

Eight-year-old Nigel Williams from Maidenhead will tomorrow step into his family’s history books when for the first time he will attempt to walk alone along the three hundred-metre route from his home to school.

His mother, Jennifer said that although she was apprehensive, she supported her son in what she described as ‘the journey of a lifetime’. ‘Of course, as a family we are aware of the dangers of the challenge Nigel faces, but we are fully behind him in this adventure,’ she said. Looking anxiously...

April 20, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

Enquiry received: "I have been advised by my insurance company (State Insurance) that a new policy is being applied by New Zealand Insurance Companies around insurance for Road Racing Cycles over $5000

Today after phoning State Insurance to list my new Road Cycle (value $8000) against my Household insurance policy replacing my old cycle. I was asked if I do any road races, upon informing them that I compete in around 3 events a year I was informed that I would not be covered for any use of that cycle  .. only cover for non-use Theft & Fire...

April 20, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Everything you wanted to know about riding to work or school ... but were afraid to ask!

The 10 most frequently asked questions about riding to work

1. Will I feel good?

Long-term health benefits include increased strength, improved muscle tone, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Cycling gets the endorphins flowing and is a great stress release.

Remember, bike riding should not feel more strenuous than walking unless you want it to. Don't push yourself too hard at first

2. Will it take long?...

April 16, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Critical Mass is a bicycling event typically held on the last Friday of every month in over 300 cities around the world.

While the ride was originally founded in 1992 with the idea of drawing attention to how unfriendly the city was to bicyclists, the leaderless structure of Critical Mass makes it impossible to assign it any one specific goal. In fact, the purpose of Critical Mass is not formalized beyond the direct action of meeting at a set location and time and traveling as a group through city or town streets on bikes.

April 16, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

In a move described by the Driving Standards Agency as an acknowledgement of the realities of modern life, it was announced that public resources would no longer be invested in attempting to prevent people from dangerous practices such as using mobile phones while driving and instead the driving test will be updated to ensure drivers could manage multi-tasking while in control of a vehicle.

‘It’s a desperately needed step’, claimed Samantha Henshawe, a DSA spokeswoman, ‘the number of accidents that occur while fumbling for a Bluetooth earpiece under the driver’s seat is...

April 16, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

With winter heralding changes in riding conditions, cyclists are being urged to light up and brighten up. Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) spokes person Stephen McKernon says, “Cyclists should light up for morning, evening, and bad weather riding. Cycling fatalities have declined over recent years, at the same time as high-visibility riding gear and brighter lights have become more popular. Safety-focused attitudes and good safety equipment work."

CAN strongly recommends high-visibility reflective gear such as fluorescent clothing, pack covers, and extra reflectors. "The use of high...

April 13, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

Why should the City of Portland invest in bicycling?
The role of the modest bicycle in tackling the great challenges we face, today and tomorrow, and why bicycling is a vital tool in realizing the Portland we envision

In Portland, bicycling is more than just a recreational pastime. It is the City’s fastest growing means of
transportation. In the last four years annual growth in bicycling has been exponential! In 2008, more than one of every six Portlanders used a bicycle as either their primary or secondary means of transportation to...

April 9, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Tips for drivers and cyclists, from NZTA and the Ministry of Health

Hey, cyclists!

Here are some tips for staying safe while cycling.

Make eye contact with drivers. Regularly check behind you. Check your bike regularly – brakes, tyres, chain, reflectors and lights. Wear an approved helmet. Make sure it fits firmly and keep it done up. If your helmet gets dented or broken in a crash or dropped heavily, replace it. Work on your bike skills. Practise away from traffic. Make sure you can be seen – bright-coloured clothes, lights and reflectors...

April 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Questions for Oral Answer


4. Finance, Minister—Statements


[Uncorrected transcript—subject to correction and further editing.]


4. Hon DAVID CUNLIFFE (Labour—New Lynn) to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by all the statements he made on TVNZ’s Q+A programme on Sunday, 5 April 2009?


Hon BILL ENGLISH (Minister of Finance) : Yes.


April 8, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE


This is an A-Z index to all the stuff you need: Contact details, images, helmets, logos, media, parking, submissions ...


About CAN

Bike commuter tips
Biking 101 - More tips for commuters
Biking 102 – tips for experienced cyclists to share with new cyclists
Mythbuster: Utility Cycling Gear
Overcoming Excuses
Bikes and Buses
BUGS - Bicycle User Groups

Chainlinks magazine
Contact CAN
Critical Mass
Cycle-Friendly Awards
Cycle Friendly Workplace

April 6, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

We've received a query from NZTA about permanent warning signs showing not just a bicycle (as is currently the case in NZ), but also a person. The background is that apparently they are considering changing the permanent warning sign for cyclists to have a human being shown in it. It's the only permanent warning sign that currently doesn't show a person.

Here's what CAN members have contributed.


Bicycle parking

Bicycle Permanent Warning Sign - Germany

Bicycle path sign...

April 2, 2009 maxwel READ MORE

The Whanganui Green Bikes scheme recycles donated bikes, making them roadworthy to lend out for a minimal charge.

The scheme has been operating for approximately 10 months now, six of those with funding from NZ Transport Agency and Whanganui Community Foundation. To date, we have given out approximately 100 bikes, with 10 more ready and waiting for their new riders.  Many bikes and parts have been donated, to the extent that we now have an ample supply, as well as a number which have already been disassembled for parts.

Green Bikes stands as a community-based...

April 2, 2009 Green Bikes READ MORE

The National Cycleway Advisory Group is a coalition of national Business and Non-government representatives[1] who believe a national cycleway will benefit New Zealand significantly, who are already working to bring it about and who offer their expertise and influence to advise on its development.

We think it's a great idea to invest in national cycling infrastructure.  We think it can boost jobs and provide a real asset for New Zealand.  However, a smart approach will be needed to ensure that the investment results not in something that just delivers jobs in the construction...

March 31, 2009 Anne F READ MORE


I sent the following letter to Steve Harte and Paul Barker at WCC, suggesting a site visit to Riddiford St. Paul is available most of the times suggested - just waiting for him to confirm Steve's availability.

Let me know if you're interested in coming along for the site visit. We only need 2-3 people from CAW, and want to keep things constructive.

I've also included below a draft letter Nick has prepared to follow up on the visit. Comments on the letter are welcome. Word version also attached so you can see the photos.



March 31, 2009 ribell READ MORE

You might be aware that NZTA recently turned down a golden opportunity to add cycling and walking paths to the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

Auckland Regional Council chairman Mike Lee then proposed a trial on the Bridge.

True to form, the NZTA dismissed the idea, so it’s now time to protest!

A demonstration march is planned for Sunday
morning 9am, May 3rd, 2009, starting at the Westhaven end of the Bridge.

For more info and news, see...


March 31, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

GWRC are consulting on the proposed regional land transport programme 2009-12. I've got a print copy of the document, but it's also online. We'll need to get a submission in by 24 April.  Any volunteers to coordinate this?

March 31, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

WCC is asking for comment on restoration of Te Raekaihau Point (west side of Island Bay, on the way to Houghton Bay, proposed but failed location of Marine Ed Centre). This could be relevant to CAW, given the south coast road's importance as a recreational cycling route. There is an open session on 11-3 5 April.

March 31, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Watch here for Tamati's Tiki Tour - One Less Car on the Road in Nelson on Thursday 26th March.


Or copy and paste the following into your browser.

March 27, 2009 Anne F READ MORE

Jimmy is a journalism student thinking of doing a story on cycling and walking around the Miramar peninsula. I've given him some leads already, but if you would like to give him some ideas, his contact details are in the email. --
Alastair From: James Ellingham []
Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2009 10:43 a.m.
To: Alastair Smith
Subject: Cycling around Miramar

Hi Alistair,

I'm a student journalist from Massey University, and I'm...

March 26, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE


New Group Starter Booklet - A 21 page guide outlining the steps you need to take to start a new group in your area

Draft Consititution - A basic constitution to provide the buiding blocks for your new constitution.

Funding Information - A useful guide to potential avenues of funding

Getting Started Visual - A flow chart showing the steps

March 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE