News: July 2024


Cycling Action Network submissionKey pointsCAN strongly opposes the draft Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 Lower speed limits reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes.Traffic crashes in New Zealand disproportionately affect pedestrians and cyclists.Greater perceived (and actual) safety conditions including from lower speed limits can increase the amount of cycling uptake.A large proportion of New Zealanders would choose to cycle for more of their journeys if conditions on our streets and roads were safer.The proposed rule disempowers local communities to have a voice in either (a) speed limit reversals or (b) setting safe speeds in the future.Cost benefit analysis processes are poor mechanisms for gauging the value of a transport project, especially when explicitly ignoring wider costs and impacts on health, environment, and ongoing user costs.Compared to the...

July 11, 2024

CAN has released a joint statement with Bike Auckland about our Mourning the future fallen ceremonies held today to acknowledge and pay our respects the extra lives that will be lost due to increasing speed limits around the country.Key points:The government is increasing speed limits under the new ‘Land Transport Rule: Setting of speed limits Rule 2024’, often called the Speed RuleOn roads around the country where safer speeds have been implemented, deaths and serious injuries have been reduced.New Zealanders are urged to inform themselves about the Speed Rule and have their say before consultation closes next Thursday 11 July.We need safe speeds.We’re calling on the Minister to ditch these lethal speed increases and to keep permanent bubbles of safety around schools. And to New Zealanders, if you feel the needless death of one adult or child is one too many, make sure you speak up...

July 5, 2024