

More than 500,000 journeys per day are undertaken by bicycle in London. There has been a 91 per cent increase in the number of people cycling on London's major roads since Transport for London (TfL) was created in 2000. To continue to support the huge rise in the popularity of cycling in the Capital, the Mayor Boris Johnson and TfL are investing a further £55m in cycling this year - up from £36m last year, and a ten-fold increase on the £5.5m spent on cycling in 2000. The London Travel Report shows that two per cent of all journeys made in the Capital are now made by bicycle. The above...

June 28, 2008 maxwel READ MORE

Wellington cyclists are calling for increased investment in cycling facilities, education and promotion to provide a viable alternative to driving, meet the City Council's climate change goals, and help solve traffic congestion.

As petrol crosses the $2 mark people are looking for alternatives to driving.

Advocacy group Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW) made the call in their submission to the Draft Annual Plan this week.

CAW chair Illona Keenan says that as fuel prices rise, cycling grows in popularity and the City Council should up its investment to match cyclists' needs...

June 27, 2008 caw-editor READ MORE

NASA has discovered tracks on the moon. (test content)

June 24, 2008 can-editor READ MORE

I'm somewhat paranoid about e-mail addresses being published in articles. Even if the article has a restricted audience, I still wouldn't like to see those addresses being published, as another user may decide to allow anonymous access.

As a general rule, can I thus suggest that we don't publish e-mail addresses on the family of CAN websites? At the very least, I don't want to see my address published anywhere.

The way we should be handling this is through contact forms. 

We may well have to expand the list of available contact in the contact forms. 

June 20, 2008 maxwel READ MORE

After two cyclists were killed today, the national organisation for everyday cyclists is calling for urgent improvements in roading design and motorist behaviour.

Cyclist fatalities show need for better infrastructure and motorist behaviour After two cyclists were killed today, the national organisation for everyday cyclists is calling for urgent improvements in roading design and motorist behaviour.

Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) chairperson Robert Ibell said tonight that the deaths of two cyclists in the Wellington region show that central and local government are not...

June 19, 2008 ribell READ MORE

June 19, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

9:55AM Thursday June 19, 2008 A person is dead after a fatal traffic accident outside St Patrick's College in Upper Hutt. Sergeant Bruce Mackay said details of what happened are not clear at this stage and emergency services are at the scene. Mr Mackay said both lanes on Fergusson Drive have been closed and drivers can expect delays. He said diversions have been put in place.

June 19, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

June 19, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

Target 1 The Annual Land Transport Road Safety Report and Residential Satisfaction Survey show a reduction in the number of reported cycle crashes and an improvement is shown in the perception of safety [end of targets] What is the Council's position on cycle safety in the city? Policy 1.1 Every opportunity to make the city as safe as possible for cyclists must be explored
Policy 1.2 Cycle friendly traffic-calming measures will be implemented as required to moderate motorists speeds How will council do this? Proposed Actions 1.1 Adopt best practice...

June 18, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

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June 18, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) welcomes the release of a discussion document proposing compulsory third party insurance for all motorists. The document was released today by Minister of Transport Safety Harry Duynhoven. CAN policy includes support for the introduction of compulsory third party insurance.

CAN spokesperson Axel Wilke says, 'CAN believes we should have compulsory third party insurance to provide for property damage. We also believe the ACC motor vehicle account funding should be restructured so the flat levy is...

June 18, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

Presented to the Wellington City Council Strategy and Policy Committee meeting on June 18th 2008.

PLease let me know what you think about this document. Are there any issues you would like to include in this submission? Please leave your comments. To leave your comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the comments form. Your comments will be available to everyone, for viewing and discussion.

Submission to Wellington City...

June 17, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

A sustainability theme runs through many of the submissions to the Timaru District Council's annual plan. The council will consider submissions on the plan on Tuesday, and among the 48 received are a number raising the issues of rising fuel prices, alternatives to electricity, and energy efficiency. Submitters have asked the council to reduce or eliminate the building consent cost of installing a solar water heating unit, encourage wise use of water resources, and consider alternative means of transport such as rail and cycling. Smart Energy Ltd suggests the council follows the lead of...

June 10, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

second teaser test teste

June 10, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

Inaugural post at the Test Group Site - body

June 10, 2008 cymbalista READ MORE

A call for the Tasman District Council's entire $20 million transport budget next year to be dedicated to cyclists and other vulnerable road users has been made by Golden Bay cycling advocate Victoria Davis.

However, council transportation manager Roger Ashworth described Ms Davis's call as "unreasonable" saying the council already spent $300,000 a year on cycleways in the district.

Bicycle Lanes in Paradise representative Ms Davis says radical measures are called for to compensate for the council having "ignored this sector for the past decade".

Ms Davis intends...

June 10, 2008 Patrick READ MORE

This Kim Hill National Radio interview (from Saturday morning - 7 June 08) is excellent. Alan Hart is a Nelson-based geologist who has worked on the front line of the oil industry for over 30 years...
It's very informative and an absolute "must listen to" for 27 minutes if you want to know which way the oil price will be going.

June 9, 2008 maxwel READ MORE


Meeting has been confirmed with TDC Staff for June 26 at 11am.

Andrew Dixon (Transportation Manager), Simon Davenport (Project Engineer), Daniel Naude (Road Safety Co-ordinator) will be there. And hopefully Bill Steans (Parks and Recreation Advisor) also.


Ron is away and unable to come. Date was changed so Wendy can come.

It would be great if other Squeaky Wheel Core members can come. Please RSVP me if you intend coming.

Lets write an agenda in the next few weeks. There is a lot to discuss with the TDC!


June 9, 2008 Fiona READ MORE

Nominations are open for the Gemini Cycle-Friendly Awards 2008. Kiwis are being asked to put forward their favourite cycling projects or cycling champions for the awards, sponsored by Gemini Bicycles and supported by the Ministry of Transport.

Nominations have just been opened for the Gemini Cycle-Friendly Awards 2008. Kiwis are being asked to put forward their favourite cycling projects or cycling champions for the Awards, sponsored by Gemini Bicycles and supported by the Ministry of Transport.

Devised by the Cycling Advocates’ Network (CAN), the national organisation...

June 9, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) congratulates the Cycle Training Advisory Group, LTNZ on the release of its new cycle skills training guidelines.


CAN spokesperson Patrick Morgan says, 'the vision is that every child or person has the opportunity to become a confident and capable cyclist. The achievement of a guideline is a critical milestone for every cycling in New Zealand and shows real commitment to New Zealand's "Getting there - on foot, by cycle" plan.'


The guidelines have been adapted to New Zealand from the United Kingdom's Bikeability...

June 9, 2008 Scorcher READ MORE