Post Covid-19 insights and learningsSource: Healthy Streets Lower Hutt Community want space to move around.There is nervousness about using public transport which makes active transport more attractive.Flexible working arrangments will change what “rush hour” looks like and may influencechanging transport modes as new routines are established (both positively and negatively).People are more familiar with their neighbourhoods, connecting with neighboursand walking/cycling close to home.People are realiseing the value of what they have at their doorsteps/neighbourhoods and because they are using it they are also seeing how it can be improved/changed.Walking and cycling has built a sense of connection, people are acknowledging each other, smiling and saying hello to each other. This will lead to more resilient communities.Since being in our homes/bubbles so much, walking...
News: July 2020

Do you want safe and attractive cycling in New Zealand? Vote bike. No matter what kind of riding you are into, now is the time to take action. The General Election is coming. You can vote from 5 to 19 September..More than 1.5 million people in NZ ride bikes. Let's demand safe and attractive streets.How you can helpVoteCheck your enrolment. Vote for the party and candidate who best reflects your views on biking.Here's a guide to transport policies from each party. OrganiseTeam up with other cycling advocates. Check here to contact people in your area. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Join CAN. There's power in numbers.Make a donation. Most of what we achieve is done by volunteers but we need your support to run an office, produce Chainlinks, support our website and campaign for cycling. Get...

Cycling advocates say cities need to double down on building bike lanes Investment in cycling has been welcomed by cycling advocates, but much more is needed. “People deserve protection. Why are we waiting?” said Cycling Action Network spokesperson, Patrick Morgan. He says there's no doubt biking is booming. “E-bikes are super-popular. More people cycling means healthier communities, safer streets, more attractive cities for people and business. It's the best bang for buck in transport investments.” Cycling Action Network has called on the government to set targets for getting more people on bikes, more often. 1 Get kids biking to school The targets: 6% of all kids’ trips to school by bike by December 2023 30 kmh zones around 50% of urban schools by December 2023 2 Build bicycle-friendly cities The target: 2000 km of cycleways by 2023, more of them...

Don't you hate it when you have a near miss?It's unacceptable that our safety is at risk. Some drivers give drivers a bad name. Councils and the Government have also failed us. They've designed and built a transport system that makes near misses inevitable. It doesn't have to be this way. Protected cycleways, better intersection designs, safe speeds, better training, and enforcement reduce conflict and crashes. Having cameras on your bike increases you chance of follow up action, although there's no guarantees. This one got a conviction We're not at our best after a near miss. Having a script may help. I suggest something like this. Take a deep breath and count to 10. "I felt scared when you almost hit me with your car. Please take more care. Bye." or "That was far too...