


Share the Road
Report on campaigns already in existence both NZ & international

1. What works?

Bicycle Safety Campaign Review
What do successful bicycle safety campaigns have in common, and what tactics should be used in the future to achieve success? To help answer this, Bikes Belong (USA) conducted a review of campaigns, primarily used in the U.S.

In the U.S., most bicycle safety campaigns focus on informing road users rather than on convincing behavior change. It's easier and cheaper to provide information (laws,...

May 2, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Ghost bikes are memorials to fallen riders. A white painted bicycle is placed at the crash site where a cyclist was killed or injured. Each ghost bike is unique: a remembrance, advocacy, activism, street art.

Ghost bikes have appeared in over 150 cities across four continents. was formed to show support for this important way of remembering tragedies and making our roads safer.

May 2, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

From Paul Bruce:

A Strategic walking and cycling improvement package
is up for consultation within the draft Hutt Corridor Plan which can be
accessed via
or more directly at Full Draft Hutt Corridor Plan 2011

Submissions close on Wed 15 June.

The off-road cycleway/walkway between Ngauranga and Petone is part of this.

Please make submissions calling for a full detailed investigation during the next financial year 2011/12 (beginning June). This is an urgent project as there are serious safety...

April 29, 2011 AlastairS READ MORE

Please find attached a document on the proposed direction for the next
Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding, and a covering letter
inviting you to submit your views on the proposed direction.

April 28, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Government poised to increase state highway spending; Transport Minister on budget priorities

Includes comments from Greens, Road Transport Forum, Roading NZ, CAN (Patrick Morgan), and an interview with Steven Joyce.

"Especially where money is scarce, investment in cycling is the best way to reduce road congestion and boost prosperity.

With a million and a half people riding bikes in NZ, there's massive demand for quality cycleways, especially in our cities. And every person on a bike creates more road space for essential freight movements." - CAN


April 28, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Bike Futures Seminar
Lifting cycling to the next level - lessons from Melbourne and Portland
Friday 15 April 2011, 9am - 4pm, Auckland

The Auckland Bike Futures Seminar focused on the latest thinking and major issues confronting communities as we move to embrace the bicycle revolution.

A key message
Don't sell biking. Find out what the Council wants and sell that e.g. prosperity, quality of life, tourism, resilience, health, low debt.

What should be the priorities for our Councils?
Spending - at least $5 per resident per year.

April 26, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Bicycle transportation is good for a lot of things-it's healthy, it's green, it's quiet, it's fun, it builds community. It also makes financial sense, and the magnitude of bicycling's economic impact gets far less attention than it deserves. In the Bikenomics series, Elly Blue explores the scope of that impact, from personal finance to local economies to the big picture of the national budget. In the grassroots and on a policy level, the bicycle is emerging as an effective engine of economic recovery.

How bicycling will save the economy (if we let it)

April 26, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling Advocates Network manager Patrick Morgan will travel to Europe in September to study best-practice cycle training programmes. The study trip is partly funded by a Winston Churchill Fellowship.

Report: It's as easy as riding a bike

Mr Morgan says cycling skills can be acquired informally or taught in training programmes.

"Cycle skills are basic life skills which everyone should have, much like swimming and literacy."

Learning how to ride properly makes cycling more enjoyable and safer for children, adults and other road users, he says.


April 19, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

A world expert on road diets, Dan Burden begins this chapter of Moving Beyond the Automobile saying, "a road diet is anytime you take any lane out of a road". Of course the knee-jerk reaction is likely to be along the lines of, "How can removing lanes improve my neighbourhood and not cause traffic backups?" But in nearly every case, the opposite is true.

Every road user benefits when road diets go in.

They're good for drivers: making roadways safer, more efficient, and providing turning lanes so through traffic can proceed without waiting. They're good for cyclists: a...

April 19, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

"Today, bicycles continue to provide mobility and freedom to many people in the U.S. who don't have driver's licenses, don't own a car, don't have access to public transit, or simply don't want to drive.

President Obama understands that.

And when cycling advocates see me exhibiting my enthusiasm for more bicycling and pedestrian options, it's out of this Administration's desire to give people more flexible, convenient, and
affordable options when it comes to getting around.

Now, the transportation budget President Obama proposed to Congress is a big, bold...

April 19, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Check topics for discussion - CAW rep is Craig Lucena

April 18, 2011 AlastairS READ MORE

WCC are calling for submissions on the Draft 2011/12 Annual Plan - you can look at a summary, or the most relevant section for CAW, the transport section.

Submissions due 12 May - any enthusiasttic volunteers?

April 12, 2011 AlastairS READ MORE

An invasion of spiders in numerous cases has forced Mazda to announce a car recall. Several automobiles have been impacted by the yellow sac arachnid, which is enticed by the smell of gasoline into the car's emission control system. The recall includes 65,000 Mazda6 autos from 2009-10 that have been determined vulnerable to the yellow sac arachnid. Source of article - Arachnid infestation prompts Mazda to recall 65,000 cars by

Motor troubles from a spider

The Mazda spider recall of 65,916 vehicles was prompted after the after the National Highway...

April 11, 2011 GabrielF READ MORE

It has been announced that BikeNZ and CAN have been appointed by the NZ Transport Agency to train cyclist skills instructors in order to fulfil a new NZQA qualification. This new national standard is to ensure cycle skills instructors, whether they are delivering the BikeNZ Learn to Ride programme or any other certified programme, have the knowledge and skills needed to teach both adults and children to ride safely.

Three Grade One courses will be held in June, with a further 12 courses being run over the next year to cover grades one to three of the NZTA guidelines.


April 8, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Hastings has won the rights to hold the inaugural National Walking and Cycling Conference in 2012.

The combined conference, to be held in early 2012, will replace the two series of cycling conferences and walking conferences, which have been held individually, biennially in the past".

The combined conference is expected to attract a large number of delegates to Hastings and allow representatives from both sectors to tackle shared barriers and challenges, at the one forum.

In awarding Hastings the conference, the New Zealand Walking and Cycling Conference committee...

April 7, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Working daily with budding bicycle and pedestrian advocacy leaders throughout the US and Canada, I've seen many organizations spark and fizzle while others develop into a lasting flame.

So what separates the groups whose fire is short-lived from those that go on for decades and go on to win big victories for biking and walking rights?

Here are five tips that healthy, lively, and long-lasting advocacy groups almost always follow.

1. Build a dream team
Advocacy is all about relationship building. And a successful advocacy organization starts with a...

April 6, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Well-known singer Don McGlashan has a punctured lung and several broken bones after smashing into a car door while he was cycling.

April 5, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

The end of daylight saving means it is time for cyclists to dust off their lights and add a bit of fluorescence to their riding wardrobe.

Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) spokesman Patrick Morgan said as the days get shorter, cyclists need to get brighter.

"Bike lights and high-visibility riding gear make you easier to see," said Mr Morgan.

Cycling fatalities have declined over recent years despite increasing bike sales. Mr Morgan said it could have something to do with cyclists embracing the culture of being seen.

"I have seen drivers sitting at an intersection do...

April 1, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Petrol and diesel-driven cars should be banned from cities across Europe by 2050 to slash dependence on oil and tackle climate change, the European Commission said today.

A sweeping transport plan to be put to EU governments insists that phasing out "conventionally fuelled" cars by then is not an assault on personal mobility.

Coupled with proposals and targets covering road, rail and air travel, the Commission says its transformation of the European transport system can increase mobility and cut congestion and emissions.

EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas said: "The...

March 31, 2011 Patrick READ MORE