News: July 2012


6-7.45pmFront room, Library BarCourtenay Place1. Introductions2. Western Corridor Plan (Thanks Phaedra and James!)3. Adelaide, Riddiford, John St update4. Windy Wheels5. Roll on Wellington awards6. Women's cycling fesitval 7. Active Transport Forum 23 August. Does CAW want to put anything on the agenda?8. Bikes on trains - GWRC to review policy?9. 30-second raves7pm - inaugural screening of the Friendly Cyclist videos

July 29, 2012

The pockmarked streets of downtown Havana aren't very bike friendly, but that isn't stopping Felix Guirola from trying to ride into the record books. The 48-year-old Cuban said he's built an 18-foot-high bike - taller than a one-story building - and has asked Guinness World Records to recognize his feat. Franklin Reyes/AP Felix Guirola welds a piece for his home-made bike. Guirola has been riding tall since 1983, when seeing a tandem bike inspired him to build up instead of out. "I've never been much of a cyclist, but I really like riding tall bikes," Guirola told the AFP newswire this week. "I don't know if this interests Cubans, but it interests me. This is my hobby." From Daily News

July 25, 2012
Alex admin

Re: Review of Cycling Deaths in Ontario We were pleased to hear that you will lead a review of cycling deaths in Ontario. We are a team of researchers in the fields of public health, emergency medicine, neurosurgery, law, engineering and transportation. We have been conducting a study of cycling injuries in Toronto and Vancouver, and believe that we may be able to contribute some useful insights for your review. Much of the research on cycling injuries in North America has focused on helmets or the specific manoeuvres of cyclists and drivers. We chose to study the impact of transportation infrastructure on injuryrisk for the following reasons: Cycling injury rates in North America are higher than in northern European countries where bicycle specific infrastructure is common, but use of helmets for commuter cycling is rare. The relative safety of bicycle-specific...

July 25, 2012
Alex admin

In approximately 1975, the then Christchurch City Council, in conjunction with the National Roads Board, marked a cycle lane up to the intersection limit lines on the Kilmarnock Street approach to the Deans/Kilmarnock intersection in Christchurch.  In 1978 the Ministry of Transport produced a draft standard for the design of cycle facilities. The draft was approved by the National Roads Board for a trial that was conducted by the Traffic Committee of the Road Research Unit, in 1980.The trial involved an investigation into the operating and attitude effects of mid-block cycle lane markings, cycle symbols and cycle route signage.  Although the cycle lane at the Deans/Kilmarnock intersection was part of the overall package of cycle facilities under investigation, it was not specifically studied for behavioural, safety or attitude effects. The report simply stated “the provision of a...

July 18, 2012
Alex admin

How many people ride bikes in NZ? What age, gender, ethnicity are they? How does that compare to other activities? Are they rich or poor? Answers can be found at Sport and Recreation Profile: Cycling Findings from the 2007/08 Active New Zealand Survey

July 18, 2012
Alex admin

Deadlines: Main articles by 22 August Local group reports and advertising by 31 August Who What How many words Pics Draft received Sent it to editor Final Copy received Graeme Editorial 390  No No      Kevin Hague Parliamentary cycling group           Alex MacMillan Her research           David Hawke Chch school bike track 400 Yes Yes Yes   Michelle Rush Trip to Germany 500 Yes  No       Safe Kids?             Melbourne?           commitee/ stephen  membership/recruitment article           committee and patrick  marketing the bikeability project           Marilyn N.  VeloCity Vancouver report            Jena & Graeme  Safer Cycling Programme Report  930+  Yes  Draft sent to Jena - she is looking at Monday 20th Aug.       Cycle touring articles               Getting out on your bike this spring            MED   Nga Haerenga update            ...

July 13, 2012


July 4, 2012
Alex admin

April 18, 2012 - NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities   Overview ·         4 Communities were given $25 million per community! 4 years ago (no matter size) ·         Most $ went into infrastructure (89%) ·         Common methods for data collection and evaluation were established ·         Bicycling up 49%, Walking up 22% (baseline?)   Columbia MO (Getabout) - 108,000 pop, hills, weather extremes, sprawl, University ·         Focus on Improved marking and marketing ·         Focus on “Heavy” marking - 2M lanes and sharrows in middle on Bike Blvds ·         Wayfinding on streets and University (not very successful on campus) ·         BLIP (bike lane with...

July 4, 2012
Alex admin