

Cyclists urged to light up on dim mornings

Early morning cyclists need to make sure they are well lit, say cycling advocates.

"The start of daylight saving on Sunday means more people on bikes, but some may be caught out by morning twilight," said Cycling Advocates Network spokesperson Patrick Morgan.

"Lights, reflectors and high-visibility riding gear make you easier to see."

With popular events such as the Taupo Cycle Challenge just two months away, many people will be making the most of longer evenings to pile on the miles....

September 23, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

The industrial age of energy and transportation will be over by 2030. Maybe before. Exponentially improving technologies such as solar, electric vehicles, and autonomous (self-driving) cars will disrupt and sweep away the energy and transportation industries as we know it. The same Silicon Valley ecosystem that created bit-based technologies that have disrupted atom-based industries is now creating bit- and electron-based technologies that will disrupt atom-based energy industries.

Clean Disruption projections (based on technology cost curves, business model innovation as well as...

September 21, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling Advocates' Network supports the Council's proposal
to improve pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety in Wellington suburbs by lowering speed limits.

We would like the Council to consider the following points.

1. Lower speeds reduce both the likelihood and severity of crashes.

2. Cycling Advocates' Network runs Being Cycle Aware workshops with Wellington region bus and truck drivers ( It is a half-day facilitated road safety workshop, which gives participants an understanding of the issues that people...

September 8, 2015 Patrick READ MORE

Got a chip on your shoulder? 

Or a ‘works end thank you’ sign blocking your shoulder? Contractors doing road repairs follow the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management. The Code sets out where to put signs, temporary speed limits, cones and guarding around road works. It does ask contractors to look after cyclists’ interests but, too often, cyclists using shoulders get pushed out into the live traffic lane to share with motor...

August 17, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE


That is a very good question....would you believe there is a very broad range of people that buy electric bikes these days.
Commuters - People looking to use electric bikes to commute to and from work are quite a popular group of customers. These customers will generally live within 30 - 40 kms of their workplace and will commute on their electric bike 3-5 times per week. There are many advantages I have been told; you can get to work quicker as you avoid the traffic jams, you do not need a shower when you get to work as you generally do not raise a...

August 12, 2015 ecyclist READ MORE

Around the Network

News snippets & photos around who’s doing what, from Whangarei to Dunedin



Bike!Whangarei centres round the passionate Paul Doherty.  Paul runs a cycle touring business and is deeply involved in community and environmental projects.  Recent actions include detailed consultation with Council to maximise the usefulness of Te Matau a Pohe coastal path and, through Whangarei Cycle Commuters group, running Frocks and Fashionable Fellows on Bikes rides. UCP project- Northbound 6.5km off-road Kamo...

August 9, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Meeting Minister for the Environment

CAN arranged a cordial meeting with the Minister for the Environment Dr. Nick Smith, last Saturday August 1st.

John-Paul Pochin of Bicycle Nelson Bays came with CAN, and we expressed support for the Government’s Urban Cycleway programme and for the new direction of NZTA. Dr. Smith wondered about cyclists’ financial contribution to roading costs. CAN and BNB presented the case for the huge healthcare cost benefits of cycling.


August 5, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

'B' is for Bicycle?  Yeah, nah

A white 'B' symbol, as a traffic light, normally relates to buses.  If you're cycling in a bus lane that allows bikes, it means you can proceed.  If you're NOT in that lane it doesn't apply to you.  

So 'B' careful - if you see a white 'B', and you're not in the bus lane, or there's a red traffic light applying to your lane, or a red 'bike' symbol, think twice before proceeding!

Worth being clear on this, since Councils often plan for buses and bikes to be in close proximity, and the...

July 20, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

NZ’s principal cycling group CAN are today hailing NZTA’s ‘new approach’ to transport planning.

The NZTA’s three-yearly Statement of Intent document was published yesterday* to a broad welcome from cycling advocates. The SoI highlights safer, more attractive urban cycling as one of its six key priorities, and emphasises the integration of different modes of transport. Additionally, it sets out to add another 10 million cycling trips in the three...

July 17, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

NZTA’s ‘new approach’ to transport planning

NZ’s principal cycling group CAN are today hailing NZTA’s ‘new approach’ to transport planning...

July 17, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Record set in Taupo

A record 14 kids of Kids Bike Taupo, some riding donated bikes, learnt to ride for the first time at Hilltop School in May 2015. Lots of parents were there to help, making it a real community effort.

Kids BT came about some...

June 30, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Cyclists Applaud Massive Investment Programme.

Kiwis keen on cycling have hailed the biggest single investment in cycling in New Zealand’s history, announced today in Rotorua. Advocates for cycling have praised the scheme as ‘forward-thinking, clever groundwork’.

The Urban Cycleways Programme (UCP), managed by the NZTA, facilitates a record $333m million in spending for 54 selected urban cycling...

June 25, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Cyclists Applaud Massive Investment Programme.


Kiwis keen on cycling anticipate a boost tomorrow when Transport Minister Simon Bridges will arrive in Rotorua to announce the biggest single investment in cycling in New Zealand’s history.

The Urban Cycleways Programme, managed by the NZTA, budgets a record $100 million for selected projects nationwide.  Councils throughout the country have drawn up detailed bids for urban cycleway projects which they hope will attract UCP funds.  Rumours have been swirling as to which projects will get the nod from the NZTA’s UCP...

June 23, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

CGI models prompt Council to fix roadway for cycling

(Larger size images below)

Compelling evidence that concrete 'islands' on Broadway in Wellington made cyclists feel unsafe was created -and used successfully to improve conditions- by an architect and cycling advocate.

Travis Gray, a Registered Architect in Wellington, found that on his regular commute many motorists were passing way too close on the 350m stretch where concrete islands have been installed.  Following the 'occupy the lane' advice from the Road Code over a 350m stretch proved too...

June 23, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Artwork from GWRC promoting the joys of cycling

Good to see a regional Council presenting the bright side in such a creative way!

For more see  Apologies, we can't find the link to the original campaign.  Here's a JPG.

GWRC poster: GWRC Poster promoting cycling.

June 19, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Cyclist Really 'Impeding Traffic'?

Opinion Piece on Cyclists 'Impeding Traffic' by Don Babe, Chair of Spokes Canterbury



Alex Mann made a legitimate choice when he decided to travel by bicycle the day a police officer fined him for impeding traffic.

He obeyed the road code by keeping left but not so far he was in danger of falling in the drain or becoming unstable in the grit and debris often present on road edges.

He was aware that there was at least one vehicle behind him and believes he rode in a fashion that most of us would...

June 19, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

Confused as to what is CAN? 

CAN is everything inside the orange box.

The double-headed arrows show the major relationships between the various components of the network and some of their stakeholders.

June 12, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

OECD Report a Recipe for Cycling, say Advocates.

Advocates for better cycling facilities gave an unusual welcome to the recent OECD report, which called for action on two problems New Zealand faces- traffic congestion and obesity.

Release of the report from the international body, primarily concerned with promoting economic growth, was welcomed by national network body, Cycling Advocates’...

June 11, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

CAN's undergoing a communications review

Cycling-mad communications consultancy Upshift, based in Tasman, are helping CAN re-assess our communications and branding.



You may have seen or filled out our survey in late summer, asking how you think we're doing with communicating to local groups, individuals and the public at large.


Upshift were the guys responsible, and are now pulling together all the lessons...

June 11, 2015 Will Andrews READ MORE

getting a late start on this, currently in Rotorua on Fire sercice course 3-7 June, but trying to do stuff on CL after hours


Sent to Miriam?
 Alistair article on e-bikes
 yes, JR
 draft road and cycleway policy yes sent LH
 CAN Do report
 yes sent LH
 6 ok res
  Richard/Lyneke post-CAN Do ride - west coast
 yes yes, JR

June 4, 2015 stephenw READ MORE