Squeaky Wheel banner

SBS Events Centre banners were produced by Photoarts NZ.

Liz contacted Richard Benson at the Centre and he thought the banner we want might cost us $300

Follow this link to see their website with samples of their work:


- Thank you Liz!

 Mike DiLuzio responded with information about specs and costs.

Here attached are the files showing the choice in banners from photoarts and the prices.


Let's do it! pre-Christmas ready for Bike Wise Month in February.
I suggest take up the offer of paying Community House rent. Can you please follow that up Ron?
It's okay to use the CAN $200 for the banner.
If someone dropped a couple of lines about what Squeaky Wheel does e.g. A not for profit group that advocates for safer more enjoyable cycling in South Canterbury, together with the logo asking for a quote and whether a discount might be available, they might say yes. Otherwise use $100 out of Squeaky Wheel's account for the banner. The account should have recently filled a little as every CAN financial member a proportion goes back to SW.
Regards Fiona

Emailed the man concerned Saturday 6th December for a quote - will post comment when I get a reply.