Record set in TaupoA record 14 kids of Kids Bike Taupo, some riding donated bikes, learnt to ride for the first time at Hilltop School in May 2015. Lots of parents were there to help, making it a real community effort.Kids BT came about some time ago, when Taupo District Council was running after-schools activities. Local legend Cath Oldfield sorted out a collection of bikes, then a van to bring them to schools. Now, it's reaching out to thousands of kids- Cath reckons about 13,000 since November 2012, with 300 kids learning to ride from scratch. That's a lot of kids able to move and control their bike before getting out on the road, where they'll then be ready to concentrate on traffic and safety.And it doesn't stop there. Every Monday afternoon Cath has the Random Ratbags session - kids aged from 3 to 16, who are usually at a loose end after school, get free access to...
News: June 2015

Cyclists Applaud Massive Investment Programme.Kiwis keen on cycling have hailed the biggest single investment in cycling in New Zealand’s history, announced today in Rotorua. Advocates for cycling have praised the scheme as ‘forward-thinking, clever groundwork’.The Urban Cycleways Programme (UCP), managed by the NZTA, facilitates a record $333m million in spending for 54 selected urban cycling projects nationwide. $100 million of this is from the UCP, the remainder from Land Transport and local authority budgets. Councils throughout the country have drawn up detailed bids for the funding, which were assessed by an NZTA-led Investment Panel. Cycleways in cities from Whangarei to Dunedin will be built under the plan.Cycling Advocates’ Network (CAN) were quick to commend UCP as ‘smart investment’. CAN interim project manager Will Andrews told press, ‘This...

Cyclists Applaud Massive Investment Programme. Kiwis keen on cycling anticipate a boost tomorrow when Transport Minister Simon Bridges will arrive in Rotorua to announce the biggest single investment in cycling in New Zealand’s history.The Urban Cycleways Programme, managed by the NZTA, budgets a record $100 million for selected projects nationwide. Councils throughout the country have drawn up detailed bids for urban cycleway projects which they hope will attract UCP funds. Rumours have been swirling as to which projects will get the nod from the NZTA’s UCP Investment Panel.Groups like Cycle Action Auckland, Cycle Aware Wellington, and Spokes Canterbury have been tracking the UCP process with interest, with the Cycling Advocates’ Network (CAN) quick to commend the Programme as ‘smart investment’.CAN interim project manager Will Andrews told press, ‘This is awesome. It’s forward-...

CGI models prompt Council to fix roadway for cycling(Larger size images below)Compelling evidence that concrete 'islands' on Broadway in Wellington made cyclists feel unsafe was created -and used successfully to improve conditions- by an architect and cycling advocate.Travis Gray, a Registered Architect in Wellington, found that on his regular commute many motorists were passing way too close on the 350m stretch where concrete islands have been installed. Following the 'occupy the lane' advice from the Road Code over a 350m stretch proved too much. So Travis took his indignation, a laser measuring tape and some good CAD software and sat down to produce these millimeter-accurate images, then sending them to Wellington City Council.'What we need to be doing is engaging communities in a discussion earlier that firstly shows them what the current situation is using...

Artwork from GWRC promoting the joys of cyclingGood to see a regional Council presenting the bright side in such a creative way!For more see Apologies, we can't find the link to the original campaign. Here's a JPG.GWRC poster: GWRC Poster promoting cycling.

Cyclist Really 'Impeding Traffic'?Opinion Piece on Cyclists 'Impeding Traffic' by Don Babe, Chair of Spokes Canterbury Alex Mann made a legitimate choice when he decided to travel by bicycle the day a police officer fined him for impeding traffic.He obeyed the road code by keeping left but not so far he was in danger of falling in the drain or becoming unstable in the grit and debris often present on road edges.He was aware that there was at least one vehicle behind him and believes he rode in a fashion that most of us would recognise as a signal that the vehicle should pass. Unfortunately these signals were not acted upon by the following vehicle either because they were taking photos or they were from a different culture and did not recognise the signals.Most motorists will have done this at some time in their life, going a bit slow for some reason and moving to the...

Confused as to what is CAN? CAN is everything inside the orange box.The double-headed arrows show the major relationships between the various components of the network and some of their stakeholders.

OECD Report a Recipe for Cycling, say Advocates. Advocates for better cycling facilities gave an unusual welcome to the recent OECD report, which called for action on two problems New Zealand faces- traffic congestion and obesity. Release of the report from the international body, primarily concerned with promoting economic growth, was welcomed by national network body, Cycling Advocates’ Network. The report generally praises New Zealand’s economic performance, with some reservations about income equality and the housing shortage, but finds fault with the failure to tackle traffic congestion in major cities, and mentions New Zealand’s steadily worsening obesity epidemic. The report calls for action on both these issues, and CAN members pointed to the unusual link. CAN interim project manager Will Andrews told press, ‘The OECD haven’t made the connection that cycling is a solution to...

CAN's undergoing a communications reviewCycling-mad communications consultancy Upshift, based in Tasman, are helping CAN re-assess our communications and branding. You may have seen or filled out our survey in late summer, asking how you think we're doing with communicating to local groups, individuals and the public at large. Upshift were the guys responsible, and are now pulling together all the lessons learnt. They've supplied to CAN various documents; these are attached.
getting a late start on this, currently in Rotorua on Fire sercice course 3-7 June, but trying to do stuff on CL after hours Who?What?Received Copy-edited? Pictures? Sent to Miriam? Alistair article on e-bikes yes! yes, JR yesyes David draft road and cycleway policy yes sent LH David CAN Do report yes sent LH 6 ok res Richard/Lyneke post-CAN Do ride - west coast yes yes, JRlow res? yes Stephen pre-CAN Do riding Stephen using roads yesyes JR yes David book review yes sent LH cover image David internatonadviocacy resources yes sent LH yes richardRUWyesyes JR yes willurban cycleway, retro ride, PMyesyes JR Lynn Skapiti updateyesyes JR yes yesTom Hhutt updateyes yes, JR alastairCAW updateyes

An opinion piece from CAN aired in Stuff last week:The spectacle on our news-feeds of spats between two angry men- one holding a bicycle, one yelling from a car, is commonplace in this age of GoPro cameras, and media hungry for sensation. Despite resulting in no injury beyond insulted pride -not even a scratched bumper or buckled spoke- a recent row between a cyclist and SUV driver in Roehampton, England has had over 170,000 views on various media. Makes you wonder how many road-rage incidents between van and car drivers, or truck and motorbike drivers, occurred in the same week without fanfare. Yes, there's a prevalent urban myth that cyclists and motorists are at odds, battling for space, and failing to understand each other. There are people on bikes who act like idiots, and people using cars as though they were on a racetrack. But in reality, on the streets of New Zealand,...