CAN Strategy and work plan 2019

In 2019 the Board and key members of MET came together to create a new vision, mission, redefined our goals and produced a work plan 2019.
That was before Covid arrived on our shores, and disrupted things for the next few years. The current Board will be working to update this plan for 2024. 


VISION   - More people on bikes more often.


MISSION - Enhance communities by nationally advocating for cycling.


  1. Promote the benefits of cycling.

  2. Improve safety for cyclists.

  3. Encourage the creation of a good cycling environment.

  4. Develop cycle advocacy and cycle action.

  5. Promote integrated cycle planning.






Tactical initiatives

1 Kids on Bikes

CAN support for Bikes in Schools and Bike Ready to set the foundation for kids.

Next steps to support parents and transition kids from in-school-skills to out-of-school practice (age ten up)

Political influence


Lobby kids (under 10) OK on footpaths

SW2S rollout with the toolkit (inc iWays) for schools/gov and parents road practice

2 Cycling Planning

CAN support for govt work on cycling infrastructure to great good cycling environment for all (healthy streets).

Next steps to gather the voice of cyclists to identify cycle path connection gaps and educate engineers & planners on good road design for cyclists.

Political influence


CAN expert panel for submissions/reviews

CAN workshop for planners/engineers design for cyclists & sharing of best practice overseas

CAN Gap Map App cycle connections, identify pain points, consult with members on proposed designs

CAN we are “cyclist’s voice” campaign

3 Cyclist Safety

CAN support for govt work on Vision Zero, Speed, and building safer roads for cycling

Next steps to build on Share the Road success, embed Vision Zero across all local govt, raise awareness for driver behaviour and lobby safer road designs for cycling

Political influence


Build on CAN campaigns for Share the Road (expand on the truck campaign), Speed, Driver Behaviour, Give Space, 2 abreast etc.

Identify CAN partners to work with on behalf of member cyclists eg AT, AA, NZTA, ACC etc

CAN Gap Map App of cycling unreported near-misses & accidents, mapping hotspots with CAS data for safer roads

4 Promote cycling benefits

CAN support for govt work to promote benefits of cycling in children, tourism, economy and health

Next steps to help promote cycling “good news stories” from all govt initiatives in all sectors, interview parents, children, profile small towns and cycling events to join.

Political influence


Build a profile of benefits via Bike Expo, CAN-Do, conferences, awards (all sectors) and political elections

Create a CRM funnel to build CAN member and volunteer databases, convert supporters to donors or paid members

Promote CAN message via merchandise

Build on CAN campaigns for cycling benefits, celebrate successes etc. Profile in Chainlinks, social media, TV show etc

CAN stakeholder mapping to identify relationships to promote the benefits of others work too eg AT, AA, NZTA, ACC

CAN Gap Map App to push notifications to members on PR, good news, Chainlinks, local cycling events and sponsor competitions