Agenda for CAW meeting 6.00 - 7.30pm 7 February , Library Bar, Courtenay Place

Add your items below

  1. Review Go By Bike Day
  2. Update on WCC's plan for Southern route, new cycling maps and Wairarapa line bike trial
  3. Review SASTRAG minutes from David, anything for next one?
  4. CAW subsidy for members attending Cycling & Walking conference (proposed that we pay the conference fee for up to four members)
  5. Potential Bike Futures conference
  6. Big Bike Fix Up - anyone got energy for it?
  7. CAW got a $3500 grant from WCC to make cycling videos, with a focus on safety (Patrick)
  8. Signage along Evans Bay being reveiwed
  9. Rave and rant!



Groups audience: