

Summary: despite political headwinds and financial hurdles, more people are biking for transport and recreation. Cycling advocacy has never been so necessary.

What's the good, bad and the ugly?

The good news
More people are biking, more often. Here's Census analysis from Geeater Auckland.
A report from Wellington. And from Cycling in Christchurch.

On the up:
Diversity of people...

December 11, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

From CAN spokesman, Patrick Morgan
Caption: Celia Wade-Brown MP speaks at Cycle Wellington's 30th birthday celebrations
Today I feel a storm of emotions.

Pride at the successes of our cycling advocacy community. I recently visited Auckland to meet with Bike Auckland members and talk with bike industry people. I'm impressed with what I saw, although there is still much to do. Our local group, Cycle Wellington marked 30 years of credible and persistent campaigning. On Saturday it was my honour to ride the completed Island...

December 3, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

By Paul Callister

In July 2024, a raised pedestrian and cycle crossing was installed across busy Poplar Avenue leading to Raumati South on the Kāpiti Coast. After the current government’s defunding of such crossings, this may be one of the last built for some time. But, even working within a more sympathetic regime under the previous government, getting this crossing installed was not easy.

Te Ara o Whareroa shared walking...

November 28, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Ōtautahi Christchurch, 22-23 March 2025
Venue: the Spark Space meeting room at Tūranga, the central public library building on the north side of Cathedral Square.

Welcome to CAN Do, CAN's get-together. The weekend includes workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink, and a chance to catch up with fellow bike advocates from around New Zealand.

You will supercharge your advocacy skills, with training on effective messaging, networking, and campaigning.

The critical component is networking and making connections with other like minded people...

November 28, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling advocates want bus operators to check bike rack compliance as soon as possible, after NZTA issued an industry alert banning bike racks on busses.

Bike racks on buses are a valuable service, used by people throughout New Zealand for many reasons, said Patrick Morgan from Cycling Action Network

“They expand the number of people who can use buses, and provide a back up to get people home.

The bike ban has a significant...

November 7, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Safety advocates appalled by harmful speed advice from NZTA
Road safety advocates are shocked at new advice from NZTA for people to drive at unsafe speeds.

NZTA's social media post reads “In good conditions you should be travelling at or close to the speed limit. Slow down when conditions such as bad weather or traffic make it unsafe to travel close to the speed limit.”

Patrick Morgan from Cycling Action Network...

October 25, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

This blog was submitted by Richard Young, and contains an affiliate link for a lock that Richard personally swears by.

Urban cycle security is an ever-increasing challenge – there are more high value bikes (especially e-bikes) parked around the city, and thieves are often equipped with potent lock-cutting tools. Many insurance companies only pay out their assessment of your bike’s value when it is stolen – which could leave you thousands of dollars short for a replacement.

No cycle security is 100% effective, so (unfortunately) the aim is...

October 23, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

September 2024
CAN is aware that people riding bikes are unfortunatly being subjected to higher amounts of verbal and physical abuse, risking worsened safety outcomes.

The social conditions seem to have soured significantly since the new government has come to power with some clearly anti-cycling priorities. When infrastructure is being built, such as with the Wellington Bike Network, it is understandable that the disruption can be especially difficult and stressful for some.

Poorly communicated, unhelpful policies from our leaders can escalate a permission...

September 18, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

CAN is excited about the roll out of Cycling Works campaigns in Aotearoa. So far there are campaigns in Wellington and Auckland.

So far there are over 40 businesses that have shared their perspectives on why cycling works.

Cycling Works Wellington

Cycling Works Auckland

There are compelling benefits that businesses can enjoy from better cycling for their workers and customers.

Increase retail salesTransport choicesValue for moneyFree up spaceHealthy lifestylesReduced congestion...and more!

If your employer operates in Wellington or Auckland - please encourage...

July 23, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

Cycling Action Network submissionKey pointsCAN strongly opposes the draft Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 Lower speed limits reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes.Traffic crashes in New Zealand disproportionately affect pedestrians and cyclists.Greater perceived (and actual) safety conditions including from lower speed limits can increase the amount of cycling uptake.A large proportion of New Zealanders would choose to cycle for more of their journeys if conditions on our streets and roads were safer.The proposed rule disempowers local communities to have a voice...

July 11, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

CAN has released a joint statement with Bike Auckland about our Mourning the future fallen ceremonies held today to acknowledge and pay our respects the extra lives that will be lost due to increasing speed limits around the country.

Key points:

The government is increasing speed limits under the new ‘Land Transport Rule: Setting of speed limits Rule 2024’, often called the Speed RuleOn roads around the country where safer speeds have been implemented, deaths and serious injuries have been reduced.New Zealanders are urged to inform themselves about the Speed Rule and have their...

July 5, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

Raising speed limits under the government’s new proposals will cost lives and should be strongly rejected by communities around the country, says Cycling Action Network.

Cycling Action Network campaigns to enable families to be able cycle safely around their own neighbourhoods safely, including kids being able to ride safely to school and back. 

The draft Land Transport Rule – Setting of Speed Limits 2024 would reverse many instances of safer speeds in rural areas, force local authorities to raise urban speed limits to 50 km/h, and make variable low speed zones...

June 14, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

CAN is celebrating how useful and versatile cargobikes can be. They are the new SUVs; Sustainable Urban Vehicles!

Join in!

Sharing your pictures of hauling big or odd loads and passengers, and use the hashtags: #maxQuaxing #cargobikes #quaxing.

You can also make your own comic style posts by downloading stickers for your posts here.

Maxquaxing for everyone

‘Quaxing’ is shopping by bike or public transport - a term that originated here in Aotearoa. Maxquaxing is carrying big loads, odd loads, passengers, trailer-fulls, and...

May 22, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

NZ’s Great Integrated Rides
Research Paper
March 2024
Paul Callister and Heidi O’Callahan

Aotearoa New Zealand has a superb network of cycle trails. Travelling to these by train is a way to experience the best of Aotearoa’s natural beauty, enjoy some healthy recreation, and to do so in style, while feeling good about your carbon choices. Other trails can potentially be reached by coach, and combining coach and train can open up another raft of holiday options.

Trains, supported by coach travel where trains...

April 16, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

The Government's transport plans for Wellington are a hodgepodge of failed ideas from the 1960s, say cycling advocates.  "Everyone, except the Government, knows you simply can't build your way out of congestion," says Patrick Morgan.  "Extra car tunnels would attract more traffic, jamming up Wellington streets, adding pollution and danger. It's the opposite of what Wellington needs.  It's a slap in the face for Wellington people, who have consistently voted for better public transport, cycling, walking, and affordable housing." He says it's embarrassing that the new Government is dusting off...

April 15, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Have you ever had a hard conversation with someone about bike lanes? How did it go?

I've learned a few things over the course of our bike advocacy work. Try these ideas.

1. Listen. Try to understand the other person's point of view, even if it seems illogical or wrong. Jumping in with facts e.g. rarely works if someone feels disrespected or unheard.

2. Respect their experience. Everyone has their own lens through which they view the world. They may not have experienced the joy and convenience of biking, or maybe they had...

April 15, 2024 Patrick READ MORE


The Draft GPS on Transport 2024

Cycling Action Network Submission

2 April 2024


CAN welcomes any opportunity to make an oral submission on this consultation. Please email: 


Cycling Action Network (CAN) is grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback to the draft 2024 Government Policy Statement for Transport (GPS). We trust that our input will help direct the Government's ambitions for a safe and sustainable transportation system for Aotearoa.


The draft GPS heralds a significant deterioration in the...

April 2, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Submissions for feedback on the disastrous Draft Government Policy Statement on Transport close at noon (12.00pm), Tuesday 2 April 2024 – the day after Easter Monday. There is much to dislike about this proposal. In short, it signals a drastic turn away from active and public transport and rail, and a frenzy of road building - exactly the kind of infrastructure that we apparently can’t even afford to keep well maintained!

CAN supports Transport For All, a new coalition of transport and climate advocacy groups, including: All Aboard Aotearoa, Climate Club, Free Fares...

March 26, 2024 Axle_Ryde READ MORE

Statement on Reductions in Government Expenditure on Cycling
from Doctors for Active, Safe Transport

Every day as a doctor I see the urgent health need that is putting intense and increasing pressure on our
health system. It’s cancer, it’s heart disease, it’s diabetes and all their awful complications.

Unless we do much more to keep people well we will be overwhelmed.

There is a huge amount of evidence that one of the very best ways to keep people well is get more
people cycling and walking.

And it’s also...

March 13, 2024 Patrick READ MORE

Let's save public transport, walking and cycling.
Join us at Parliament at 5-6 pm on Tuesday 19 March to demand transport for life.

The Government's draft transport plan locks us into car dependency. That means more traffic jams, higher costs, pollution, and more traffic deaths. You can't build your way out of congestion.

We deserve modern transport that makes it easy and affordable to get around by walking, cycling, public transport, and driving. Transport that keeps people safe, supports wellbeing, and doesn't cost the earth.

We'll have...

March 8, 2024 Patrick READ MORE