We're doing a 'special' issue for the first Chainlinks for 2012 - with input Nov 2011

CAN and the Chainlinks team are planning a special issue of Chainlinks for the start of 2012. Work doesn't usually start on the first Chainlinks issue of each year until January and February, and the issue doesn't come out until March or sometimes even April.

For 2012 we will have an issue out in late January, so it's there for Bike month.

Although the current issue of Caninlinks is delayed it has a description of the special issue like this in it.

The next issue of Chainlinks will be published in early 2012 and will be out in time for Bike Month in February. We'd like to make it a special issue, with articles from local groups describing what they do and how to join, rather than just recent news. We hope to also have articles on CAN's advocacy and project work and with practical information for new cyclists (e.g. how to become a commuter, how to cycle as a family, cycling to school, cycle touring, overseas cycle touring)

The idea is to create an issue that can be used as a promotional tool, and is useful for a longer time than other issues of Chainlinks.

The content will be required by the end of  November in order for the editing and layout to be completed before Christmas.

Each group will get up to a page devoted, as long as they can provide copy to fill it. if not, the fall-back position would be to publish a group description and contact details in say half a page. The issue could be bigger than usual and a local group might like to get a local advertiser from their area. We've set a rate of $80 for a small block advert, the size is about 15% of the pager in keeping wity CAN's policy of limiting all adverticing to 15% of page area.

I presented the idea at the CAN Do and wasn't shot down in flames, so the palns are going forward. We'll organise some content at the national level using committee and staff, and will probably be ringing around groups looking for contributions.

Remember - content will be required by the end of  November


We have a searate page for collating the material as it comes in here (viewable by Chainlinks and CAN staff only) .

Submissions to Chainlinks should be emailed to chainlinks@can.org.nz and there is an overview of Chainlinks here 


Thanks Stephen

Yesterday I took a series of really good photos of  a small group of Year 6 school students doing(NZTA/ HCC funded) Grade 2 onroad cycle training, and can write an accompanying article if this if useful. I also have some great photos of a group of 5 - 8 year olds using a newly completed off road cycling and walking link to the city during the recent school holidays. Let me know if you are interested in both or either and if so, should I send article(s) in directly, or via CAW? 

yes, the traing article sounds good. We probably should have something that gives an overview of cycle training - e.g the new cycle training standards and link to NZQA, and that overview and an article showing training in action could be complementary, or perhaps they could be combined.

We do have the services of a copy editor we like to put all the articles through, and this sort of thing, combining articles or making links between them, can happen at that stage.

for an article like this send direct to chainlinks, it doesn't have to come via the local group. We will be trying to keep track of things on the separate planing page.

the photos of kids using the off-road facility might be usefull general illustration of either the kids training article or the family cycling article Dave's doing


Sounds wonderful. I'm doing "Family cycling" article, only touches on cyclist training

Maybe these photos could form the basis of a "cycle training" article?
