

The Awards feature New Zealand businesses and individuals who have achieved great things in energy efficiency or renewable energy projects.

Up for grabs are nine category awards and one Supreme Award. The EECA Supreme Award is judged from the winners of the nine category awards.

For more information:

December 1, 2008 adrian READ MORE

Nulla facilisi. In vel sem. Morbi id urna in diam dignissim feugiat. Proin molestie tortor eu velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ultrices, diam tempus vulputate egestas, eros pede varius leo, sed imperdiet lectus est ornare odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consectetuer velit in dui. Phasellus wisi purus, interdum vitae, rutrum accumsan, viverra in, velit. Sed enim risus, congue non, tristique in, commodo eu, metus. Aenean tortor mi, imperdiet id, gravida eu, posuere eu, felis. Mauris sollicitudin, turpis in hendrerit sodales, lectus ipsum...

November 27, 2008 jonathan READ MORE

November 27, 2008 chris lenth READ MORE

26 November 2008 Cycle into Summer

Wellington City Council is having a whole month promoting cycling: Cycle into Summer.

Do go along to the events and help make it successful so they do it again. And, if you can, help out with Cycle Commuting Workshops, the next being on 4th December at 5-6pm, Wellington City Council Committee Room 2 (ground floor). If you have any hot tips, please let Christina ( know. Check out the programme on

Volunteers Required!


November 27, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

Holdsworth Sustainable Design in Mt Eden, Auckland is importing Strida Bikes. "Strida is an innovative and easy to use folding bicycle with a 20 year award winning history. Invented in the UK by designer Mark Sanders, Strida is a brilliant response to a familiar urban problem -- the daily commute. With an elegant and ergonomic triangle construction, greaseless chain, and five-second fold time, Strida has emerged as the lightest, cleanest, most user-friendly folding bike on the market."  See 

November 26, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

Here is the latest update on Frocks on Bikes. Thanks to our linkage with Megan Hoskings, things have taken off in a big way, and we are now doing an event on 6th Dec which is ADDITIONAL to our original proposal.

Details of the day:

350 Frocks on Bikes – 3:50pm Saturday December 6th Waitangi Park, Wellington

To celebrate International Day of Action on Climate  Change– hosted by the Climate Action 350 Group

Frocks on Bikes is for women who love bikes and dresses.  350 women on bikes will be doing a central city promenade...

November 26, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

RaboPlus and BikeNZ announced today that RaboPlus is now cycling's principal sponsorship partner in New Zealand.

As the online savings and investment service of Rabobank, RaboPlus says partnering with BikeNZ is an opportunity to demonstrate its on-going commitment to New Zealand, as well as support and promote a sport that emphasizes sustainability, fun and freedom.

November 25, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

CAN was kindly given a stall at the Cyclemania expo, during the Great Taupo Cycle Challenge, 28-30 Nov. Thanks Keith Crate and Bike Taupo.

The expo attracted more than 20,000 visitors. This was a great opportunity to get CAN out there in the public eye. If you are Taupo over the weekend check us out.

CAN staff handed out our new range of stickers and challenged people to master the CAN Exercycle One-minute Challenge.

Join CAN for 2009 and get the rest of 2008 for free. 
evolution sticker
CAN at...

November 25, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

Hi everyone,

Over the next two weeks, the NPDC is running a survey asking people how they use our parks and open spaces. This survey kicks off the start of consultation for the Open Space Strategy, which will be the major strategic document that will shape how NPDC plans our parks over the next 20 years.

This will be a good opportunity to remind the NPDC that there is an extensive off-road recreational cycling network outlined in their Cycle Strategy document and their Open Spaces Strategy will need to allow for this network to be implemented.


November 24, 2008 Graeme READ MORE

Please make suggestions for the meeting agenda for 2nd December.

Here's a start:

Activities in November

- Newsletter

- Aquatic Centre


- Google Map "Cycling Blackspots"

- questions

Critical Mass

Route - Wally

- discussion

Approaching Councillors

- suggestions

- responses to website forum

...and here's a space for you! 

Bike parking presentation ("Powerpoint" for the TDC)


Leave a comment...

November 23, 2008 Jon Harris READ MORE

Proposed new aquatic centre:


Squeaky Wheel applauds the statement by the proponents of the aquatic centre on the Council that "the proposed Aquatic Centre has a real focus on wellness and catering for all members and age-groups of the community."

The Timaru District Council's Active Transport Strategy states that 'the Council, together with the Timaru District community, will realise the potential that the district offers to maximise participation in active transport.’

Here is a perfect opportunity: provide for convenient, safe access...

November 23, 2008 Jon Harris READ MORE

Initially, Bike to Work events in Victoria, British Columbia inspired only committed cyclists to ride to work. An effort to convince provincial government employees to bicycle to work by linking the message to the province's own "green" initiatives was not recruiting new cyclists to bicycle commuting.

Organizers soon realized that the event attracted committed cyclists, not the potential and non-cyclists who were their real targets.

November 21, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

About 6000 bikes are expected to be available for hire from early 2010, with riders able to pick them up and drop them off at 400 locations spread across central London.

The scheme will be based on the popular Velib bike hire program in Paris, where there are now about 20,000 regular users.

London's bikes will be available for hire in an area stretching from Regents Park in the north to the Houses of Parliament in the south and from Kensington High Street in the west to the Tower of London in the east.

London Mayor Boris Johnson, a dedicated cyclist, said he...

November 20, 2008 Anne F READ MORE

I've taken on the role of Meetings Co-ordinator for CAN. I'm putting together a list of organisations and people we need to meet with, and a list of CANners who are prepared to attend meetings on behalf of CAN.

1. would you like to be on the list?
2. are there any organisations missing?
3. are the priorities right?
4. can you suggest meeting topics?
5. what are your areas of interest/speciality?
6. where are you prepared to attend meetings?
7. what's your availability?
8. can you think of anyone else who should be on the 'people who'...

November 19, 2008 ribell READ MORE

This guide, published by the Ministry of Transport, shows how the benefits of encouraging and providing for walking and cycling can improve the liveability and sustainability of New Zealand towns and cities. It discusses these benefits, provides a ‘snapshot' of the current walking and cycling picture, and considers the many initiatives that can be implemented to increase the numbers of New Zealanders using these active modes for safe and convenient transport.

Case studies of walking and cycling initiatives and practical ‘how to do it' information for regional and local...

November 19, 2008 Anne F READ MORE

The New Zealand bike ride that breaks all the records – and now the book!

It started in 1977 with a bunch of friends trying to raise money for charity. Thirty-one years on, the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge is not only New Zealand’s most popular bike ride but recognised by the UCI (International Cycling Union) as one of the top eight road-cycling events in the world.
On November 29, around 12,000 people – from family relay teams to élite cyclists – will don helmets, leap on their bikes, and set out to conquer the nearly 160-kilometre course.
According to a new guide being...

November 19, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

Dear Timaru City Councillors,

re: proposed new aquatic centre,

Squeaky Wheel, a voice for cyclists in South Canterbury, would like to pose some questions about how the plans for the proposed new aquatic centre cater for the cycling sector of our community.

The plans as released in the newspapers emphasise the potential health benefits of such a centre for the people of this district, as summed up in this sentence in the publicity:

"The proposed Aquatic Centre has a real focus on wellness and catering for all members and age-groups of the...

November 14, 2008 Jon Harris READ MORE

The following question arose in Hamilton: Can recreational cycle paths attract funding (subsidy) from the NZTA?

NZTA (NZ Transport Agency) is the government land transport funding agency, they were  formerly LTNZ, and prior to that Transfund, just in case you know them by their old names.

So, can those recreational facilities be subsidised? Strictly speaking no, because government has strange rules. They fund recreational roads (e.g. SH1 to Cape Reinga, or SH94 to Milford Sound), but not recreational pathways. 

So when can pathways get subsidised? A few rules apply:...

November 13, 2008 maxwel READ MORE

caption: get a bike, you'll love it.

Greater Wellington Regional Council:

Visit their cycling site for information on bike buddies, road rules, cycles on trains, buses, and ferries, cycle lockers at railway stations, cycling maps, cycle shops, groups and clubs, events and forums, and more.

Feeling Great
For information on cycling and mountain biking events happening in the Wellington check it out.


November 13, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

Patrick Morgan and I had our regular monthly catch-up with NZTA staff yesterday. There are quite a few things of interest to report:

1. Driver training/licensing & the Road Code
As a result of our meeting with Annette King and Harry Duynhoven in September on our Nine Point Plan for Cycle Safety Jim Furneaux, NZTA's Manager of Driver Licensing Standards joined us to give NZTA's response on our request for greater consideration of cyclists in driver instruction, driver licensing and in the Road Code.

Briefing notes issued by MoT/NZTA have already been...

November 12, 2008 ribell READ MORE