Cycle Action Waikato, 2012

The very best of news years to you, and welcome to cycle advocacy, 2012.

Rob Davidson who, for many years, has burnt bright the candle on our
behalf as a stalwart campaigner for cycling in and around Hamilton has
finally done the sensible thing for himself and called it quits from doing everything.

In Brief:

There are several things we need to do:
• Have an AGM that involves a social do
• Organise when and how we will meet
• Decide on a strategy for the upcoming year

What we traditionally do:

The roles we need to fill on an ongoing business can be summarised into four areas:

Committee (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership)
Plans & Policy Reviews
Fleet bikes
Presentations and stakeholder meetings

Moving on, though:

Whilst it is good for us to carry on the work we do with plans and policy it does not need to dominate our group - many of you have had great ideas through the year and this is an opportunity to refocus and become more encompassing.

This is an opportunity for people to get involved or to move back into active membership after a refreshing break.

Are there any areas of cycle advocacy that you feel we need to move into or concentrate on?

A show of hands please:

Please can you let me know if you are interested in being active members in any way during this year and what sort of roles you might be interested in and with an answer to the following questions:

Would you like to attend a social / AGM in the next month
• If yes - when suits?

Monthly meetings (Committee) are you interested and able?
• Would you like to take a role on the committee?
• what are the best days and times (has been last Thur of month, 5pm)
• Is the Envirocentre in Ward street the best location for you to meet in?

Any other thoughts an comments about your group?

Please get back to me on these questions as soon as you can at:

Robbie Price (Chairman, CAW)


Groups audience: