News: July 2022


Presentation notesPatrick Morgan@patrickmorgan @CyclingActionNZCycling Action NetworkToday we're looking at How we can shift the current culture in Aotearoa away from car ownership and towards other modes such as active travel (walking and cycling) and public transport.The committee will consider: How car ownership is currently serving New Zealanders i.e., why do people own cars How we can make other modes more accessible, affordable, and available to New Zealanders For those who are car-dependent and unable to readily shift to a different mode, what are some ways that car usage can become more environmentally sustainable I am delighted to see your inquiry topic. Instead of asking 'why should we shift to walking, cycling and public transport?', you have jumped directly to the crucial question: “how?'. That question is at the core of my job as an...

July 20, 2022

Vote Climate at LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONSTime to take climate action has never been more pressing. Our politicians seem to be hesitant to make the change needed Vote Climate is about encouraging politicians to make the decisions that need to be made CAN is part of a growing coalition covering workers, public transport, walking, cycling, and climate action groups. We want candidates in the upcoming local body elections to sign up to a set of straight-forward, but far-reaching commitmentsWe're asking local government candidates to sign up to:1. More public transport, more oftenMore frequent services in cities and towns, and between centers and across regions2. More affordable public transportIncreased trialling of reduced fare or free services to encourage and broaden uptake3. Safer and easier walking & cyclingInvestment in infrastructure to make cycling and walking...

July 6, 2022