

See the BikeWise site for the latest from NZTA:

October 26, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

The boss of New Zealand's largest vehicle company wants Kiwis to pay more for their petrol.

Toyota New Zealand CEO Alistair Davis says our fuel prices are far too low - the fourth-lowest in the OECD in fact.

That's encouraging us not only to own bigger cars, but to drive them longer distances. And that means we're in reverse when it comes to meeting international greenhouse gas emission obligations.

"Our greenhouse gas emissions have actually gone up 23 per cent since 1990," he told a media briefing in Auckland last week.

"Our population has risen 26 per cent in...

October 21, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Documenting the ride from Central Otago to Picton to get to Wellington for the 2010 CAN Do, and  reporting what it's like touring on our main highways.

To get out of Central Otago I couldn't resist using one of the classic Otago back roads - Danseys Pass. This road is a reasonably well formed road from Naseby on the edge of the Maniototo plains in Central Otago through to Duntroon in the Waitaki Valley. it does have a bit of up and down to cope with, and there was a bit of snow on either side of the road at the top. I think I saw 4 vehicles the whole time I was on the gravel. When...

October 21, 2010 stephenw READ MORE

So, for those who prefer not to wear helmets, here is an alternate option -



October 20, 2010 Sridhar READ MORE

October 18, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The last 3 years have seen a substantial and welcome increase in the availability of the utility style bicycles that are the vehicle of choice for the vast majority in countries where bicycling is well-established.


October 17, 2010 urbanbicycles READ MORE

2010 Winners now announced!

The annual cycle-friendly awards are upon us again! This year's nominations have yielded a bumper crop of exemplary projects and cycling champions. The judges were hard pressed to select the best from among so many strong nominations: Competition was so close that several categories produced more than the usual three finalists.

Each finalist receives a certificate of accomplishment, and the overall winner for each category takes home the coveted bike bell trophy. In addition, Avanti Cycles has...

October 15, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Two years ago I wrote For Bicylists, There is Safety in Numbers noting the work of Chris Rissel, who said "It appears that motorists adjust their behaviour in the presence of increasing numbers of people bicycling because they expect or experience more people cycling."

Last year we asked Is there "safety in numbers"? and quoted Peter Jacobson's 2003 study that concluded that "Where, or when, more people walk or bicycle, the less likely any of them are to be injured by motorists. There is safety in numbers."

Now cycling activist Elly Blue follows up on Grist with more...

October 14, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

submission required by 5 Nov.

CAN's news release

Comments from Simon K:
"I just saw the bit on about indicators. This is great news. I reckon they can be a very useful substitute for hand signals where ever riding one-handed poses a risk to bicycle control (ie; turning while braking, turning in strong winds, turning through obstacles). Also, they make a lot of sense at night when waving an unlit arm around is of dubious value.

I agree eye contact will still be critical."

October 13, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Vehicles within the classic cartoon "The Flintstones" were all foot powered. The mechanism that propels the bicycle hasn't really been improved on since it was invented. That is, until now. A design firm out of Oregon has come up with a car that can sustain speeds of about 30 mph, with electric assistance. It doesn't use any gas. It can whip you into shape too.

Meet the HumanCar

In the late 60s, engineer Charles Greenwood saw habits that he did not like, for instance too much commuting and not enough exercise. He also saw an opportunity. Since then,...

October 12, 2010 GabrielF READ MORE

Allowing bicycles to be fitted with stop lamps and direction-indicator lamps is a good idea, say cyclists.

Cycling Advocates Network spokesman Patrick Morgan says updating the rules around bicycle lights makes sense.

"With bright LEDs and powerful batteries, modern bike lights are better than ever. Allowing stop lights and turn indicators on bikes is a sensible move, but these are no substitute for clear hand signals, using lots of eye contact with other road users, and safe riding habits."

Advances in lighting technology mean that stop lamp and indicator...

October 12, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The other morning when I was walking along Wellington's waterfront to work, a cyclist had the grace to ring her bell to let me know she was coming up fairly slowly behind me.

Not so the "boy bike racers", who treat the confines of the waterfront as a training track. Some of them are capable of sprint speeds of 50kmh, which could be very injurious were they to hit a pedestrian.

This likelihood is quite high because you can't hear their bikes coming up behind you, and these cyclists don't slow down when the path width narrows to a couple of metres at Shed 5. Instead, they weave...

October 12, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling is the simplest, most natural means of transport, after walking. So natural and useful in fact that many cities often forget to take it into account. This brochure is intended to consider and return to the advantages of bicycle traffic and to back up arguments with analyses and facts.

It is surprising how many advantages bicycle traffic combines:
-Regular cycling improves health and prolongs life expectancy.
-Cycling requires no fossil fuels – it only burns our own fat.
-Cyclists save space, are quiet and move about without producing pollutants

October 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Improving Safety of Cycling Public Education Programme Report
July - September 2010

To: Gerry Dance, New Zealand Transport Agency
From: Cycling Advocates' Network
30 September 2010

The aims of the Improving Safety of Cycling Public Education Programme are to:
a. deliver a national safety education and promotional programme in the high priority walking and cycling communities at risk areas, directly contributing to high priority areas of the Government's Safer Journeys Strategy: Safer roads and roadsides, Safer speeds and Increasing the safety of all...

October 11, 2010 Patrick READ MORE


Our friend Clarence at StreetFilms sent us his latest cinematic masterpiece (I suck at keeping expectations low, don't I?). It's about a section of street in Jackson Heights, in Queens, that was closed to cars for the "time-to-play-outside" months and converted into a much-needed park/public space. As you can see in the video, it was a resounding success! It's a good model to follow for other cities.

A Car-free Street Grows in Queens from

October 7, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The days are progressively getting shorter, and so more and more cyclists will be biking in light conditions that definitely aren't optimal. Most cyclists are good about trying to wear clothing and accessories that are highly reflective and easy to see in the dark, but according to a new peer-reviewed study (page 56), cyclists might not actually be as visible as they think they are, which can increase danger.

Here's the abstract of the paper:

"Visibility limitations make cycling at night particularly dangerous. We previously reported cyclists’ perceptions of their own...

October 4, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

CFA Photographer Needed


The CFA ceremony will be held at the Wellington City Council Chambers on Friday 29 October from 5:30PM.


CAN needs someone to take digital photos of the event, each of the winners and the sponsors. Photos to be uploaded to this website.


Do you have the skills, camera and desire to help out in this way?


Please contact


Multiple photographers are welcomed!


October 4, 2010 Dirk READ MORE

The nation's transport ministers have acknowledged there's been a lack of investment when it comes to encouraging people to get out of their cars and onto their bicycles.

Federal and state transport ministers on Friday signed off on the third National Cycling Strategy, which aims to double the number of people cycling during the next five years.

The strategy acknowledges that while there have been many initiatives to get more people riding in the past 10 years cycling had not been supported by a high level of investment.

"To help counter this, (the 2011-16...

September 30, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycle Action Auckland have launched their new site at

Upcoming events include the AGM and a presentation by Ludo Campbell-Reid on urban design for a Super City. Tonight (Thursday Sep 30th) 6.30pm. See website for more details

September 30, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Education Advisor – Bike Wise

(Fixed term – Parental leave cover October 2010 to 5 April 2011)

Are you passionate about cycle safety?Do you have a can-do attitude? Are you calm under pressure?

NZTA is currently looking for a fixed term employee to cover a parental leave situation, to manage our national Bike Wise programme that promotes safe cycling as a fun and healthy transport option.

As a project manager for Bike Wise you will need to be highly organised, committed and able to think on the go.

The role requires that...

September 30, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE