Fix My is a New Zealand/Aotearoa version of It's a citizen-initiated web service to collect issues relating to the built environment and route them to the appropriate council. Issues might include glass on roads, potholes, lighting, parking on cycleways, problem intersections, etc.

If you're not familiar with FixMyStreet, a citizen (cyclist!) locates an issue on a map by entering a street address or postcode that is then geocoded to a latitude and longitude via Google. They may upload a photo of the issue. Once the details have been confirmed by the citizen, the issue is forwarded to a council email address for processing. Updates can be added and issues can be marked as fixed.

I started the FixMyStreet project because I wanted a way of flagging street issues from my mobile phone. There's an app for iPhone, and I'm sure that over time other mobile devices will be supported.

I think the ability to see and comment on issues publicly will be of huge benefit to cyclists in particular.

Feel free to try out the site and/or the app here, and let me know what you think.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Jonathan Hunt - Open Data and Open Government in New Zealand