

It's here and it's exciting: the new London Barclays Cycle Hire is open for business. Everywhere there are stands of shiny new bicycles just waiting to be ridden. And there are perplexed looking tourists and Londoners wondering how on earth they can get one.

It's easy if you live here: for now only people with a registered address can become a member (membership has its privileges) the rest of the world will have to wait until later in the season. The only drawback is that when all is said and done, you are still riding on the streets of London and that is scary!


August 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Some cyclists prefer style over safety, including when it comes to safety lighting. Cyglo Tyres appears to offer both, ditching the bulky bulb on the handlebars for LEDs embedded in the tires themselves. When spinning, they form a perfect circle of colored light. The best part is that the lights are powered by the spinning wheel itself. But there seems to be at least one significant design flaw.

The design by James Tristram (which is not on the market quite yet) has a major flaw -- the fact that the bulbs are embedded into the tires. Yep, the very thing that makes it cool also...

August 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

IBM (yes, the IBM) recently released a global study of traffic, surveying over 8,000 adult drivers in 20 major cities. Perhaps the results are not that surprising - traffic is perceived by drivers as getting worse in the last three years. Thirty percent of those surveyed felt increased stress while 27% reported increased anger. Twenty nine percent reported that traffic harmed their performance in work or school, and 38% reported having cancelled a planned trip due to anticipated traffic. So the two key questions are, why can't we get a grip on traffic, and why does IBM care about...

August 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

London's new bike rental scheme, like Paris's velib scheme before it, may be a huge hit. But there's a young upstart on the block that is looking to offer an alternative to these large-scale schemes—and it says it can make ordinary bike owners some money in the process.

The idea behind Byke.Mobi is to take the thousands of unused bikes in a given city at any one time, and turn them into a mode of transportation for would-be cyclists, and a source of income for the owner. Founder Peter Abrahamson is clearly positioning himself as a cheaper and more grassroots alternative to...

August 9, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

This is the first in a series of ideas for Wellington, which will be mostly bicycle, and public transport related.

For the people bringing us the Great Harbour Way finding a safe, pleasant and interesting bicycle route between Kaiwharawhara Point and the red lighthouse thingie opposite Ballance Street on the waterfront is a bit quandrous. You’ve got the railway, the motorway, busy roads, and a working port in between. The Boffa Miskell report on the Great Harbour Way has two routes marked, a new route below the motorway and along Aotea and Waterloo Quays, which is a...

August 5, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Ideas: The Recycling of Cycling Culture

Ideas explores the growing trend towards utility cycling - that's cycling which is neither primarily for sport or recreation but simply an every-day mode of transport.

Hastings mayor Lawrence Yule talks about plans to turn Hastings into a model cycle-friendly city; Jason Penny of Island Bay's Mamachari Bikes which is importing secondhand Japanese bicycles by the container load, tells Ideas he hopes the bicycles will inspire people to adopt a Japanese-style approach to using bicycles for every-day use, and historian...

August 1, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

For the last Chainlinks we used a new cover design that devoted more space for a photograph. I hope it was well received.

For the September issue of Chainlinks I'd like to find a cover photo that has a picture of cycling in action.  it's very easy for me to get pictures of cyclists riding in stunning scenery, because of where I live, but it's not easy for me to get photos of cycing in a city environment, or in places where there is significant cycling infrastructure (apart from a damn fine recreational rail trail) because of where I live.

CAN committee has chosen three focus...

August 1, 2010 stephenw READ MORE

Well-designed urban bike paths are a cyclist's dream, making it easy for folks to ditch their cars for a more eco-friendly commute. Sometimes, however, it just doesn't seem worth the effort to build them at all. Even in the biker's paradise of Holland, city officials apparently haven't figured out that those special paths are supposed to get you from here to there -- not here to, well, here. One little cyclist's lane in the Dutch city of Epe may soon be taking the prize as the world's shortest bike path, measuring in at under 9 feet in length.

Somehow this tiny bike path, 8.8...

July 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

In a very interesting initiative that began last January, a group of three non governmental organizations from Mexico City are organizing bike rides for the blind and visually impaired. The rides are guided by volunteers on tandem bikes, and are offered on Sunday mornings, when a few streets in the historical center of the city are closed for pedestrians and human powered vehicles. What does this do for these people? More than you would think.

According to El Universal (via Mejor en Bici), the rides are an initiative by Bicitekas, Muévete por tu Ciudad, and Contacto Braille....

July 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

TV3's Lachlan Forsyth is doing a story on cycle helmets and the law, featuring me reciting CAN's policy, and possibly Barb Cuthbert. It may screen tonight.


July 29, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

When challenged to come up with a way to inspire more people to bike for transportation in addition to recreation, three three "former non-bikers" from New York City proposed a campaign to focus on mutual respect between drivers and bikers. The team, calling itself "!ola," was one of four competitors in a contest sponsored by Yoxi, a new site dedicated to social innovation. In its debut competition, Yoxi (pronounced yo-see) posed this question:

How can we make our cities more welcoming to bikers? How can we encourage more people to ride a bike when they can?

The solution could...

July 26, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

As bike culture comes into its own, many people switching to two-wheeled transportation want to ride with style. From "Cycle Chic" fashion shows in stylish Santa Barbara during National Bike to Work Month, to major designers revamping bikes into fashion statements, cyclists are looking for more than just a utilitarian form of transportation. That's why designs like this one by Faris ELmasu, which brings carrying cargo to a new level of style, are sure to become more and more common.

Stylish bike baskets can be hard to find. The best most of us can do is mounting a wicker...

July 26, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

In a city where bike theft is a very good reason to make you doubt about riding somewhere, providing parking facilities is almost as important as creating new bike paths.

This is the case in Buenos Aires (and many cities around the world), and the reason why it's so good to hear that the government has pushed a new law to provide several bike-parking facilities, including spaces inside private parking lots at lower rates. If you ride in Buenos Aires or are thinking about doing it, you need to read this.

There are different actions the government is pushing to provide...

July 26, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Researchers have identified policies in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands that have made cycling safe, convenient and mainstream in these countries. Coordinated transport, educational and land use measures have increased the popularity of this sustainable mode of transport over recent decades.

Download document here (PDF 100KB)

July 26, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Hi all,

Just letting you all know that we now have information on Model Communities on our Website.

You can access the info at either of the two links below;

Walking & Cycling

Model Communities

It should provide you with a good overview of Model Communities but if you have any further queries don’t hesitate in touching base.

Gerry Dance
Principal Advisor, Network Management

July 26, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycling is a convenient and healthy way to get from A to B. We would all be better off if more people cycle, more often.Benefits for you:Feel good: better physical and mental healthSave money: lower transport and health costsLess stress: no parking worries, predictable travel time, arrive at your destination feeling energisedBenefits for others:cleaner airless traffic congestionmore free parking spacesquieter and more attractive streetslower road building and maintenance costsless fuel to importstreets with good cycling and walking facilities have...

July 22, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

From Manhattan's Summer Streets to Bogota's Ciclovia, TreeHugger is a big fan of reclaiming asphalt in favor of human interaction. But I'm not sure we've ever seen anything on this scale. A town in Germany recently shut down an entire section of Autobahn—that's right, the famous German highways with no speed limit—in order to hold a gigantic party for upwards of 3 million people! But what was it all for?

The event, called "Still Life", was being held to celebrate the naming of the Ruhr region as the European Cultural Capital for 2010. According to the Huffington Post, which...

July 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

More than $5 million is to be spent on four paths linking Hastings, Flaxmere, Havelock North and Clive.

Hastings is to receive funding under the New Zealand Transport Agency's walking and cycling model communities plan, which aims to encourage councils to integrate walking and cycling in transport planning.

From 22 council expressions of interest, Hastings and New Plymouth have received nearly $4 million each to complete their winning plans.

NZTA central regional director Jenny Chetwynd said urban centres across New Zealand would be encouraged to follow suit....

July 22, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE



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Give respect, get respect

Stop at red is a campaign to reduce crashes and improve the status of cycling in the eyes of the public and policy-makers, and to tackle the attitudes of those cyclists whose behaviour perpetuates the image of cyclists as irresponsible.

Its specific focus is on running red lights.

It also has three general aims:

To encourage cyclists to show courtesy towards other road users and pedestrians. To encourage...

July 19, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The biking boom, cycle trails, safety tips: Monday's One 2 One including news, advice and encouragement. Hear online Peter Shaw talk to a variety of guests about cycling. Also interviewed were:

Del Woodford from AvantiPlus

Kieran Turner Chief Executive of Bike NZ

Audio streaming on

July 19, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE