Cargobikes are the new SUV

CAN is celebrating how useful and versatile cargobikes can be. They are the new SUVs; Sustainable Urban Vehicles!

Join in!

Sharing your pictures of hauling big or odd loads and passengers, and use the hashtags: #maxQuaxing #cargobikes #quaxing.

You can also make your own comic style posts by downloading stickers for your posts here.

Maxquaxing for everyone

Quaxing’ is shopping by bike or public transport - a term that originated here in Aotearoa. Maxquaxing is carrying big loads, odd loads, passengers, trailer-fulls, and generally showing how you don’t necessarily need an outsized motor vehicle for a lot more journeys than many people might assume!

Loads of folks already make the most of their bikes, trikes, trailers, and cargobikes and more for carrying heaps. This is what we hope to illustrate with this campaign.

It makes sense to encourage the creativity, resilience, and adaptiveness of New Zealanders and to normalise journeys by bike when there is stuff to carry or move too.

Maxquaxing for businesses and orgs

Urban transport in New Zealand has a gap when it comes to small to medium logistics. Especially in our towns and cities.

It is becoming normal to see deliveries and last-mile logistics using cargobikes, bike trailers and similar in places overseas. And there are a lot of compelling reasons to expect more of this in future. Forward thinking businesses, orgs, and public services can lead with better, lighter urban logistics. Some first movers we know of are Urgent Couriers in Auckland, Nocar Cargo in Wellington, and Pedals Dunedin.

What are you waiting for?

You might be surprised what you can achieve with a cargobike!


Wow. I really like the idea of having a Quaxing in the future! The compartment is so cool! 

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The message encourages a shift towards sustainable transportation solutions using cargo bikes, highlighting their practicality and environmental benefits. It aims to build a community around this practice, promoting widespread adoption through visual storytelling and social media engagement. The campaign seeks to normalize the use of cargo bikes for various transport needs, both for individuals and businesses, contributing to greener urban logistics. PPC pros Google Ads Agency

Indeed. By normalizing the use of cargo bikes for various transport needs whether for individuals or businesses, the campaign strives to contribute to greener urban logistics and more sustainable cities.  concrete builder