

Kids cycling to school - what you need to know

With more children on bikes this week, cycling advocates are offering advice to parents and drivers.

"People can expect to see more children on bikes as schools reopen this week," says Patrick Morgan from Cycling Action Network.

"Drivers need to pay extra attention, and slow down around schools."

He says some schools have a 40 km/h speed limit in place, to reduce traffic danger.

"The Government and Councils are investing $350 million in cycling, so we will see more bike lanes with children...

February 1, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling advocates say the Island Bay design is safe."It's been proven all over the world. I think that change is hard. People will get used to it and I predict Island Bay people will be proud of their new cycleway," said Patrick Morgan of the Cycling Action Network.

January 26, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Short bike videos
Ask Patrick if you want to view these.

Amsterdam Bicycle Rush Hour 5 minutes, 2013
Meester Visserplein in the city centre. 5:30pm. The junction is busy, a main cycle route crosses a main motor vehicle route, but traffic flows smoothly and relaxed.


The man who lived on his bike-HD 3 minutes, 2012

I love being on a bike, it helps me feel free. I get it from my dad. After days and days of...

January 11, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Ride before Bride
Most people might spend the eve of their wedding preparing vows or confirming last-minute changes. But Evan Floden spent the day tackling a gruelling cycle race.

Napier-born Floden lives in Spain but flew to New Zealand at the end of December to visit family and marry his partner Veronica.

On Friday, the 30-year-old competed in the Hawke's Bay Summer Cycling Carnival time trial event, a 23-kilometre flying lap that started and finished at Taradale's Church Road Winery.

Clearly not exhausted from all that, Floden also managed to...

January 11, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling gets safer as popularity increasesNews release from Cycling Action Network
8 January 2016

Cycling advocates are welcoming news of more people cycling, and a fall in injuries.

Cycling Action Network spokesman Patrick Morgan says both numbers are moving in the right direction.

"Increases in cycling and a fall in injuries are consistent with the 'safety in numbers' effect. It appears that as more people cycle, it gets safer."

"More journeys made by bicycle eases congestion for those who need to drive."

Auckland Transport...

January 7, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Have you sampled a Cycle Trail this summer? How was it?

Imagine riding through the cool of the dense New Zealand bush, with only the call of native birds loud above the hum of your bike. Trails sweeping wide bends to reveal breathtaking views of snowcapped peaks mirrored in a still lake. Journeys such as these exist, and are exactly what ‘Nga Haerenga, The New Zealand Cycle Trail' has to offer.

This Summer sees most of New Zealand's Great Rides open, providing exciting journeys on 2,500km of trails. These cycle trails breathe new life into old tracks, roads and...

January 5, 2016 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

What are employers' responsibilities under the new law?

Worksafe NZ have provided the following general advice. To be sure of the position in any particular case, we would recommend that you seek legal advice.

Is an employer is liable for cyclists in three different scenarios:

· If the cyclist rides their bicycle to and from work and is injured during that travel

· If the cyclist has to ride their bicycle as a part of their work and is injured as part of their work


December 21, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

NZTA supports cycling
The Government's Urban Cycleways Programme caters to growing demand for making urban cycling a safer and more attractive transport choice. There's growing demand from New Zealander's who want to cycle more. Cycling is already the third most popular recreational activity in NZ and with up to 76% of residents in our biggest urban areas saying they'd cycle if safe, separated cycleways were provided, we're on our way to getting more people cycling to work.

Over the next three years $333 million of shared investment from the Urban Cycleways...

December 16, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Roll on Wellington Awards 2015 reward the best of cycling

Community spirit and the promise of big things to come were the two main themes in this year's Roll on Wellington Awards, presented today.

Cycle Aware Wellington spokesperson James Burgess says the awards showcase the best and brightest of cycling in Wellington.

"A lot's been happening in cycling over the last year, and this was reflected in the wide range of nominations. While the council's been hard at work creating a vision for the city's future, people from the community have...

December 1, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Hello Bike Auckland
New name and look, same passion. Check out the new website, join, and make a difference.

November 30, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling to Paris: ‘Climate Journey' to U.N. Conference

Morgan Curtis '14 says the idea of biking to COP21, the United Nations Climate Change Conference that takes place in Paris this November came to her as she sat by a woodstove this past winter.
After graduating from Dartmouth, Curtis was teaching at the Chewonki Semester School in Maine, which offers experiential environmental education to high school juniors. She was committed to grassroots climate advocacy and to the power of story telling, and wondered how she could combine her passions and call attention...

November 30, 2015 Patrick READ MORE


Location Local group
Kamo route                                           


November 25, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

CAN is New Zealand's national network of cycling advocates.
We work with government, local authorities, businesses and the community on behalf of cyclists, for a better cycling environment.

The Cycling Action Network (CAN) was formed in 1997 as New Zealand's national network of cycling advocate groups. It is a voice for everyday cyclists - recreational, commuter and touring. In 2015 we changed our name from Cycling Advocates' Network to Cycling Action Network. This decision is subject to ratification at CAN's 2016 AGM, in March.

CAN's new logo and...

November 23, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

A project 114 years in the making
The NZ Transport Agency have confirmed a $35 million project to build a dedicated cycle and walkway from Petone to Ngauranga. After extensive consultation and research, the NZTA has decided to build the path on the seaward side of the railway line. This is a major link in the intended cycle and walking corridor from Wellington to Melling.

A dedicated cycleway from Wellington to the Hutt Valley was first mooted by Thomas Wilford, Hutt MP, in a bill introduced to Parliament in 1901. In his parliamentary speech, Wilford...

November 16, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Less talk, more action needed on safer cycling
Cycling advocates are calling for action from the Hamilton City Council, following a serious crash today.Cycling Action Network spokesman Patrick Morgan says, "We need safer speeds, better road and intersection designs, and training for drivers and people on bikes."

He says the multi-lane roundabout crash site is unsafe, but there are few alternatives for cyclists heading to the CBD across Tristram St.

"Hamilton has a Biking Plan and some good cycle paths along ring roads, but the city centre needs fixing."...

November 4, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Refresh your body and mind: take part in Conservation Week by getting into nature, 1-8 November 2015. The theme is Healthy Nature Healthy People.DOC and its partners are hosting events in beautiful New Zealand landscapes, making it easy for you to head along and discover new places.

There will be lots of activities and competitions for you and your family to take part in. Whether it's a treasure hunt in your region or an interactive virtual game, you're sure to have some fun.

Nature is everywhere. It has the power to not only invigorate, refresh, and amaze you...

November 2, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Bike to the Future
Biking is on the up.
The Government and councils are investing $350 million in cycling over the next three years.
The NZ Cycle Trails and mountain bike parks are attracting more people to hop on a bike.
Bikes outsell cars.
But it can still be scary to ride to work in busy traffic.
How can you stay safe? Where are the best places to ride? What kit do you need? Can you ride two abreast? What do those green boxes at traffic lights mean? What is a sharrow? Will cycling really make me fit and happy?
Join cycling instructors...

October 20, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Is it time for Vision Zero?
Sadly there has been increasing carnage on our roads in recent times which has kept the road toll steadily rising. As of yesterday morning, for the year to date we've had 35 more deaths compared to the same time last year. With the road toll up currently by over 16% then if the current trend continues then 2015 will be the worst year for 5 years.

The carnage continued yesterday with two serious incidents, one in which a schoolboy was killed after his motorcycle collided with a car and in the second a 14 year old girl was hit and is in...

October 19, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Dutch cyclists have longer lives say researchers.

"Every hour you ride adds an hour to your life."

11 October 2015

Researchers at the University of Utrecht say that Dutch cyclists live longer than people who do not use a bike.

They say the evidence proves that cycling is not just good for your health but adds an average of six months to life expectancy.

People in the Netherlands cycle an average of 74 minutes per week.


October 12, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

CAN Slogan 'More People...'Hi all, here are-

- Graphics versions of the new logo;

- Branding guidelines from design consultants Upshift.


.CAN logo 2015

CAN logo+slogan 2015

CAN_Logo_Strap_220px in PNG format


CAN_Logo_Strap_White_220px in PNG format

October 4, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE