Media Releases


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Joint submission on draft GPS 2018

For PDF of full statement with references click here.


Chair’s Report 2016 to 17 

This is the report a summary of which was approved by CAN's 2017 AGM.  The new Governance system of CAN and the new fee subscription system were also approved at the AGM, so some parts of this report were superseded then.



This report summarises the activities of CAN’s central Committee, paid staff and national-body volunteers since the 2016 AGM in Hamilton.  ‘Headline’ issues included-


Click through here for an online version of this recent edition of CAN's periodical.  Articles on overtaking gap research, cycle touring experiences, quaxing and more.

‘I don’t know the actual law, but I’m sure it is against some law’. Steven Muir writes about being made to feel like a criminal without being given much supporting evidence:

My crime? I wanted to carry three lengths of stainless steel home on my bike for my latest trailer project.

It’s a pretty standard part of any cycleway debate to have someone say “But we’re not Amsterdam, people are never going to bike here”

Here I review Pete Jordan’s In the City of Bikes, an immigrant American’s view of biking in Amsterdam, and Janette Sadik Khan’s Streetfight, about her battle to turn New York into the Amsterdam of the US.

Three interesting research reports about cycling have just been publicly released by the NZ Transport Agency and already they’re causing a bit of a stir around cycling circles (and elsewhere…).

Last year's CAN Do meeting in Hamilton was a good opportunity to have a couple of weeks away cycling.

I flew to Auckland with my touring bike. The ride started inauspiciously, as the road from the airport had road works and I missed a turn-off.

ReBicycle gets rolling in Wellington

Wellington is the latest town to get its very own bike library and community bicycle upcycling scheme. ReBicycle Charitable Trust was founded recently to help collect used bikes and fix them up for refugees and other low income families. ‘So far the response has been fantastic with more donations than we have room for’, said project manager, Hilleke Townsend. ‘There’s been great help from the community as well, with Red Cross keen to help their refugee families get mobile and other organisations also showing interest’.


CAN's spokesperson Patrick Morgan was asked to contribute to this TV3 discussion on Auckland's ongoing transport woes and plans.