Meeting Minutes December

Minutes for Squeaky Wheel meeting for December 2nd

Those present:

Ron Paulin, Liz Cutler, Wally Guise, Max deLacy, Jon Harris, Fiona Whero, Magdalena Lorenzo

Bike to Work breakfast, Wednesday 18th February, Bike Wise Week 2009.

Time - 7.30 - 8.45
Food - Liz, nutritionist, will supervise. Suggestions were savoury and wholemeal muffins, coffee and fruit juice. fruit. Liz will work on ideas and email.
Publicity - Leaflet drop in CBD, Wednesday the week before; Article in Herald - Jon to contact Bethany Marett; Contact OJ, Port FM for morning chat; have a sign-up form for people who want to join SW.

Suggestion: Unveil the bike parks at the Council building during Bike Wise Week.
    Encourage other councillors to ride with the mayor in the Mayoral Challenge.

Business Card, published by CAN:

Fiona showed what it would look like on her laptop.
Choice of colours was discussed - the green and blue, black and white of the logo were seen as appropriate, if it is possible to have all of them.
Wally suggested that they could be stapled/clipped to entry forms for events, and included in the packs that accompany new bikes, at the bike shops, with managers' approval.

Promotional Banner (CAN to pay):

Liz will research the idea of a flag banner, like the one the SBS Events Centre uses.

Plan to approach Timaru District Councillors

1. Assign SW members to approach councillors.
Richard Lyon (Pleasant Point Ward) - Jon and Liz
Michael Oliver (dep. mayor, resp. transport, opposed to cycle lanes on 4-laned roads) - Wally
Janie Annear (mayor) -
Pat Mulvey (active man, former fireman) - Wally
Jane Coughlan -
John Bradley (car salesperson) -
Regional Councillors: Mark Oldfield, Bronwyn Murray (Tekapo)

1. What do you see that can be done to make it easier to commute to work by bike in Timaru?
2. How do you think we can get more people cycling in Timaru?
3. What do you see as obstacles to cycling to work in Timaru?
4. Are you prepared to ride your bike with the mayor in the Mayoral Challenge in Bike Wise Week?