MEDIA STATEMENT from Bike Auckland: 10am Wednesday 22 May 2019

Certainty at last for Aucklanders yearning to bike across the bridge?

Bike Auckland welcomes the New Zealand Transport Agency’s preferred design for an Auckland
Harbour Bridge Shared Path as an important breakthrough.

“Ever since the bridge was built, people have wanted to walk and bike across it,” says Barb
Cuthbert, Chair of the advocacy organisation Bike Auckland. “Locals and visitors alike constantly tell
us they’re aghast that in 2019, in our biggest city, this vital connection has yet to be delivered. The
more cycling for transport grows in popularity, the more glaring this missing link becomes.”

“Today, at long last, the Transport Agency is demonstrating to the public that it has the capacity to
add a walking and cycling path to the Harbour Bridge. This can’t come soon enough for the people
of Auckland and the millions of tourists who delight in our city’s spectacular harbour and volcanic
skyline. We’re especially relieved to learn the Agency has committed to a design that captures the
stunning essence of SkyPath, adds extra width, and works well with the existing structure.”

“With more Aucklanders on more kinds of bikes every day, it’s essential that what is built can
accommodate the growth of long-distance commutes and everyday adventures from all corners of
the city.” The Transport Agency’s preferred design is a steel structure that is cantilevered from the
bridge piers, rather than attached to the clip-on, allowing scope for additional width, including
spacious viewing platforms, while ensuring safe and continuous travel for those travelling through.
The pressure is now on the Transport Agency to give the public a clear idea of the timeline, and to
identify and resolve any roadblocks. “ Aucklanders are tired of delays, and deserve certainty. That
certainty will come as we see details of the landings at each end of the bridge, and get clarity
around whether the existing resource consent can be leveraged to ensure rapid delivery.”

Bike Auckland also strongly encourages the Transport Agency and the SkyPath Trust to work
together to resolve any outstanding issues.

“Let’s acknowledge that this design ultimately rests on the inspirational leadership and momentum
generated by thousands of dedicated volunteer hours of energy, expertise and public spirit, thanks
to the GetAcross campaign and the SkyPath Trust. Their vision and tenacity has spurred the
Transport Agency to action. We also credit the unflagging support of the people of Auckland, and
this government’s commitment to delivering a harbour crossing as a proud legacy for our city.”

“We celebrate this progress, and we call on the Transport Agency to act quickly to deliver
Auckland’s most desired project so we can freely walk and bike across our harbour at last.”

CONTACT Barb Cuthbert
Chair of Bike Auckland
027 412 5824

About Bike Auckland A registered charity and membership organisation, Bike Auckland is the voice for people on
bikes. Via advocacy, expertise and events, we’ve been working since 1998 to make our city a joy to get around.