
Proposals seek to encourage more cyclists and to make Baltimore streets safer for them

Boson Au commutes from his Charles Village home to his downtown office by bicycle. He rides his bike to the grocery store and, with a group of cycling friends, to bars on weekends.

Traveling by bike allows Au a more immediate and intimate experience of Baltimore than driving a car. "It makes the city seem smaller and closer," said the 32-year-old Web developer. "I'm seeing the streets. I'm feeling the bumps. It's made me more involved in the city."

How To Conquer Bikephobia

My bike is going to kill me. That was all I could think about as I rolled the thing out of my apartment and made those initial awkward pedal pushes in my first ride around downtown Toronto. But gliding along Queen St., with no angry cars honking or getting too close to my wheels, I figured I might actually get home alive. If I could just remember the road rules.

MIT’s big wheel in Copenhagen

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Tomorrow, Dec. 15, at the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change, MIT researchers will debut the Copenhagen Wheel — a revolutionary new bicycle wheel that not only boosts power, but can keep track of friends, fitness, smog and traffic. Though it looks like an ordinary bicycle wheel with an oversized center, the Wheel's bright red hub is a veritable Swiss army knife's worth of electronic gadgets and novel functions.

Honda to launch bicycle simulator

Honda have developed this bicycle simulator to teach people how to deal with traffic.

Honda have developed a high-tech bicycle simulator to teach people how to stay safe in traffic.

The device, which looks like something Heath Robinson might have dreamt up rather than a gleaming product of the motor industry, will go on sale in Japan in Feburary.

According to Honda, it will help people "improve their ability to predict risks and increase safety awareness" by letting them experience the possible risks faced by cyclists.

Users have to sit astride the built-in bike and take part in various scenarios shown on the computer screen in front of them, ranging from "going to school" to "going to the grocery store".

They can check over their shoulders using secondary displays, there are speakers behind their head to make the experience more realistic, and the machine can even recognise when they get off and walk.

Unavailability of urban appropriate utility style bicycles in New Zealand

Having lived for 10 years in Japan where there is a very large and broad cycling demographic (of 86 million cyclists!) , it is glaringly obvious to me that the unavailability of urban appropriate utility style bicycles in New Zealand is limiting our opportunities for us seperating ourselves from our cars.

Estimating Demand for New Cycling Facilities in New Zealand, Land Transport New Zealand Research Report 340

Currently there is little guidance available for estimating demand on a new cycling facility. The purpose of the research was to develop a tool for estimating cycle demand on a new cycle facility that could be used for Land Transport New Zealand funding applications. Existing methods in New Zealand and overseas were investigated as part of the research. A Steering Group was established to provide input and direction and to assist in the selection of ten cycle facility sites to be investigated further. Estimation tools have been developed for both on-road and off-road facilities based on “before” cycle counts, results of documented growth on NZ cycle facilities and Census travel to work data trends.