

Bike-curious: A novice’s guide to buying your first e-bike

Courtesy of The Spinoff, May 2018: Last year New Zealand imported a massive 40,000 e-bikes and that number is likely to grow exponentially. But what do you need to know before you buy one? Russell Brown has the lowdown.

Further reading

NZ Electric Bike Review covers more models in greater detail than we can here. You can also follow @ElectricBazza and @ElectricMeg on Twitter.

Consumer NZ also has a periodically updated e-bike guide with reviews and advice.


August 21, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Submission in Support of Consent Application for Te Ara Tupua
August 2020

attached as PDF below


This submission strongly endorses the construction of a “seaward side” cycle path from Petone to Ngauranga.
DAST recommends that the Commissioners:
• Note the significant health benefits from increased active transport, including cycling.
• Note that these benefits will only be fully realised if there is a significant modal shift from private motor vehicles to active transport modes.
• Note that this shift...

August 17, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

In 2021 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is holding the On the Go Awards in partnership with Cycling Action Network and Living Streets Aotearoa as an opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and contribution of projects that support a healthier, cleaner and safer transport system.

"We would like to thank those who have sent through their nominations for the On the Go Awards 2020. We’ve received all nominations and thank you for the time and effort in compiling these, as well as the energy and innovation put into making active travel a safer and...

August 10, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Post Covid-19 insights and learnings

Source: Healthy Streets Lower Hutt

Community want space to move around.

There is nervousness about using public transport which makes active transport more attractive.

Flexible working arrangments will change what “rush hour” looks like and may influencechanging transport modes as new routines are established (both positively and negatively).

People are more familiar with their neighbourhoods, connecting with neighboursand walking/cycling close to home.

People are realiseing the value of what they...

July 22, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Do you want safe and attractive cycling in New Zealand? Vote bike.

No matter what kind of riding you are into, now is the time to take action.

The General Election is coming. You can vote from 5 to 19 September..More than 1.5 million people in NZ ride bikes. Let's demand safe and attractive streets.

How you can help

Check your enrolment. 
Vote for the party and candidate who best reflects your views on biking.
Here's a guide to transport policies from each party.


July 21, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling advocates say cities need to double down on building bike lanes


Investment in cycling has been welcomed by cycling advocates, but much more is needed.


“People deserve protection. Why are we waiting?” said Cycling Action Network spokesperson, Patrick Morgan.


He says there's no doubt biking is booming.



July 14, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Don't you hate it when you have a near miss?

It's unacceptable that our safety is at risk. Some drivers give drivers a bad name.
Councils and the Government have also failed us. They've designed and built a transport system that makes near misses inevitable. It doesn't have to be this way. Protected cycleways, better intersection designs, safe speeds, better training, and enforcement reduce conflict and crashes.

Having cameras on your bike increases you chance of follow up action, although there's no guarantees. This one got...

July 6, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

submission is attached as PDF

This covers the need to keep cycle lanes and road shoulders claer of road works signs etc.

June 30, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

27 May 2020
Dear Patrick,

I am following up on the attached letter sent to you earlier this year by Peter Mersi, Secretary for Transport, advising you that the Domestic Transport Costs and Charges (DTCC) Study was about to commence.  Thanks for agreeing to be the Cycling Action NZ contact for the Study.

The focus since that time has been on refining the methodology that will be used for the Study.  This has now been finalised into a detailed Methodology Report - a copy of which is available should you wish to receive it - and the consultant team has now commenced...

May 28, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling targets and priorities
for the next New Zealand Government (2020-2023)

Biking is booming. E-bikes are super-popular. More cycling means healthier communities, safer streets, more attractive cities and towns for people and business. It's excellent value for money.

1 PRIORITY Get kids biking to school

The targets: 6% of all kids’ trips to school by bike by December 2023


May 26, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Accessible Streets Submission from Cycling Action Network


We support the package. It makes sensible changes to make the roads safer for people who walk, bike, scoot or use other active transport.

We think these changes are particularly important:
● Allowing children, parents, the elderly and other people on bikes to choose to use footpaths in situations where they are unsafe on our roads.
● Sharing cycle lanes with eg micromobility devices, to give people a safe place to operate them off...

May 20, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Full submission is attached.


CAN agrees that the purpose of the transport system is to improve people’s well-being, and
the liveability of places (para. 1). However, the investment proposals in the draft GPS
appear to place considerable weight on New Zealand’s economic growth and, as such, will
lead to under-emphasis on social, cultural and environmental well-being.

CAN acknowledges that the Labour-NZ First Coalition government has introduced many new
initiatives that recognise that a broad-based approach to well-being...

May 11, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Safe space is urgently needed for walking and cycling, say advocates

News release from Cycle Wellington

Transport advocates have today called on Wellington City Council to enact urgent measures to support safe walking and cycling and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Wellington Council needs to respond to public health directives on physical distancing in busy areas for people who are walking and cycling,” said Cycle Wellington spokesperson,...

April 27, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

WCC Shelly Bay proposal
9 Sept 2017

Presented by Patrick Morgan on behalf of Ron Beernink, Chair Cycle Aware Wellington

Today I'll talk about the Hunger Games and broken parking buildings.

We've heard about how this plan is the opposite of what we're trying to achieve in Wellington.

It takes us further from our goal of being a low-carbon city where people are not locked into driving.
It is...

April 23, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Webinar Invitation - How To Talk about Urban Mobility and Transport

We have the opportunity for you to join our webinar on how to talk about urban mobility and transport this Friday 24 April 2020, 11am-1pm.

The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a tiny glimpse into what cities might look like if we shift New Zealanders away from car use. But moving into public and active transport remains a challenge. Even where we’ve seen raised levels of public concern about transport in urban environments, we haven’t always seen a matching increase in...

April 23, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Transportation in the Coronavirus Era - webinar notes

23 April 2020

Intro: How are other cities responding to and planning for transportation in the Coronavirus Era?

What might happen to mode share after the lockdown has ended?

What do we need to be thinking about at this time to plan and respond accordingly?

Come and hear our three panelists share their current thinking on the transportation challenges that we...

April 23, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Cut traffic speeds to reduce pressure on hospitals 

It’s time to lower traffic speeds to reduce crashes and free up hospital beds, say cycling advocates.

"This will reduce harm and ease the burden on our health workers and emergency services," says Patrick Morgan from Cycling...

March 29, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling leaders announced

Cycling Action Network has elected a new Board to lead advocacy in New Zealand.

CAN Chair, Jon Dean said cycling would benefit from the skills and energy of the new Board.

“There's no doubt that cycling is on the up, with more than a million New Zealanders enjoying the ride,” he said.

“Managing that growth and improving safety are our top...

March 26, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

Accessible Streets submission guide

The Government is proposing some rule changes, called the Accessible Streets Regulatory Package. These are designed to improve safety for people on footpaths, encourage walking and biking, and support  liveable and vibrant towns and cities.

We think these proposals are great overall, as a complement to safer speeds and more cycleways. Have your say today. Feedback is open until 20 May.


March 18, 2020 Patrick READ MORE

News release from Cycling Action Network, 10 March 2020

New road rules make sense and will reduce risk, say cycling advocates


Today the Government released its Accessible Streets package of traffic rules for public consultation.

“This is a sensible package of rule changes, which will help to reduce risk on our streets and footpaths,” says Patrick Morgan, from Cycling Action Network.


March 6, 2020 Patrick READ MORE