

A cyclist broke her leg when she was trapped under a car after a collision in Hamilton this morning.

The 27-year-old's leg was stuck under the car which was lifted, then freed by firefighters.

Hamilton police Senior Sergeant Gill Meadows said the woman was travelling west on Boundary Rd when the crash happened at the intersection of Oakley Ave about 8.45am.

The woman was in a moderate condition and suffered a broken leg.

Boundary Rd was briefly closed as the scene was cleared.

Police are investigating the cause of the crash.

December 5, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Yes, it does, says Sam Margolis from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets

If you live in London, or in any other major centre in the UK, you may well have seen the adverts promoting free cycling training offered by local authorities. In the absence of high-quality cycling infrastructure, many councils have pushed cycle training schemes as a relatively low-budget method of boosting safer and more cycling.

In 2009/10, the total funding for cycle training in London alone was over £3m. It is seen as a useful tool not only to build skills and techniques for riding a bike, but to...

December 5, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

It's as easy as riding a bike
A report to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Patrick Morgan
Cycling Advocates Network,
December 2011

caption: Children riding home from school, Assen, the Netherlands
Photo gallery on Flickr

With assistance from the WCMT I studied cycle training programmes in the UK, Denmark, Netherlands and USA in September and October 2011. I met cycle skills trainers, planners, media and advocates.

My goal is to lift the standard of...

December 1, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Planning is underway for an intensive public information campaign for changes to two give way rules that will come in on the 25 March 2012.

The campaign will be run in the month leading up to the date of the actual change on 25 March 2012, with national advertising starting ten days before the change. This late February start date is necessary to avoid public confusion and minimise the risk of people starting to use the new rules too early. This thinking is based on best practice when Victoria, Australia changed a similar rule in 1993.

The NZTA is developing the public...

November 24, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Transport dominates every aspect of our lives, our health, the form of our communities, our environment, economy and our personal financial well-being.

Smart Transport means providing a full spectrum of appropriate, sustainable and integrated transport choices.

The Smart Transport Network has been formed following the Smart Transport Conference, held in parliament buildings in August 2010, to present a new collective national voice, with an international perspective on transport solutions.

The Smart Transport Network will advocate for smart, modern solutions and...

November 23, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Come join us lovers of bicycles AND democracy this coming Saturday.
We are just gonna be riding around the central city neighborhoods dressed in neutral ORANGE, ringing our bells and reminding people to vote. Frequent café stops. Fun guaranteed!

Auckland: 2pm, 1 Porters Place, Eden Terrace, Newton.
It doesn't matter which way you vote, on Saturday it is all about making sure people are exercising their democracy. All you need is to be wearing orange. You don't even need to own a bike, as we have 15 that are being lent to us for free! Thanks NextBike...

November 22, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

The Path Less Pedaled
In March 2009, we sold all of our belongings to explore the United States by bicycle, and started In traveling and sharing our journey, we have inspired thousands of other people to
follow their own travel dreams. is an adventure travel blog that is recognized as one of the leading bike touring
websites, with compelling photography, videos and writing. The website averages 40,000 visitors per
month and is constantly growing. In addition to the website, we have over...

November 18, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Posted by David Hawke (Committee)

November 17, 2011 DavidHawke READ MORE

Protecting the Rimutaka Trail

Greater Wellington has recently received an application from the Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust for permission to reinstate the railway line.

We need to front up on 23 Nov and 15 Dec at GW. Who can come?
Please email and with your views.

Points you might want to make:
- with 80,000 visitors a year, the Rimutaka Trail is the most popular in the region.
- it's considered the best ride in the region for beginners and families
- it's a convenient and...

November 15, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) and BikeNZ have issued advice for drivers and cyclists following a fatal crash in Dunedin this morning.

Although the details of the crash have not yet been released, CAN spokesperson Patrick Morgan has reiterated advice to all road users about proven ways to reduce the chances of a crash.

Advice for drivers:
* Look twice for cyclists, especially those coming from the left hand side.
* Give cyclists plenty of space. Allow 1.5 metres between you and the cyclist.
* For truck and bus drivers: get the best mirror system you can to...

November 14, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Two Car Free Days Planned in Response to the Tauranga Oil Spill, Over the Next Three Months

Could you forget fossil fueled transport for one day?

Sunday 27 November marks a Car Free Day being launched this year in what's being labelled a ‘positive, proactive response' to the Tauranga oil spill currently happening off the east coast of New Zealand.

Organiser Charlotte Squire, Editor of the good news website Happyzine says Car Free Days are a great way to quickly reduce oil consumption, and can be an "ode to the people of Tauranga" during a challenging time for their...

November 8, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Safety is a two-way street
Emma Davis and Senior Constable Pat Kauri are interviewed for Greater Wellington's new safety campaign.

November 7, 2011 Patrick READ MORE

Emma Hope of WCC writes:

Noticed anything different when you've been on the Waterfront lately?

Wellington Waterfront Ltd and Wellington City Council have recently made some subtle new additions to the Wellington Waterfront, and they want to know what you think! The survey ( will take approximately five minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential. For any further information, please contact Emma Hope at Wellington City Council on

We'll also be stopping people on the...

November 1, 2011 AlastairS READ MORE

It's so cold the gears need defrosting, roads are like ice rinks and helmets are strapped over full-face balaclavas.

But the mayor of the favourite city for cycling in the United States says if Minneapolis can achieve what it has, there's no reason Melbourne and other Australian cities can't follow.

Almost halfway across a country famed for its car culture and with a climate to test the bravest – think snow ploughs and Fargo – Minneapolis doesn't strike as one where commuters would prefer the saddle over the car heater.

But its ranking as the best biking...

October 13, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

CAN's Project Manager, Patrick Morgan pops up on The Bike Show: The Bike Show is a weekly radio show about cycling. It is broadcast in central London on radio art station Resonance 104.4fm.  You can listen to the show and Patrick is on air about half way through the show; start to listen off this page or download from iTunes.

October 10, 2011 Graeme READ MORE

Chicago would have 3,000 bicycles to rent from 300 stations by next summer — with no charge for the first 30 minutes — under an ambitious plan in the works aimed at making cycling a “new transit system.”

Former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s dream of creating a Paris-style bike rental program in Chicago is about to take off, with the city issuing a “request for proposals” (RFP) for a grand plan bigger than Daley envisioned.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his handpicked Transportation Commissioner...

October 10, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

CAN and the Chainlinks team are planning a special issue of Chainlinks for the start of 2012. Work doesn't usually start on the first Chainlinks issue of each year until January and February, and the issue doesn't come out until March or sometimes even April.

For 2012 we will have an issue out in late January, so it's there for Bike month.

Although the current issue of Caninlinks is delayed it has a description of the special issue like this in it.

The next issue of Chainlinks will be published in early 2012 and will be out in time...

October 9, 2011 stephenw READ MORE

Bicycling greenways — networks of residential roads that are outfitted with speed bumps, landscaped curbs that make portions of a street narrower, or stop signs to give cyclists and pedestrians priority over cars — have become a political selling point for Proposition 1.

For several years, Seattle has painted bicycle lanes or icons on nearly all major streets, in hopes of encouraging people to ride.

Cycling has increased, but a lot of people remain ambivalent, including Jennifer Litowski of Ballard. She's comfortable riding some of the less-busy arterials. But when her 5...

October 7, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

NEW YORK — Bicycle lanes, cycling lessons for adults, and soon 10,000 bikes in a sharing program: New York is pedaling hard to join the world's growing love affair with the bicycle.

The number of New Yorkers taking the two-wheeled option to commute has doubled in the last five years, according to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office. They are still a relatively rare sight as they zigzag between the yellow cabs and heavy traffic pouring through Manhattan each rush hour.

But if this can still be a perilous activity, that's starting to change, with 350 kilometers of new bike...

October 7, 2011 Alex admin READ MORE

Coastal Path Use

The 7km coastal walkway, from the Port to the Waiwhakaiho River mouth, was formally opened by New Plymouth District Council in December 2003.

The 3km coastal walkway extension, from the Waiwhakaiho River mouth to Bell Block, was opened in December 2010.

The coastal walkway is very popular with the public and is enjoyed by large numbers of pedestrians, cyclists and other users. For example, nearly 30,000 people used it at Te Henui and Te Rewa Rewa bridges during each of the summer months.

Being such an important rates-funded community asset, a review...

October 6, 2011 Graeme READ MORE