Trendy Cycling: 20 good reasons to cycle (Europe)

Cycling is the simplest, most natural means of transport, after walking. So natural and useful in fact that many cities often forget to take it into account. This brochure is intended to consider and return to the advantages of bicycle traffic and to back up arguments with analyses and facts.

It is surprising how many advantages bicycle traffic combines:
-Regular cycling improves health and prolongs life expectancy.
-Cycling requires no fossil fuels – it only burns our own fat.
-Cyclists save space, are quiet and move about without producing pollutants
-Our children love the bike, if we let them

Promotion of bicycle traffic costs little but brings a lot of profit in return – 3 Euros invested in cycle traffic mean 5 Euros less expenses for the National Health System.
Everyone having visited a city with a lot of bicycle traffic is aware of the fact that plenty of bicycle traffic positively influences social climate and habitation quality.

For everybody interested in such a feel-good holiday we would strongly recommend that you visit the Cities Groningen (NL), Odense (DK), Ferrara or Bolzano (IT). You will feel the calmness compared to mainly car-frequented cities.

However, besides all good arguments presented in this brochure, intended to promote bicycle traffic, it is important to be aware that cycling first and foremost is one thing:

“Cycling is Emotion” – something that thankfully cannot be expressed through numbers!

Download the Trendy Cycling PDF (650KB) from the CAN bibliography here