Media Releases

Safe space is urgently needed for walking and cycling, say advocates

News release from Cycle Wellington

Transport advocates have today called on Wellington City Council to enact urgent measures to support safe walking and cycling and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cut traffic speeds to reduce pressure on hospitals 

Cycling leaders announced

Cycling Action Network has elected a new Board to lead advocacy in New Zealand.

CAN Chair, Jon Dean said cycling would benefit from the skills and energy of the new Board.

News release from Cycling Action Network, 10 March 2020

New road rules make sense and will reduce risk, say cycling advocates


Cyclists need proper bike lanes, not slogans

National's proposal to fine cyclists who don't use bike lanes is a misguided and unworkable plan, say cycling advocates. 

This is a dumb idea,” said Patrick Morgan, from the Cycling Action Network

It would needlessly stir conflict and hostility.”

Cyclists welcome new road safety strategy

Cycling advocates say the Government's new transport strategy is good news for safer roads.

Patrick goes Dutch

What can the Dutch teach New Zealand about cycling and street design?

MEDIA STATEMENT from Bike Auckland: 10am Wednesday 22 May 2019

Certainty at last for Aucklanders yearning to bike across the bridge?

Bike Auckland welcomes the New Zealand Transport Agency’s preferred design for an Auckland
Harbour Bridge Shared Path as an important breakthrough.

“Ever since the bridge was built, people have wanted to walk and bike across it,” says Barb
Cuthbert, Chair of the advocacy organisation Bike Auckland. “Locals and visitors alike constantly tell

Good news - Government invests a record $390m in cycling and walking

I want to share some welcome news with you – the Government has announced a record $390 million will be invested into cycling and walking projects over the next three years.

Cyclists applaud funding tailwinds

New Government funding for cycling is good news, whether you ride a bike or not, say cycling advocates.