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Blame is hard to prove, but campaigners argue trifling penalties gives little incentive for drivers to change their behaviour

Is a £200 fine and three points on your licence an appropriate punishment for killing a cyclist on the road? According to Kingston magistrates' court, where last month Joao Lopes pleaded guilty to "driving while eyesight was such that you could not comply with the requirements of a prescribed eye test", it is.

Lopes was driving his 32-tonne tipper truck, without wearing glasses, on 5 February 2009 when he ran over Eilidh Cairns, a 30-year-old TV...

November 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New Hutt City councillor Lisa Bridson is proving she will walk the talk  or if not, cycle it.

Ms Bridson campaigned on environmental sustainability and said she would fight for a better deal for cyclists and pedestrians in the city.

A "big fan" of walking and cycling as affordable, convenient and sustainable ways to get around, she arrived at her first official council meeting last week by bike, having also cycled to an earlier gathering to meet senior officers.

For her, it was no Celia Wade-Brown copycat action or publicity stunt. She strongly believes that if...

November 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Retest drivers every 10 years, say cycling advocates.

CAN spokesman Patrick Morgan says it's blindingly obvious that we aren't doing enough to make our roads safe.

"It's time we all took more responsibilty for road safety."

His comments follow news of a fatal crash on Tamaki Drive today.

"While there's no silver bullet that will eliminate all crashes, we need to take a fresh look at licensing and testing the competence of drivers."

Mr Morgan said feel-good campaigns such as 'Share the Road' aren't effective unless...

November 17, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

An injured and shaken Auckland cyclist says he was subjected to an angry lecture from the driver who forced him off the road last week.

DOC Ranger John McLaren broke his collarbone and shoulder blade when he fell while trying to avoid a grey SUV in east Auckland on Thursday.

He was still in shock and recovering on the footpath when the driver came to blame him for the crash.

The driver then left without calling an ambulance or giving his name and contact details.

Mr McLaren was given morphine and spent two days in Auckland Hospital recovering from his injuries.


November 17, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

A cyclist has died this evening following a crash on Auckland's Tamaki Drive.

The cyclist reportedly collided with a truck outside Kelly Tarlton's and Hammerhead restaurant.

The deceased was trapped beneath the wheel of the vehicle, dying at the scene before emergency staff could free them.

Herald reporter Amelia Wade said more police continue to arrive and are currently working to get members of the public outside the cordon.

November 17, 2010 Patrick READ MORE