

"They don't pay road tax, they block the road, they are inconsiderate, they overtake, they are bloody slow . . . I pay road tax, so I should have priority."

That statement may sound like it was made by's new friend Councillor Lawrence Abraham, but in fact it came from an unnamed motorist interviewed as part of a just-released Department for Transport-commissioned report into cycling safety and the attitudes of other road users towards cyclists.

The report, snappily titled, Safety, cycling and sharing the road: qualitative research with cyclists and other road users does...

January 18, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Q. What were the most useful aspects of the training for you?

A. This cycle skills course literally saved Scott's life 48 hours later (or at least avoided serious injury and time off work which would have cost taxpayers much more than this course cost ratepayers). On Monday Scott was biking to work along Adelaide Road as usual when a truck pulled out of VTNZ and would have hit Scott if he hadn't stopped suddenly. The truck-driver was in the wrong and was told so by several on-lookers. We're all really grateful for the very tangible and immediate difference this course has made.

January 18, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

The 2011 Cyclist Skills Training Courses in Palmerston North kick off at Central Normal School this month. The line up of dedicated trainers pictured from Cycle Aware Manawatu, all of whom completed an "Instructor Training Workshop" held in Palmerston North in January 2010 run by the Cycling Advocates' Network (UK accredited teaching instructors), will now be teaching the course. It will be repeated three times (Thursday January 27 at 6pm, Saturday February 12 at 9am, and Tuesday March 1 at 6pm). Registrations are essential, ring Sport Manawatu, or visit their website to book your place...

January 16, 2011 julied READ MORE

A man who allegedly hit and killed a cyclist near Palmerston North has been charged with careless driving causing death.

Longburn resident Patricia Anne Veronica Fraser, 34, was out cycling in November when she was hit.

Ms Fraser was training with her best friend to take part in the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.

Police have charged a 45 year-old Marton man who will appear at the Fielding District Court on January 26.

January 14, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

A leading transport economist has suggested that slower-than-expected growth of the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme is due to riders' fear of sharing London's streets with motor traffic rather than flaws in the project's infrastructure.

"There's never been a shortage of bikes in London," Professor Stephen Glaister of Imperial College, London told The Economist. "It's just that people are afraid to use them."

The city's bike hire scheme was launched in July, with the goal of 50,000 journeys per day. Surveys carried out during the first six months of the scheme have indicated peak...

January 14, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

Cycling in Hawke's Bay is set to get a multi-million-dollar boost over the coming year - but will it be enough to get us out of cars and on to bikes? Paul McArdle is among those leading the push to get people pedalling. Hawkes Bay Today senior writer Heather McCracken joined him for a ride.

January 11, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) and BikeNZ are saddened to hear of the latest cyclist deaths, but are pleased they are to be referred to the coroner.

Spokesperson, Anne FitzSimon said this inquest will examine whether there were any patterns and possible law changes needed.

"CAN and BikeNZ are keen to help the coroner in any way with our expertise."

"CAN and BikeNZ are concerned with the loss of basic cycle skills which are often lacking in young New Zealanders."

Cycling Skills Training and ‘Share the Road' are both CAN and BikeNZ's top priority for 2011.


January 10, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

An elderly cyclist has died after he was hit by a vehicle north of Palmerston North this morning, Friday 7th January 2011.

The crash happened on Railway Rd near Bunnythorpe about 10am, said Constable Darrell Cowan of Ashhurst police.

The 75-year-old man was taken to Palmerston North Hospital with serious injuries but died shortly after, he said.

His name has not yet been released.

Alcohol was not thought to be a factor in the crash, Mr Cowan said.

Further report Manawatu Standard 8/1/11

Cyclists are calling for a safer 2011 after a 75-...

January 7, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

A 10-year-old Hamilton girl has died after cycling down a flight of stairs in Papakowhai, near Porirua, Thursday afternoon 6th January 2011.

The girl was cycling to the dairy about 1pm with her aunty and cousin, whom she was visiting.

Police said it appears the girl was unfamiliar with the terrain and cycled ahead of her aunty down a smooth pathway leading further onto a set of stairs. She then cycled over the stairs and fell, landing some 12 to 15 steps down the stairs.

Ambulance staff were unable to resuscitate her. Police have confirmed the girl was wearing a helmet....

January 7, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

The 3rd Annual Australian Cycling Conference will be held on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 January 2011, at the Rockford Adelaide, 164 Hindley St. As in previous cycling conferences in Adelaide we look forward to welcoming those cycling brethren who make the trip from across the Tasman.

As a forum for academics, community groups, practitioners and advocates of cycling to present their cycling research and new cycling projects, it's a great opportunity to network with other people in the cycling field - whether that's research, policy development, planning, facility design, project...

January 4, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

Cycling in Britain is booming. The ACT (Association of Cycle Traders) states that the UK bicycle industry in 2010 is worth an estimated £1.5 billion, while cycles sales for the year are expected to value between £800m -£850m. Many of us are braving the elements - or enjoying them, depending on your season of choice - and cycling to work.

In 2001, census data showed that cycling was the main method of travelling to work for over 650,000 people aged 16 to 74. But how have things changed since then? And what will the 2011 Census show about our cycling habits?

The census is a once-...

January 4, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

With commutes by private cars becoming longer by the day in an increasingly congested city, many citizens are turning back to the humble bicycle or different modes of public transport.

In the first week of 2011, around 40-50 people from across the city will voluntarily observe a car-free week. The lot, mainly comprising working professionals, will cycle to work. Those who cannot will resort to commuting by buses and trains. The intention is to come together with like-minded people and spread the message of eco-friendly transport in general and cycling in particular.

"The car-...

January 4, 2011 Anne F READ MORE

Today was the last day of employment for Fiona, CAN's part time South Island Network Project Officer. I want to take this opportunity on behalf of fellow advocates to acknowledge the work she has done while in the position.

Through my involvement in Spokes Canterbury here in Christchurch, I first met her when she was appointed to the position. I think by now I have got to know her quite well.

Given that she is a modest person not inclined to blow her own trumpet or hog the limelight, it will probably never be generally known the prodigious amount of work she has done.


December 24, 2010 stephenw READ MORE

The number of lifestyle-related diseases is on the rise. However, socio-economic studies show that there is a lot to be gained by learning healthy transport habits from an early age—both in terms of fitness ratings and good spirits.

By Malene Kofod Nielsen, COWI, and Connie Juel Clausen, Municipality of Odense

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that in 2020, 70% of all diseases will be lifestyle-related diseases. Habits and action patterns are established in childhood, and it is thus important that children learn good habits early on so a...

December 16, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Why don't cyclists have compulsory licencing, training and insurance? Because it would be utterly pointless.

It doesn't really matter what you write about on the bike blog, at some point a reader will emerge with the same irascible complaint: why, oh why, they ask, should cyclists expect any sympathy – let alone special treatment – when they don't need a licence or insurance? What about number plates?

Sometimes, of course, this is mere provocation. But often it's serious. So I'm going to try and give a serious reply, however obvious this might all seem to fellow riders....

December 16, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Low-Cost Solution to Keep On Bikin'
One of the cyclists at Dutch Bike Co was caught without studded tires when it started snowing in Seattle, but no matter, that's nothing that a box of zip ties can't fix! This MacGyver trick isn't new, but now that winter is here, it's worth bringing up once more.

Photo: Dutch Bike Co.

Fritz Rice, the DIYer on these photos, says that while the ties look "completely ludicrous", they work "beautifully":

I can accelerate, brake, and corner with aplomb, even on the vile snowpack/sheet ice mix the plows...

December 16, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

NZ cycle crash fatalities since 2006

This map shows the locations and details of 44 fatal cycle vs motor vehicle crashes occurring in NZ between January 2006 and May 2010.

Data as extracted from the Ministry of Transport's Crash Analysis System (CAS) in Dec 2010.

Put together by Steve Southall.

December 16, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

"UnitedFuture leader Peter Dunne wants a change to the road code to require drivers to give cyclists a 1.5 metre "bubble" when passing them" See attachment for full press release.

In this podcast, Dunne expresses his concern for cycle safety, and support for the Great Harbour Way.

December 16, 2010 AlastairS READ MORE

"My boy was also in the group - he was the next bike behind."

The driver of a car involved in a collision with a group of cyclists in which three people died last month has admitted causing their deaths.

In Morrinsville District Court today, 23-year-old Kristy King, of Matamata, pleaded guilty to three charges of careless driving causing death.

She has been remanded on bail and will appear in court for sentencing on February 14.

King was driving a car when it collided with the group of cyclists on the Walton-Morrinsville Rd on November 14.


December 15, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

The Brooklyn borough president, Marty Markowitz, sang a self-written song about bicycle lanes to the tune of a popular selection from “The Sound of Music”: “These are a few of my favorite lanes.” A 40-year resident of Park Slope, Brooklyn, testified that an influx of cyclists had made her afraid to cross the street in front of her house. A group of cycling advocates wondered why the city would reject a nimble, environmentally friendly mode of transportation in favor of bulky, polluting automobiles.

The battle of the bike lanes, a civic discussion that has turned increasingly...

December 13, 2010 jdawson READ MORE