April 18, 2012 - NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities

April 18, 2012 - NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities



·         4 Communities were given $25 million per community! 4 years ago (no matter size)

·         Most $ went into infrastructure (89%)

·         Common methods for data collection and evaluation were established

·         Bicycling up 49%, Walking up 22% (baseline?)


Columbia MO (Getabout) - 108,000 pop, hills, weather extremes, sprawl, University

·         Focus on Improved marking and marketing

·         Focus on “Heavy” marking - 2M lanes and sharrows in middle on Bike Blvds

·         Wayfinding on streets and University (not very successful on campus)

·         BLIP (bike lane with infrequent parking)  (looks horrendous to me, they claim it resulted in fewer car parks since they didn’t think they could when the political battle)

·         Pedway (8 foot sidewalk on one side)

·         Green merge areas

·         Back in angled parking (negative driver feedback)

·         Loop detectors with signage

·         2.6% to ~3.5% bike usage, they call a success

·         Seemed willing to innovate, despite risks


Sheboygan County, WI  (Emily) (114,000, 3 cities, fairly rural, 30% of households own 3 cars)

·         Small communities see bikes as recreation, cars are easy to use (no congestion, easy parking)

·         Sidewalks, bike lanes, SRTS

·         Lots of events, building partnerships at local level with schools, businesses, etc., typical TDM programs

·         Diluted funds across many local communities (good or bad?)

·         Traditional approach, moderate results in my opinion


Marin County (254,000, well to do, mixed use N of SF)

·         Local control, leveraged funds

·         Only 40% complete since they focused on leveraging into other federal projects, so early yet to really evaluate

·         Bike lanes, sidewalks and a big tunnel project

·         Bureaucratic inefficiencies (freeway or bike rack takes similar paperwork)

·         Might have biggest impact, but is slowest to develop


Minneapolis (Large urban community, 3 million people, Bike Walk, Tony Hull)

·         Already at 4% mode split

·         Led by NGO (TLC)

·         63% infrastructure because more went to fairly sophisticated community education and outreach

·         Advisory bike lanes (shared space), bike blvds, lots of paint

·         Access (bike sharing)

·         Neighborhood marketing

·         Good measurements, open data sharing

·         Cycling up 52% walking 17% over 5 years

·         Sophisticated, long term approach, really just getting started to overcome numerous challenges


Evaluation (Ben Rasmussen, Volpe Transport Research Ctr)

·         Enabling legislation required evaluation

·         Project (process) and community evaluation, latter is counts, bookend surveys, household and mode share model

·         Overall 49% increased counts across all pilots for bikes, 22% ped (no control community!)

·         Mode share model was used to estimate decreased miles travelled and modeled pollution and economic savings (used HEAT for health cost savings)

·         First report out this week, contact Ben.


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