This year the post CAN Do bike ride took two days (31 October - 1 November) from Nelson to Picton, stopping at Pelorus Bridge, overnighting in Havelock and heading into Picton on the gorgeous Queen Charlotte Drive.Day 1: Distance 75 km, ice-creams at Hira, then some climbing, over the Whangamoa Saddle (357 m) and Rai Saddle (247 m). Lunch at Collins Valley then afternoon tea stop at Pelorus Bridge, where there is a cafe and gorgeous bush walks. We stayed the night in Havelock (Rutherford House YHA hostel).Day 2: Distance 35 km, relatively flat, with just a few small climbs in and out of bays on Queen Charlotte Drive. 1:10 PM ferry from Picton to Wellington.Sign up when you register for the CAN Do.
News: September 2011

They wore silver racing shoes and black leather boots, sneakers and ballet flats, but all of them were there for one purpose: to ride. Several dozen bike lovers took to the streets Saturday morning on a tour of Salt Lake City’s newest bike lanes and innovations as city officials showed off their latest progress. By winter’s start, about 50 miles of new and improved lanes will have been added to the capital this year, along with bike parking corrals and more bike symbols to help both motorists and cyclists stay safe. Salt Lake City may not be quite as bike-friendly as a city like Portland, Ore. — yet — but the mayor’s office is working on it. “I’m competing with the cars — you ever feel like that?” said Becka Roolf, the city bicycle-pedestrian coordinator, smiling as the group prepared to begin the tour from Liberty Park. Officials believe the city’s number of bike commuters...

The humble bicycle, for decades the workhorse of the Communist proletariat, is this year's surprise fashion accessory in China.The rivers of cyclists that used to flow through Chinese cities, all mounted on sturdy Flying Pigeon bikes and wearing monochrome Mao suits, have long dried up.Instead, for two decades China has been a nation of drivers, embracing the car the point of gridlock and even outlawing bicycles from key thoroughfares in Shanghai.But for a new generation of Chinese, inspired by the West and Japan, the bicycle is once again in vogue. This year, colourful custom-made bikes have adorned the shop windows of Shanghai's trendiest boutiques as well as advertising campaigns for brands like Lee and Levi's.Groups of Chinese bike enthusiasts have also begun to organise midnight rides through the country's cities, when there is little traffic."...
CAN's Annual General Meeting will be held on the Saturday afternoon of the CAN Do, 29 October 2011 at 4.20 pm. The venue will be the Auckland Point School, 111 Haven Road, Nelson. For more details, see the CAN Do page. For your information, here are the minutes from the 2010 CAN AGM. Also, here is a copy of CAN's Rules (aka Constitution). ItemAgenda Item1 Welcome/Apologies/Proxies.2Review of Previous Minutes.3Matters arising.4Office holders' reports: Chairperson's report Treasurer's report5Election of officers: Chairperson Treasurer Secretary6Election of the CAN Committee7Appointment of auditor8Notices of motion9Any other business?10End of meeting. Nominations Nominations are open for the CAN committee. We need to elect a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and 3...

Links from the CAN Do, CAN's annual get-together, now available. The weekend includes our AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand.Dates: Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 October 2011 Registrations are now closed. Venue: Auckland Point School, 111 Haven Road, Nelson. Numbers expected: 20-30. Notes from the sessions are available here, or via the 'Session' links below.ProgrammeFriday 28 October 7:30pm: optional dinner at Olice Cafe in Nelson, own cost. CAN – DO: Selecting the winning gear! CAN's priorities.An exciting programme of topics is being prepared for the weekend, including: - CAN/BikeNZ Safer Cycling initiatives on Road...

.Dear CAN groups,At the next AGM, we will be in need of an elected officer to replace Adrian Croucher, the long serving CAN Secretary. In addition Glen Koorey, the current CAN Deputy Chair and committee member, will not be standing for re-election. Involvement at the national level gives one an opportunity to provide collective leadership for CAN and to help shape the strategic direction for cycling advocacy at a national level.I would encourage you as a group to consider who locally in your area could be in a position to become a CAN committee member. There are formal descriptions for the roles being vacated that can be viewed on the CAN website. The links for these have been given below. Adrian plans to continue in his roles regarding membership and e.CAN (unless anyone else develops a burning desire to take those over), so if anyone wants to put themselves forward for secretary...
Regular giving helps CAN keep the spotlight on Cycling At CAN we're united by our love of cycling and all the benefits it brings: to our health, wallets, wellbeing, family and friends, community, and our environment. CAN is committed to a broad vision:To promote the benefits of everyday cycling: cost savings, better health, less congestion, cleaner air, reduced reliance on imported fuel, and a better quality of life.More than ever, the tight economic environment opens the door to develop affordable, sustainable, and healthy transport opportunities throughout New Zealand, but requires the will of the people. As an apolitical organisation, CAN is the credible and authoritative voice for the everyday cyclist. CAN is able achieve much more with your financial support, whether you'd like to become a regular donor, or give a one-off donation.Thank you to those members and...