

The workshops are at WCC council committee rooms

13/11/08 12-1pm 17/11/08 5-6pm 26/11/08 12-1pm 4/12/08 5-6pm


Things I was thinking of including

Gear - what you need, dont need, can have, covet Bikes - lights, racks, trailers etc
Routes - best one, maps Guides -BUGs, Employer Guides
Practice on the weekend, get a buddy Please give any more ideas....

October 14, 2008 Illona READ MORE

Test - Email Notifications

October 14, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Special meeting Tuesday 14 October 6-7.30 Southern Cross Tavern, Abel Smith Street

1.Report back from recent Cycle Submissions – update from councils
 a.Highlights – 153 cycling submissions, 71 walking ones
 b.WHAT ARE the Essential things to lobby for change.
 c.Oral Submissions – coordinated approach – 14 -
 d.Things CAW could do better next time
2.Regional Cycle Forum – items for meeting
 a.Regional Cycling Forum survey results
 b.Bike Wise programme

3.Report back from CANDO...

October 13, 2008 Illona READ MORE

Some photos of CANDO 2008 are available on Flickr

October 10, 2008 AlastairS READ MORE

The Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans of Barcelona has published the results of the 2006 Daily mobility Survey. The research was focus on regional patterns of mobility and even though is all about Catalunya you may find useful information.

I strongly believe in look outside our own, daily reality and find out what is going on in the rest of the world. Hope you find this document interesting. 

The Regional Studies Institute is a great source of information and they have a section in English!


October 9, 2008 Magdalena Lorenzo READ MORE

text below form an email from Eldad Collins regarding traffic on the RCA signup page that is hosted by 


Hi everyone

I’ve just spoken to Gary Sullivan about the number of people registered through the webpage. Unfortunately there’s only 15 people registered. Obviously we need to do something about this. Anyone know a good viral marketing strategy?

October 9, 2008 chris lenth READ MORE

Test 2 - Email Notifications

October 9, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Test - Email Notifications

October 9, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Meeting at Mojo 184 Molesworth Street, Sunday 12 October 1-2pm to co-ordinate Oral Submissions. Items to discuss. A) Priorities - to be negotiated!! 1) Increasing cyclist numbers? 2) Great Habour Way 3) Network Plan 4) Consultation with user groups 5) Infrastructure changes 6) Work program to recieve NZTA funding etc and more to come. Who is concentrating on What key point I have requested a complete copy of all the written cycle submissions that I will bring to the meeting (and a summary)

October 9, 2008 Illona READ MORE

[forwarded from a message sent by Ian Kirkman, coordinator of the Regional Cycling Forum] 

Regional CyclingForum Review Survey

I am pleased to announce that we had a verygood response rate on the recent survey we undertook in September to get yourfeedback on the objectives and functions of the Cycling Forum. We thankeveryone for participating and providing your valuable feedback. We havecompiled results of the survey below according to the survey layout.

Respondents were from the followingagencies and groups:


October 8, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

October 8, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Testing Just Checkbox Subscription Notification

October 8, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Winners for the Gemini Cycle-Friendly Awards 2008 have been announced today.

Winners for the Gemini Cycle-Friendly Awards 2008 have been announced. Out of twenty-nine nominations the winners are as follows:

Avanti Award for Best Cycle Facility Project:
New Plymouth District Council for Foreshore Coastal Pathway NZ Transport  Agency Award for Best Cycling Promotion:
Tauranga City Council for Kids Can Ride – for life NZ Transport  Agency Award for Cycle-Friendly Commitment by Business:
Bike Central for Cyclist Services/...

October 6, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE


Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) welcomes its new executive team for the coming year

At the AGM on 4 October 2008, Glen Koorey and Axel Wilke were elected as co-chairs to replace Robert Ibell, chair for the last three years.

"We are very thankful for Robert's fantastic leadership over the last three years, and are glad that he has made himself available to continue on the executive", Wilke says.

Adrian Croucher and Liz Mikkelsen were confirmed as secretary and treasurer, respectively. Last year’s executive members Andrew Macbeth, Jane Dawson, Robert Ibell, Gaz...

October 5, 2008 maxwel READ MORE

View Larger Map

October 4, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

View Larger Map

October 4, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

I have posted some cycling related articles from arround the web that I though may be of interest to some of the people on this site, enjoy.

As America Implodes, The Bike Industry Booms

"The nation may be wracked by collapsing banks, foreclosed houses and a tanking economy, but there's no sign anything's amiss here at Interbike, the bike industry's annual trade show. In fact, it's party time as a perfect storm of eco-conscious consumerism, health-conscious lifestyles and wallet-sapping gas prices conspires to get people...

October 3, 2008 htaccess READ MORE

October 3, 2008 Illona READ MORE