

As some of you will have read in the media, the New Zealand Conservation Authority has now approved the Partial Review of the Kahurangi National Park Management Plan.

CAN made a submission on the draft plan.

Attached is a fact sheet which details the main changes to the management plan.

Mountain biking has been approved as a monitored 3 year trial, to be reviewed at the end of 2013, on three tracks - the Flora to Barron Flat Track, Kill Devil Track and seasonally from 1 May until 30 September on the Heaphy Track.

There are also new provisions in the plan to...

December 10, 2010 Christine READ MORE

Co-benefits of Walking and Cycling
(Thursday 10 February)

Register now for this course!

Presented by the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities

This course is designed to bring together key local and international researchers, with policy analysts in local and central government, NGOs and members of the public, to consider the evidence for co-benefits of active journeys -- particularly benefits for population health, climate change, and quality of life -- and how this evidence can be strengthened and acted upon effectively.


December 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

November 13, 2010. Robyn and I biked with our friend Marita across Seattle to get our Undriver Licenses at a Liveable Streets event held at the University of Washington, with lots of groups tabling there, low-cost helmets, and more. We made a beeline for the Undriver Licensing station.

We were greeted by Undriving founder Julia Field and her team of volunteers. Since we’ll be taping a conversation with Julia, I wanted Robyn to videotape me and others getting our Undriver Licenses for that show.

Chelsea took the lead, explaining Undriving’s goal — to reduce car...

December 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The environmental and health benefits of cycling are undeniable and while it might be good for you, taking to pedal power in the capital is a risky business.

Last year 136 cyclists were injured around the Wellington region.

A report by the Greater Wellington Regional Council found cyclists in Wellington are 12 times more likely to be injured than someone travelling in a car. Cyclists in the rest of country are just three and a half times more likely to become a casualty.

“I think I put that down to the boom in cycling in Wellington and the fact that the novice riders...

December 9, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cyclists are in more danger on Wellington roads than throughout the rest of New Zealand.

Figures revealed in Greater Wellington regional council's Regional Land Transport Strategy annual monitoring report show a "worsening trend" for cycling casualties on the Wellington region's roads.

For every million hours travelled, a Wellington cyclist is 12 times as likely as a vehicle occupant to be injured in a road crash, compared with 3.5 times nationally. The report says the figures were based on a small sample size, but still show a concerning trend.

"When comparing the...

December 8, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Supporting Cycling in New Zealand

You will recall the Petition Nine-Point Plan for Cycle Safety you supported, which Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) presented to the Ministers of Transport, Police and Road Safety in 2008 with over 3,000 signatures. Since that time, New Zealand has had a change in Government and is operating in a more difficult economic environment, where greater emphasis has been placed on the economic benefits of ‘building roads', rather than developing sustainable, safe ,and integrated transport systems.


December 8, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Bikes are considered an important part of the solution.  Here was me thinking no one in officialdom cares about peak oil.  The story was carried on the National Programme today (just before 9am news) where the new Mayor of Dunedin Dave Cull, said basically get on your bike, weather is not a problem for cycling (all weather is good for cycling), as he had personally cycled to and from school in Invercargill.  (like Simon told me he did too, I think he even said he hid behind lamp posts to escape driving hail and sleet).

When your Mayor says all weather is good for cycling (even in...

December 7, 2010 Fiona READ MORE

TVNZ's Close Up does cycling

December 7, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

After three days the new Manners St bus route has a qualified tick of approval from cyclists.

Cycle Aware Wellington spokesman Patrick Morgan said prioritising public transport was a good thing for Wellington, on balance.

"However, we are not especially happy about losing access to Manners St."

Manners St between Willis St and Victoria St is bus-only westbound at all times and eastbound between 6am and 7pm on weekdays. Cyclists travelling from the north to Willis or Boulcott Sts must use Dixon St and turn right on to Willis St.

Wellington City Council infrastructure...

December 2, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

My mother is a feisty 88-year-old who is still working to change the world. She often reminds me that Kate Sheppard was her great-aunt, so she has a proud tradition to maintain.

For the past fortnight she has regaled me with her friends' reports about the hazards of fast-travelling lycra-clad cyclists. I suspect she's hoping Cycle Action Auckland (CAN) can change their behaviour.

My mother's generation grew up in a different world. They are now confronted with lycra, traffic congestion, impatient drivers and endless talk about unhealthy lifestyles and obesity.

Like many...

December 2, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Hello cycling friends,

In May 2011 I am organising a Dutch Bicycle Study Tour for at least 30 Australians (or NZers) who will be learning about best bicycle infrastructure practice and sharing that information with their contacts on return to Australia. The journey will be filmed by 2 documentary film makers and they are looking for sponsors for the trip.

There will be a website set up that will be used as a resource for local planners, cyclists and media and I believe will be a very popular website into the future since I receive many emails about this trip.

December 2, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Angry and inconsiderate drivers have no place on our roads.

Following last weekend’s carnage in which three cyclists were killed by cars, the chief coroner is reportedly considering an investigation into cycle safety. Judge Neil MacLean’s willingness to look into the issue is welcome. An inquiry by a member of the judiciary might just jolt motorists into awareness that bikes are entitled to be on the roads, and remind them how vulnerable cyclists are to a tonne or more of speeding metal.

These things should be obvious to competent drivers but, sadly, many motorists seem to...

November 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycle Action Auckland announces Bikes for Life: a public rally for action to improve cycling safety in Auckland - 11am this Sunday, 5 December, on Queens Wharf, Auckland.  

“Cycle riding benefits health, air quality, carbon emissions, the economy, traffic congestion and happiness. It is an important transport choice that enhances our cities and lives. Despite this, the recent spate of deaths and rising levels of cycling injuries in Auckland shows how hostile our roads can be to people on bicycles.” says Barbara Cuthbert, Spokesperson for Cycle...

November 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Back Benches current affairs TV show - Cycling stories start half way through chapter 1:

Russell Tregonning on Great Harbour Way.
Stephen Franks, Rajen Prasad and Gareth Hughes on road behviour, helmets, and riding in France.
CAN's Alana Joe on share the road.
Peter Sheppard on driver training.

Stream it here

November 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Five cyclists killed in six days - including British tourist Jane Mary Bishop, run over by a truck after she swerved to avoid a car door a motorist opened on Tamaki Drive, Auckland - has fuelled debate over road safety in New Zealand and the rights of cyclists versus motorists.

I find myself in two worlds about this matter: in both camps.

I drive the V8. I am the man who honks. I love the car; the car rules the road.

But I am also the cyclist. I ride the Avanti about 100km a week. I have cycled for about five years, done thousands of kilometres and never once have...

November 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Elly Blue for Grist: Metal drain covers, stray gravel and potholes – all villains in a unique study of cycling accidents in Portland.

One dark night last summer, my front tyre caught a rut in a bumpy back street. I went flying and landed on my hands and helmet. My bike flipped in the air and fell on top of me. I sat there in the road for several minutes taking inventory. Scraped hands. Bent glasses. Going to need some new bar tape, but everything else in one piece. I walked the last two blocks to my house and went to bed. The...

November 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New Zealand's cyclist crash statistics are among the worst in the developed world.

Chief Coroner Judge Neil MacLean's response - to consider if driving laws need to be changed - is a step in the right direction. Sadly, it has taken the lives of five cyclists to get to this point, despite more than 10 years of petitions and submissions.

Some motorists say cyclists deserve what they get, because they behave badly and take risks. However, Transport Ministry statistics show that carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of motorists cause 75 per cent of...

November 25, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

OPINION: The appallingly high number of cyclists killed on New Zealand roads in the last few weeks might prove to be a statistical blip, but the probability is that it signals a trend.

That is the consequence of a deadly equation: more cyclists on the roads and roads ill-equipped to accommodate them safely.

New Zealanders have had a love-hate relationship with the bicycle since the machines became freely available in the 1890s. They provided transport unencumbered by the bothersome horse or the expensive motorcar, and they provided it free. But the bicycle was also the...

November 25, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The current proposal is for a shared path (for both cyclists and pedestrians like Ara Harakeke) to be constructed from Takapu Station through to Kenepuru Station and for most part following the railway corridor.  Porirua City Council will pick up the pathway from Kenepuru Station north.
Advantages of the current proposal
a)  Will travel past the existing MTB skills area developed by TORRC, hence there will be greater exposure and opportunity to use this cycling asset.
b)  Direct connection from Tawa college to Tawa Pool across railway line where...

November 25, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE