Welcome to CAN Do, CAN's annual get-together. The weekend includes our AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink, and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand, at the home of High Performance Cycling in New Zealand.
Dates: 29th Feburary, 2020
Location: Avantidrome, 15 Hanlin Road, Cambridge
Registration: On-line
It's CAN DO time again, and for this year, the home of Cycling New Zealand plays host.
The CAN Do is our annual workshop and AGM that brings together cycling advocates from around New Zealand. You will supercharge your advocacy skills, with training on effective messaging, networking, and campaigning.
Not only will we have the normal CAN activities, which include workshops, discussions and presentations from guest speakers; this year you get to try track cycling on a UCI track!
Our very own Acting CAN board Chair Claire Sherrington, as an accredited track cycling coach, and will be running sessions for those of us who want to pedal the boards.
Don't worry if track cycling is not your thing, the Avantidrome is one of the stops on the Te Awa, The Great New Zealand River Ride. From the Avantidrome it's a short pedal in to Cambridge, which after having State Highway 1 moved from traversing the village is undergoing an urban resurgence, with cycling being one of the key transport modes.
Programme hightlights -
- A climate for change - how cycling can deliver low-carbon cities
- https://www.midlandtrauma.nz/ - it's in the data, amazing insights to cycle crashes. How it can help us.
- Learn more about Cambridge's story. It is rapidly become New Zealand's cycling epicentre with amazing communtiy cycling opportunities to right to the top end of cycling.
- How did Hamilton turn one its key traffic bridges into a bike-friendly zone?
- Planning the cycling city - how to Go Dutch in New Zealand.
- A perspective from lwell known NZ cyclist journalist and author, Russell Jones
- Met Eltje Malzbender, paracyclist and double world champion in training for Tokyo Paralympics. In 2016 Eltje was disabled in a near death hit and run crash while in King Country countryside.
- 2020 advocacy - a clear vision for successful campaigns. This is a workshop to kick start your work in your local area.
- Early evening activites are either "have a go" session on the Avantidrome (limited to 15 spaces) and also the opportunities to see great local cycling features - 2 pump parks, Te Awa path, Safe ways to Schools projects improvements.