Be our tailwind - support bike action Patrick Morgan here. I'm the project manager at CAN - Cycling Action Network – New Zealand's national charity for people who ride bikes. I believe riding a bike is one of the best things in the world, for sport, fun or getting around town. Although this is a challenging time, we've seen more people riding bikes for fun, convenience and exercise. I know we share a love of biking. More and more people are buying and riding bikes. But we're facing headwinds and bikelash, and I want to know if you will help us get more people on bikes. Our campaigns are effective in persuading Councils and the Government to invest in cycling. Will you contribute $50 today to help us fight for better biking? We rely on your help. Thank you. A complete bike network in 10 years for Wellington 2021 has been a huge year for...
News: December 2021

Overview: Riverlink is a large project in central Lower Hutt to: • Widen the Hutt River channel to prevent flooding • Build a grade separated interchange at Melling, and build a new road bridge over the widened river • “Turn the CDB towards the River” – an opportunity for a significant urban revitalisation to bring the city and the river into alignment The project is estimated to cost over $700 million and will lead to the demolition of a substantial number of private businesses and houses. Riverlink is a transformational project in the Hutt. It is a substantial opportunity to demonstrate the commitment to mode shift required by both central and regional government. It was also an opportunity to raise the bar for the integration of active transport into broader transport projects. Sadly, the proposals for cycling in the Riverlink consent application are “seriously...

Patrick Morgan here. I'm the project manager at CAN - Cycling Action Network – New Zealand's national charity for people who ride bikes.Riding a bike is one of the best things in the world, for sport, fun or getting around town. Although this is a challenging time, we've noticed more people riding bikes for fun, convenience and exercise.I know we share a love of biking. More and more people are buying and riding bikes. But we're facing headwinds, and I want to know if you will help us get more people on bikes.Will you contribute $50 today to help us fight for better biking?Thanks. You are our tailwind.