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News: November 2015

Cycling to Paris: ‘Climate Journey' to U.N. Conference Morgan Curtis '14 says the idea of biking to COP21, the United Nations Climate Change Conference that takes place in Paris this November came to her as she sat by a woodstove this past winter.After graduating from Dartmouth, Curtis was teaching at the Chewonki Semester School in Maine, which offers experiential environmental education to high school juniors. She was committed to grassroots climate advocacy and to the power of story telling, and wondered how she could combine her passions and call attention to what she saw as a critical moment: the opportunity for nations to reach an agreement on a treaty to address climate change."Climate Journey," as she calls her upcoming trip, grew from that vision: She would attend the conference, travel to it slowly, and along the way gather stories about individuals and...
Location Local group WhangareiKamo route https://can.org.nz/whangarei Source https://www.nzta.govt.nz/walking-cycling-and-public-transport/cycling/fo...

CAN is New Zealand's national network of cycling advocates. We work with government, local authorities, businesses and the community on behalf of cyclists, for a better cycling environment.The Cycling Action Network (CAN) was formed in 1997 as New Zealand's national network of cycling advocate groups. It is a voice for everyday cyclists - recreational, commuter and touring. In 2015 we changed our name from Cycling Advocates' Network to Cycling Action Network. This decision is subject to ratification at CAN's 2016 AGM, in March. CAN's new logo and refresh of our website are underway, We're going to be updating the entire website software in January 2016, with a full redesign from our cycling-mad branding guys at Upshift, so this is a temporary refresh.Facebook and Twitter have been updated.

A project 114 years in the making The NZ Transport Agency have confirmed a $35 million project to build a dedicated cycle and walkway from Petone to Ngauranga. After extensive consultation and research, the NZTA has decided to build the path on the seaward side of the railway line. This is a major link in the intended cycle and walking corridor from Wellington to Melling. A dedicated cycleway from Wellington to the Hutt Valley was first mooted by Thomas Wilford, Hutt MP, in a bill introduced to Parliament in 1901. In his parliamentary speech, Wilford said that this idea was "unanimously agreed to by almost all the cyclists of Wellington". The member for Riccarton objected that "Many young men are abandoning the cycle and going back to the horse". The Hutt Cycle Network is delighted this project is now coming to fruition. Spokesperson Dr David Tripp said "This will...

Less talk, more action needed on safer cyclingCycling advocates are calling for action from the Hamilton City Council, following a serious crash today.Cycling Action Network spokesman Patrick Morgan says, "We need safer speeds, better road and intersection designs, and training for drivers and people on bikes."He says the multi-lane roundabout crash site is unsafe, but there are few alternatives for cyclists heading to the CBD across Tristram St."Hamilton has a Biking Plan and some good cycle paths along ring roads, but the city centre needs fixing.""Options include redesigning the roundabout for safer speeds, replacing it with traffic signals, or building a convenient alternative route for people on bikes.""The complexity and speed of multi-lane roundabouts overload drivers, and mistakes are made. Redesigning the road geometry slows traffic down and makes decision...

Refresh your body and mind: take part in Conservation Week by getting into nature, 1-8 November 2015. The theme is Healthy Nature Healthy People.DOC and its partners are hosting events in beautiful New Zealand landscapes, making it easy for you to head along and discover new places.There will be lots of activities and competitions for you and your family to take part in. Whether it's a treasure hunt in your region or an interactive virtual game, you're sure to have some fun.Nature is everywhere. It has the power to not only invigorate, refresh, and amaze you, but it can also be beneficial to your body and mind.Get outside, take your kids, and experience it for yourself.More at http://www.doc.govt.nz/get-involved/events/conservation-week/