

December 2013 a couple of committee members reporting trouble in editing pages or attaching images, and since there are a few "issues" with some parts of the website not working 100%, they have wondered if their trouble is also due to a website fault. 

As a test, on ths page I will embed a small small low res version of a graphic for the CAN Do.and place a higher res version of it as an attachment.

Note this graphic is NOT going to be used. Barb Insull is a little bit wary of the low cut neckline on the dress. it is just that is is the first thing I thought of...

December 18, 2012 stephenw READ MORE

New Zealand cycle safety received a significant financial boost this week through a $1.2million investment by the Road Safety Trust.

This monetary commitment is recognition of the quality of BikeNZ's and the Cycling Advocates' Network's (CAN) road safety programmes and will assist with the delivery of BikeNZ's Introduction to Road programme around New Zealand, over a three year period.

"This funding will enable us to deliver a whole lot of programmes and training to people who we otherwise would not have been able to assist. It will allow us to do more in terms of making the...

December 14, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

Making the Move - On-road Workshop
The Making the Move workshop is an intensive on-road (outside) session aimed at, those who are contemplating riding to work and want to increase their confidence cycling in traffic and those who want tips and advice on urban cycling.

Time: 90 minutes
Number of Participants: Maximum 6
Trainer: Patrick Morgan (or other CAN approved trainer)
Cost per session: $300 +gst (4 hours, 2.5 prep, 1.5 delivery) all materials

This session will give participants an opportunity to practise...

December 4, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

Gearing up - Seminar
The Gearing up seminar is aimed at the ‘Bike-curious'. It can be people who are not confident in traffic, those who are contemplating riding to work, those who cycle for leisure but don't cycle to work, and those contemplating buying a bike. Experienced cyclists are also welcome to share their knowledge and tips.

Time: 60 minutes
Number of Participants: Maximum 15
Trainer: Patrick Morgan (or other CAN approved trainer)
Cost per session: $250 +gst (This covers 2 hours preparation, 1 hour delivery and all materials)


December 4, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

News release from Cycle Aware Wellington,
4 December 2012

Roll On Wellington Awards reward the best of cycling

Cycle-friendly workplaces are winning awards from the Wellington cycling community, with Transpower, Inland Revenue and Statistics NZ among the best.

Cycle Aware Wellington presented the Roll On Wellington Awards on 4 December.

Spokesperson James Burgess says the awards showcase the best and brightest of cycling in Wellington.

"They're a great opportunity for the cycling community to show their support for the things they...

December 4, 2012 Patrick READ MORE


Cycle Action Waikato (CAWaikato) have 2 Fleetbikes to loan to Hamilton Businesses*

These fleetbikes will enable your staff to reduce their vehicle usage for short work-based trips.

They are great for getting to and from inner city meetings and, the bikes are
fitted with large waterproof saddlebags for carrying all the goodies you may need.

Your organisation could be the next to benefit! - REGISTER NOW...
Fill in the attached (Application of interest) form and email it to: -


November 26, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

April 13-14, 2013, Auckland.
Are you passionate about more people on bikes, more often? Join us in the heart of Auckland on 13-14 April for CAN's National Cycling Summit.


The weekend included CAN's AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand.

Evaluation report, 2 May 2013

More details about previous CAN Dos

Venue: Pioneer Womens' Hall, Cnr High St and Freyburg Place, Auckland CBD

CAN's Roles and Achievements


November 14, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

Full submission attached as pdf below.

Thank you for your email of 4 October 2012 inviting our organisation to present our views for the next stage of the Safer Journeys road safety strategy. We appreciate the opportunity to put forward our thoughts and welcome any further engagement in the development and implementation of the resulting Action Plan and initiatives.

This submission has been prepared by members of the Cycling Advocates' Network with expertise in road safety.

Covers: alcohol (lowering BAC to 0.05), safer speeds, speed enforcement, unsafe...

November 12, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

CAN's Cycling Suits programme is great for businesses and organisations looking to promote healthy active behaviour among employees.


Cycling Suits offers three products which an organisation can use in any combination.

Gearing Up, a 60 minute in-house seminarMaking the Move, a 90 minute on-road workshopBecoming a Bike Friendly Employer, a consultation and advice service for employers

The Gearing Up and Making the Move sessions are designed for people who know how to ride a bike, but would like to start using their bikes to ride to work or to enhance their leisure riding. The...

November 7, 2012 Patrick READ MORE


Last week for public consultation on the New Plymouth Central Area Urban Design


The public survey that can be completed online closes this Friday, 9th November.

The survey form can be reached here.

November 5, 2012 Graeme READ MORE

CAN submitted recently on the LTM Amendment Bill 2012


The submission is attached.  

October 24, 2012 Graeme READ MORE

 Fix your bike. Save money. Have fun.

Auckland Tumeke Cycle Space

Whangarei, Whare Bike community bike workshop (corner Woods Road and Commerce St)

Hamilton Kids on Bikes

Turangi tbc

New Plymouth Bike kitchen

Palmerston North Green Bikes, 235 Main Street

Whanganui Green Bikes


USO Motuhenga in Porirua

Naenae Free Rides

Rimutaka Prison (in...

October 17, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

As well as our own workspace and website right here , there's a growing group of CAN people using facebook to share stories and ideas. You can find them here



October 9, 2012 stephenw READ MORE

Transport: It's the economy, stupid
An article highlighting the economic nonsense of the Govt's current motorway-focused transport programme.
By Glen Koorey

In New Zealand, transport is a very hot topic in local government yet barely features at the national level. A number of mayoralties have been won and lost in the past on the back of controversial transport projects (road through Hagley Park, anyone?) but I have yet to see it become one of the defining issues in a general election.

It is ironic therefore that the majority of transport funding in...

September 12, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

A cycling expert is calling on the Government to provide dedicated cycleways with curbing channels to protect cyclists from traffic.

Professor Simon Kingham from Canterbury University said there was a perception cycling was unsafe compared with other forms of transport, but the overall risk was actually lower when the health benefits of exercise were taken into account.

"The main barrier to people cycling is that they don't feel safe - it's absolutely clear and we've done some research in Christchurch on that about three years ago."

Dr Kingham said more people would cycle...

September 12, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

CAN Do 2013 includes our AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand.

It is likely to be in Auckland in March or April.
Check again for more details.

September 7, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling Advocates' Network appeal

Donate at

At CAN we're united by our love of cycling and all the benefits it brings: to our health, wallets, well-being, family and friends, community, and our environment.

CAN is committed to a broad vision:

To promote the benefits of everyday cycling: cost savings, better health, less congestion, cleaner air, reduced reliance on imported fuel, and a better quality of life.

By donating today you'll help ensure we have the staff and resources to achieve our vision. More...

September 4, 2012 Patrick READ MORE
Join the discussion about how to make cycling part of the new Christchurch...

Cycling in Christchurch was launched at the end of May 2012 to promote, encourage and support cycling as a means of getting from A to B within the greater Christchurch area.




It joins the sister websites Cycling in Auckland and Cycling in Wellington, and all three websites form the Cyclopolitan group.

The aim of Cycling in Christchurch is twofold:

to grow the number of people using a bicycle to get from A...

August 26, 2012 glen READ MORE

Who is The Friendly Cyclist?

Oh, well hullo there! How do you do?

Cycling is a convenient, quick and cheap way to get around Wellington. It frees up road & parking space, is non-polluting and has enormous health benefits.

Cycle Aware Wellington has made this stunning and informative series of cycling videos for you - the Wellington cyclist. We do hope you take a moment to view and enjoy the videos.

The Friendly Cyclist #56A Intersections 

The Friendly Cyclist #414 Passing Stopped Traffic The Friendly Cyclist #600 CourtesyThe Friendly...

August 16, 2012 Patrick READ MORE

Front room, Library Bar
Courtenay Place

1. Introductions

2. Western Corridor Plan (Thanks Phaedra and James!)

3. Adelaide, Riddiford, John St update

4. Windy Wheels

5. Roll on Wellington awards

6. Women's cycling fesitval 

7. Active Transport Forum 23 August. Does CAW want to put anything on the agenda?

8. Bikes on trains - GWRC to review policy?

9. 30-second raves

7pm - inaugural screening of the Friendly Cyclist videos

July 29, 2012 claire.pascoe READ MORE