

A couple of recent pieces of work on the economic benefits of cycling tourism are: a NZ Case Study of Cycle Tourists in the South Island and a Survey of the economic benefits of the Otago Central Rail Trail.

Does anyone know of any more recent analysis on the potential for economic development through cycling tourism? 

Some recent analysis on the potential for economic development through cycling tourism:

Cycle Tourism and Regional Development: A New Zealand Case Study. A 1999 paper outlining research on the activities of bicycle tourists...

December 17, 2008 Fiona READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates' Network congratulates the Ministry of Transport on its recent release of a new guide for improving cycling and walking facilities in New Zealand. Called 'Raising the Profile of Walking and Cycling in New Zealand: A Guide for Decision-Makers', the guide is the first of its type and represents a milestone for New Zealand.

The guide is especially useful because it recognises the economic impacts of cycling and walking in local communities.

CAN spokes person Stephen McKernon says "the guide shows recent evidence that walking and cycling are on the...

December 17, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

Minutes for Squeaky Wheel meeting for December 2nd
Those present:

Ron Paulin, Liz Cutler, Wally Guise, Max deLacy, Jon Harris, Fiona Whero, Magdalena Lorenzo

Bike to Work breakfast, Wednesday 18th February, Bike Wise Week 2009.Decisions:
Time - 7.30 - 8.45
Food - Liz, nutritionist, will supervise. Suggestions were savoury and wholemeal muffins, coffee and fruit juice. fruit. Liz will work on ideas and email.
Publicity - Leaflet drop in CBD, Wednesday the week before; Article in Herald - Jon to contact Bethany Marett; Contact OJ, Port FM for morning...

December 16, 2008 Jon Harris READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) welcomes the launch of BikeNZ's recreational membership programme, RideStrong.

RideStrong is dedicated to promoting a safe and enjoyable environment for all cyclists, who it notes, "for too long, have travelled at the whims of fast traffic, slow bureaucracy and idle ignorance".

CAN spokesperson Stephen McKernon says, "it is great to see a recreational cycling programme speaking out so strongly for cyclists' rights. We hope RideStrong can build a large membership quickly and can impact on cycling with the assertiveness it has voiced...

December 15, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

At RaboPlus we're celebrating our new principal sponsorship of BikeNZ and New Zealand cyclists by offering you this great promotion. Join RideStrong, a brand new cycling community that's here to make cycling safer and more enjoyable, and you could win a $2000 AvantiPlus voucher.To enter, simply: Join the RideStrong community (at the 'Ride Stronger' or 'Ride Strongest' membership levels) Login into your RaboPlus account and send us a secure email stating your RideStrong membership number prefixed with RS (e.g. RS000051) We'll then put you into the draw

December 14, 2008 Sridhar READ MORE

boring but biking


24 Type: Misc Authority: Horowhenua DC

Notified: 5/12/2008 Sub Close: 30/01/2009

Applicant: Horowhenua DC

Service: Horowhenua District Council, Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540

Location: Walking and Cycling Strategy

Keywords: roading & transportation


December 12, 2008 julied READ MORE

Dear Patrick,
I am a second year medical (MBCHB) student from the University of Auckland in New Zealand. A selection of medical students undertake summer studentships for 10 weeks to further research in an area of interest, producing a written report at the end of the project.

Currently I am doing a studentship with Public Health Research Fellow (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) Dr. Alex Macmillan and we are comparing the 'effective speeds' of cars, buses and bicycles in Auckland. 

Anne referred your contact details on to me and suggested I contact you...

December 12, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

On Sunday, Dec 7 Aucklanders were allowed to cycle on the soon to be commissioned (for vehicles only) extension to the northern motorway out of Auckland, between Orewa and Puhoi. It's great stretch of riding (including the 385m tunnel) and a real shame that Transit/NZTA are excluding cyclists from it when it's opened. It was awesome to see the large number of cyclists of all ages and types out in force. It's clear that we'd get a huge turn out of cyclists on the Auckland Harbour bridge if NZTA allows a trial this summer.

December 11, 2008 Anne F READ MORE

Earlier in the year I made a submission on behalf of CAN to Statistics NZ about getting bicycle oriented questions into the 2011 census. The Statistics NZ Response has been published.

We submitted that information on bicycles available in households should be collected, as well as the existing question on number of cars. It's possible this may be acted on:

"Some respondents suggested the expansion of the topic to collect additional information, including how frequently each vehicle is used, distance travelled, main reason for using a vehicle, and ownership of other forms...

December 10, 2008 AlastairS READ MORE

Police Wellington News Release


9:29am 9 December 2008


A 45-year-old truck driver will face a charge of careless driving causing death and has been summonsed to appear in the Lower Hutt District Court on 20 January 2009.

Inspector Richard Chambers, Lower Hutt Police Area Commander, said the information has been laid following the completion of the fatal Petone crash investigation....

December 9, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

SBS Events Centre banners were produced by Photoarts NZ.

Liz contacted Richard Benson at the Centre and he thought the banner we want might cost us $300

Follow this link to see their website with samples of their work:

- Thank you Liz!

 Mike DiLuzio responded with information about specs and costs.

Here attached are the files showing the choice in banners from photoarts and the prices.

December 3, 2008 Jon Harris READ MORE

The Green Party today welcomes the Upper Hutt Police joining Nelson Police in allocating mountain bikes to some officers for their patrol work.

Green Party Spokesperson on Active Transport (cycling and walking) Kevin Hague says it is especially valuable that police officers will experience first hand the challenges faced by urban cyclists both in roading design and maintenance, and inconsiderate and dangerous behaviour from other road users.

"It's a great development from so many angles. For one thing the use of bikes by the police sends a powerful signal about the...

December 3, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

December 3, 2008 adrian READ MORE

December 2, 2008 chris lenth READ MORE

The launching of a new cycle advocacy group might mean that CAN is not the only voice for cycle advocacy in New Zealand. On Saturday the Otago Daly times carried a short story about the lanch of a new cycle advocacy group called RideStrong, at the Lake Taupo challenge. I found a fuller article on the following webpage 

Which leads off as follows  


RideStrong to offer cyclists united voice in NZ...

December 2, 2008 stephenw READ MORE

Come hear guest speaker (Pro Cyclist) Julian Dean,
at Parksyde, Tarewa Place, Rotorua
Tuesday 16 December at 7.30 pm.

December 1, 2008 chris lenth READ MORE

Next February is Bike Wise month. A great opportunity for Squeaky Wheel to promote itself and increase membership.

To help CAN is offering to coordinate and pay for the design and printing of a
folded postcard or a business card for Squeaky Wheel to hand out to people at Bike Wise and other events. Attached is brief info. on how to get this happening - its easy! Plus some possible designs.

We want to get the design done by Christmas, so that we have time in January to get them printed and sent out to you.

We need to know Squeaky Wheel requirements...

December 1, 2008 Fiona READ MORE

Next February is Bike Wise month. A great opportunity for Spokes Canterbury to promote itself and increase membership.

To help CAN is offering to coordinate and pay for the design and printing of a
folded postcard or a business card for Spokes that to hand out to people at Bike Wise and other events. Attached is brief info. on how to get this happening - its easy!


We want to get the design done by Christmas, so that we have time in January to get them printed and sent out to you.

I need to know Spokes Dunedin requirements by Friday (5...

December 1, 2008 Fiona READ MORE