Emma Hope of WCC writes:
Noticed anything different when you've been on the Waterfront lately?
Wellington Waterfront Ltd and Wellington City Council have recently made some subtle new additions to the Wellington Waterfront, and they want to know what you think! The survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/sharedpathways) will take approximately five minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential. For any further information, please contact Emma Hope at Wellington City Council on emma.hope@wcc.govt.nz
We'll also be stopping people on the waterfront next week.
Thanks in anticipation..
Emma Hope
Sustainable Transport Coordinator, Transport Planning
Ph: 64-4-803 8632 Mob: 021 227 8632 Fax 64-4-801 3009
Email emma.hope@wcc.govt.nz Internet www.Wellington.govt.nz
Council Offices, 101 Wakefield Street
PO Box 2199, Wellington, New Zealand