

It is not just the unfortunate cyclist who had a scrape with a truck on Rocks Rd at the weekend who should be thanking her lucky stars that the incident wasn't far worse. She reportedly escaped the collision with cuts and bruises, and a wrecked bicycle; witnesses are amazed that she was able to walk from the scene.

Even as a minor incident the episode raises questions about how the waterfront highway is being managed in its current reduced state. If it had been more serious, it seems that the Transport Agency would have some awful consequences to answer for, given the reports that...

January 20, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

A WOMEN-only cycling group that aims to build up the confidence of road-shy cyclists around Warwick district will launch with its first ride next weekend.

Dawn Rahman of British Cycling will lead a leisurely-paced and traffic-free cycle along cycling paths and canals as part of a national campaign - Breeze - to get ladies back on the saddle.

Dawn, who lives in Warwick Gates, is the organisation’s recreation manager for the West Midlands, but she is giving up her free time to act as a ‘Breeze champion’ in the hope that more women will feel safer and happier about travelling by...

January 20, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

The very best of news years to you, and welcome to cycle advocacy, 2012.

Rob Davidson who, for many years, has burnt bright the candle on our
behalf as a stalwart campaigner for cycling in and around Hamilton has
finally done the sensible thing for himself and called it quits from doing everything.

In Brief:

There are several things we need to do:
• Have an AGM that involves a social do
• Organise when and how we will meet
• Decide on a strategy for the upcoming year

What we traditionally do:

The roles we need to fill on an ongoing...

January 17, 2012 Robbie.Price READ MORE

There are a lot of imaginative uses for abandoned railroad tracks out there, from awesome urban parks like New York's High Line to bike and pedestrian highways. Lloyd, however, points out the downside to permanently removing tracks:

I have the same concern every time I look at the work of the Rails to Trails Conservancy. They have a great message, promoting investment in bicycling and walking, but every time a set of tracks is torn up, an opportunity for restructuring our transportation system is lost.

But the "O," from Italian designer Davide Bonanni, finds a middle...

January 16, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

This morning at 5.30am I was on my bike. I'll be on it again tomorrow at the same time.

I don't own any skin-tight cycling clobber. Nor do I own much of a bicycle, just one of those easy-rider roadster bikes with a comfy seat.

In serious cycling circles, I'd be considered a bit of a joke.

But that doesn't stop me getting on my bike every morning before work. The fact that I have a fabulous limestone cycling pathway along the coast from my home has made the morning bike ride an irresistible ritual.

I only tackle a tiny part of Hawke's...

January 16, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

For some, riding a bike is transportation, a healthy, environmentally friendly way to get from A to B. For others it's recreation, an activity to test their own physical capabilities, stay in shape. For some local cyclists, the bike has become a vehicle that can change lives, maybe even make the world a better place.

Cycling helped Kelyn Akuna see the world. Now he's hoping it will help aboriginal youth see their way in the world.

Akuna, 28, is a former member of the United States track cycling team. Since he started riding at age 16, he raced at events in France,...

January 13, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

Congratulations to the 2012 Cycle-Friendly Awards Winners


MWH award for Best Cycle Facility Project

Te Ara a Waiau Walkway / Cycleway & Te Weheka Walkway / Cycleway (Fox and Franz Glaciers Access Project) - Dept. of Conservation, NZTA

NZTA award for Best Cycling Promotion Project

i-Way Share the Road Campaign - Hastings District Council

Dunedin City Council award for Cycle Friendly Commitment by a Business

Auckland Harbour Bridge - Copeland/Airey

Auckland Transport award for Cycle Friendly Commitment by a Public...

January 12, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

A cyclist was killed yesterday (8 January) when he and a cycling partner were hit by a car on a busy road in Tauranga.

The 50-year-old local man was travelling with a female cyclist on State Highway 36 at Pyes Pa.

Emergency services were called just after midday to the critically injured man, who died soon after.

The woman was rushed to Tauranga Hospital, where she was treated for minor injuries and discharged later in the afternoon.

Senior Sergeant Robert Glencross said the serious crash team were still investigating the crash.

"An initial assessment...

January 10, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

BikeNZ is coming to you to share our vision for New Zealand cycling


Let's Talk!

Our vision is to be a nation embracing cycling- providing more quality cycling opportunities for more Kiwis.

To achieve this, we’re working alongside you, our cycling community, to develop a unified five year national plan - something New Zealand cycling has never had before.

We have listened to the needs of our community and mapped out a plan that we believe...

January 9, 2012 Alex admin READ MORE

This article was written for CAN's Chainlinks magazine, but we are only printing an excerpt of it in Chanlinks, due to constraints on space.

Authors: Alistair Woodward, Graeme Lindsay, Alex Macmillan
School of Population Health in the University of Auckland

The risks of cycling are mostly obvious. Many riders have suffered injuries as a result of a crash, or know of people who have been injured. In a study of those who took part in the 2006 Taupo Cycle Challenge, one-third told us they had suffered a...

January 3, 2012 stephenw READ MORE

The ultimate New Zealand cycling experience, the Tour of New Zealand cycle ride, 14-21 april 2012.

The Basics
The ultimate kiwi cycling experience, the Tour of New Zealand is a 7-day, epic road ride taking in km after km of iconic NZ scenery (keeping to the quieter roads where possible).

You choose to cycle either the North or the South Island, Cape Reinga to Wellington, or Bluff to Picton. Then on day 8, riders from both islands will converge for a final showdown round the Beehive.

We're looking to get as many bikes on the Tour as possible, so...

December 20, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Bicycles and summer go together, and kids of all ages will be heading out on new bikes this Christmas.

Cycling Advocates' Network spokesperson Patrick Morgan says a bicycle is often near the top of the Christmas wish list.

In 2005 a BBC poll ranked the bicycle as the favourite invention, ahead of electricty and the internet.

For those lucky enough to find a bicycle at the foot of the Christmas tree, Cycling Advocates' Network has some tips:

Cycling is fun; having fun is more important than going fast
Learn how to use your brakes
Get started with firm...

December 20, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

The UK Department for Transport recently commissioned the Transport Research Laboratory to conduct a literature review to consider the role of infrastructure in relation to the safety of cyclists and their interaction with other road users.

"Overall, it proved problematic to draw firm conclusions from the literature," admitted TRL, but it concluded "Of all interventions to increase cycle safety, the greatest benefits come from reducing motor vehicle speeds."

Read more here:


December 19, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

This research, which was conducted from July 2008 to January 2010, investigated what type of cycling infrastructure would encourage 'new cyclists' (i.e. people who either do not currently cycle at all, or people who do not currently cycle for utilitarian trips) to use cycling as their mode of transport for daily activities in New Zealand.

The research involved undertaking an international literature review followed by national surveys and Christchurch-based focus groups, to gain an understanding of some of the motivations and barriers associated with utilitarian cycling, and to...

December 19, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Advantages and disadvantages

A cost-benefit analysis often forms the basis for political decision making prior to traffic investments. Cost-benefit analyses involve assigning a monetary value to the advantages and disadvantages of a construction project. This makes it possible to weigh the benefits (e.g. reduced travel times and reduced pollution) against the disadvantages (e.g. construction costs and noise).

Cycle projects

The Danish Ministry of Transport has a manual for calculating cost-benefit. However, the manual does not...

December 18, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

Some of the most powerful things that have effected change throughout history appear to have been symbols.

Symbols hint at something bigger, deeper, beyond.....

Our household was blessed recently to have hosted Hutch - a wonderful kind man in his seventies, cycling the world, meeting people...and planting seeds of hope. 

(We have met some wonderful folk through the "Warm Showers List" - where people from all over the world offer hospitality to cycle tourists.  "Sign up!" is my advice!)

So bicycle as symbol resonates as we explore new territory...

December 14, 2011 Paul Doherty READ MORE

Cycling levels in Sydney could more than double if laws forcing cyclists to wear helmets were repealed, according to a new research published today in the Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

One in five adults surveyed in Sydney said they would ride a bicycle more if they did not have to wear a helmet, according co-author Professor Chris Rissel from the School of Public Health, at the University of Sydney.

Researchers involved in 'The possible effect on frequency of cycling if mandatory bicycle helmet legislation was repealed in Sydney, Australia: a cross sectional survey'...

December 12, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

Cyclists. They’re nothing but a bunch of Green-voting, latte-sipping, inner-city trendoids with an over-developed sense of entitlement.

That’s what you’d think if you believed much of the media coverage given to cycling in the past few years. From shock jocks to tabloid TV shows to newspaper columnists, there's always someone ready to have a go at cyclists.

Especially media organisations that favour the conservative side of politics.

This vilification is curious, given that Australia is a nation of bicycle buyers. Last year, we bought more cycles than cars – something...

December 12, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

Volunteer trail builders are the heroes of the Wellington cycling community, winning the award for the best piece of cycling infrastructure.

Cycle Aware Wellington presented the first Roll On Wellington Awards on 6 December.

Spokesperson Claire Pascoe says the awards showcase the best and brightest of cycling in Wellington.

"They're a great opportunity for the cycling community to show their support for the things they love in Wellington. There were lots of winners on the night... as well as a few who lost out."

Volunteer trail builders' hard work pays off not just...

December 7, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Greater Wellington Regional Council is now calling for submissions on the Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust's proposal to rebuild the railway from Maymorn to Summit, replacing the Rimutaka Rail Trail. Submissions are due by 31 January 2012.

The proposal is substantially as presented to GWRC in November.

The specification for the "walking track" has been widened to 4m, and the gradient to a maximum of 5%, but the cost does not appear to have changed!

There are some suggested precautions to be taken against fire hazard, including replanting vegetation along the track...

December 5, 2011 AlastairS READ MORE