

Update: Frocks on Bikes gather on the 14th

“Do you have a novel way of travelling around your town? Are you a
keen cyclist, walker, roller-blader, train-commuter, or even kayaker?

Breakfast's roving weather presenter Tamati Coffey is heading on a
“Transport Tiki Tour” of New Zealand.

His aim: to find the Top "One Less Car on the Road' Town. We want to
see how local kiwis are doing their bit for the environment and keeping
cars off the road.

On Thursday, 14 May 2009, Breakfast’s Tamati will be filming the show...

May 11, 2009 KirstenS READ MORE

Present: Bernie, Patrick, Brent, Jeremy, Brian, Don.

Apologies: Sally, Max.

Publication of draft LTCCP's by all three councils discussed, and proposal to write submissions back to them.

First meeting of cycle coalition held in Napier and attended by Bernie. Hoping for good outcomes for commuter cyclists. CAHB could have big impact at these meetings.

Maxs letter tabled at meeting regarding problem with rail crossing near the port. Trial rumble strip at Awatoto looked at by Patrick and Bernie. Need to meet with Napier council at site, and get them to...

May 11, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

WET SURPRISE: Karl Wakelin checks the bike of girlfriend Amelie Goldberg after she and her wheels took a plunge in the harbour. Diver Nigel Bullock and maritime police officer Ross Lane look on.
06/05/2009, By PAUL EASTON - The Dominion Post

A gentle bike ride to work came to a soggy end for Amelie Goldberg, when she clipped a pedestrian and plunged two metres into Wellington Harbour.

Witnesses were quick to call police yesterday, but Ms Goldberg climbed out of the water herself, thanks to a handily placed ladder.

"As I fell, I remember...

May 11, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

A brief AGM with food and drinks, and a presentation by Nicola Bould from the Harbour Cycle Network.

The meeting will also discuss where Spokes Dunedin and cycle advocacy is at, how we can get more involvement, and around what Spokes Dunedin should be tackling this upcoming year.

Treasurer and secretary positions will also be elected.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend - bring a friend!

6.30pm at Community house, corner of Great King Street and Moray Place.

Monday, 11th May 2009.

May 9, 2009 em.oyston READ MORE

Councils are under pressure to keep rates under control. What can bike advocates ask for in their submissions that Councils can afford?

Here's some low-cost or no-cost ideas:

lower speed limits reallocate road space to make room for bike lanes, Advance Stop Boxes
cycle parking stands bike rental schemes such as NextBike cycle gaps through road closures wider kerbside lanes on multi-lane roads
have a Council officer who looks over plans for all transport projects to make sure they make the most of opportunities to improve things for cycling (and don't...

May 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

350 is the most important number in the world. This number is the safe line for our global climate and a start line for a global movement. Join to take action in your community, engage our world's leaders, and build an international movement to solve the climate crisis.

Visit to join the movement.

May 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

BRUSSELS, Belgium – The 15th edition of the Velo-city conference will underline its leading position as the world’s event dedicated to urban cycling. During this four-day event, cycling in cities will be looked at from different perspectives by keynote speakers, organisations and institutions.

“Just because a city is not cycling-friendly today, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. With the right mobilisation of politicians and citizens, everything can change. The success of ‘re-cycling cities’ depends on the willingness of people to think and act differently”, says Manfred Neun...

May 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

See attached image files.

May 8, 2009 em.oyston READ MORE

Hot tips to tip the balance!

You have your time to speak and now you are thinking about how to swing the balance. Here are some ideas:

Get the Officers' Report (if there is one, ChCh City Council does not have one, Dunedin City Council did). This is a report that goes to Councillors from the Council Staff (Officers) which reviews all the submissions, summarises all the requests, and gives their feedback about the requests.

It's like tennis - your group's written submission serves the ball over net, the officers' report...

May 7, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

from Amy at Bike Wise: Tell us your biking story and be in to win!

We have five fantastic prizes to give away to people who share their cycling stories with us. Simply tell us an inspiring tale about you and cycling, such as:
how you got into cycling,
why you love it so much,
what you did for Bike Wise Month, or
how you encouraged someone else to cycle after a long absence.

Each entry will go in the draw to win one of five prize packs containing a copy of the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Guide, an Avanti cycle shirt and an Exelite High Visibility Belt....

May 6, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Phaedra is presenting on behalf of Spokes Dunedin tonight at the Municipal Chambers (Edinburgh Room, Level 2) 5.45pm (be early as they were running ahead of time last night).

Living Streets Dunedin is presenting at 4.10pm same place, be nice to support Living Streets too.


Apparently the secondgreatest numbers of submissions were on cycling (100 plus submissions), [The Stadium obviously was first]!



May 5, 2009 Fiona READ MORE

See: .

May 2, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

CAN staff and volunteers delivered 2x1-hour workshops at SKM (Sinclair Knight Merz) on World Day for Safety and Health at Work, 28 April 2009, in return for a cash donation to CAN. 

Auckland: Kirsten, Barb, Barb and Stephen met a dozen SKM staff.

Their new Auckland office is well set up with secure bike parking and staff showers, partly thanks to an already active BUG which has up to 40 members.

Most of the group were thinking of cycling to work, or keen to take it up again after a break. CAA's talk emphasised encouragement for new cyclists,...

April 29, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Nominations are now open for the Cedric Rogers Memorial Award, for leadership in road safety practice. This award has been commissioned by SASTA, the Safe and Sustainable Transport Association NZ.

Some of the criteria for entries are:

The work for which the individual is nominated will have achieved long term road safety benefits through education, engineering, enforcement, management, community ownership, or a range of these The nominator is to explain briefly the role and work for which the nominee is being nominated Each nominee must hold current SASTA membership, and...

April 29, 2009 adrian READ MORE

April 28, 2009 julied READ MORE

Correspondence forwarded by Paul Bruce. Anyone had a similar experience?



"Just writing because I've seen a LOT of police gathered at certain spots around wellington to stop cyclists and give them tickets. Is there some sort of crackdown on cyclists? Would be really great to know what was going on before i write a letter to say, the council or whoever is responsible. Its really quite infuriating all these police in their hi-vis gear stopping cyclists who appeared to be following all the rules (helmet, lights, hi-vis gear). Wouldnt their resources...

April 27, 2009 ribell READ MORE

Latest newsletter from the Office for the Community & Voluntary Sector is available here.

April 27, 2009 adrian READ MORE

Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) (for 2009 – 2019)

You still have a few days in which to male a written submission on the Long Term Council Community Plans for the region’s city councils: Wellington (by 18th May), Hutt City (30th April), Porirua City (1st May), Upper Hutt (13th May).

In the drafting meeting, CAW’s representatives stressed the importance of:

Ensuring commitment to, and continued funding for, cycle policy...

April 24, 2009 Patrick READ MORE