Chainlinks is the magazine of the NZ Cycling Action Network (CAN).
Chainlnks serves New Zealand's cycling advocacy community and helps promote CAN's aims. It also informs business, local and central government and the community about cycling advocacy news and issues. Chainlinks was for many years issued as a full-colour paper magazine but in 2015 a gradual move towards electronic publishing was made. It's now issued as an email.
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...and more at this link.
Currently there are about 5000 recipients including all financial members of CAN, a number of supporting organisations such as local government authorities and cycling industry organisations, and occasional additional recipients who provided CAN with details at events like NZ Bike Expo or for a CAN survey.
To contact Chainlinks Editor:, or post CAN, 2 Forresters Lane, Te Aro, Wellington 6010
Editorial Policy
CAN welcomes contributions to Chainlinks that are relevant to and broadly in line with CAN's aims (stated below for your information):
- To increase public and official recognition of the benefits of (more) cycling.
- To increase safety for cyclists by educating cyclists and other road users and by improving provision for cyclists in transport planning and engineering.
- To promote the development of a cycling environment that is convenient, accessible, safe, comprehensive, connected, pleasant, and constructed to standards reflecting international best practice.
- To develop cycle advocacy and cycle action. To encourage cycle tourism.
- To promote the integration of cycle and transport planning with planning in areas like housing, land use, education, health and the environment.
Contributions may include articles, reviews, notices, news, photos or pictures, letters to the Editor, and anything else considered interesting to the CAN readership. Items obtained from elsewhere (i.e. non-original) must include adequate details of their source and copyright. Publication of any item is not an endorsement of the views presented.
Articles should generally focus on issues rather than personalities and should avoid discriminatory language.
Where appropriate and practicable, the right of reply will be given in the same issue or, failing that, in the following issue.
All contributors must provide adequate contact details and any relevant affiliations. Where there is potential ambiguity, contributors should indicate whether the material represents a personal or organisational opinion.
Electronic submission of material is preferred. The Editor reserves the right to decide whether to publish material, either in full or in condensed form. Written contributions should generally be no longer than 1 A4 page (1000 words), unless previously agreed with the Editor.
Every effort will be made to publish contributions in a timely manner. However, where space constraints dictate, the Editor may choose to publish submitted material in a later issue. Contributors should advise of any "publish by date" after which publication should not occur.
Any misrepresentation by Chainlinks or CAN, through genuine error and subsequently brought to the Editor's attention, will be corrected or retracted at the earliest opportunity.
Illustration: Chainlinks Cover November 2015