
Cycle Safety: Reducing the Crash Risk - NZTA RR389

Cycling is a sustainable mode of travel and an alternative to motor vehicle trips, particularly for shorter trips (less than 5km). Government transport strategies, including the New Zealand Transport Strategy and Getting there – on foot, by cycle, encourage the development of cycling and walking plans and infrastructure improvements that encourage more ‘active’ mode trips. While health and transport benefits are likely to result from promoting more cycling, the risk of having a crash while cycling is typically higher than while travelling as a driver or passenger in a motor vehicle. This is of concern to cyclists, potential cyclists and organisations involved in road safety.

The challenge for transport engineers and planners is to create a transportation environment that is as safe as possible for cyclists. This can be achieved through a series of measures, including, where practical, reducing traffic volumes and speeds, building on-road cycle lanes and intersection facilities, and constructing of off-roadway cycle paths. The safety benefit of most of these measures has not, to date, been quantified in New Zealand. Internationally, the research is also limited, particular in terms of the direct relationship between crashes and various roadway features and traffic conditions. This study extends previous work on the relationship between crashes and volumes of cycles and motor vehicles to the development of crash prediction models for on-roadway cycle facilities at intersections and along road links. The effects of speed and off-roadway paths have been assessed based on overseas research.

Estimating Demand for New Cycling Facilities in New Zealand, Land Transport New Zealand Research Report 340

Currently there is little guidance available for estimating demand on a new cycling facility. The purpose of the research was to develop a tool for estimating cycle demand on a new cycle facility that could be used for Land Transport New Zealand funding applications. Existing methods in New Zealand and overseas were investigated as part of the research. A Steering Group was established to provide input and direction and to assist in the selection of ten cycle facility sites to be investigated further. Estimation tools have been developed for both on-road and off-road facilities based on “before” cycle counts, results of documented growth on NZ cycle facilities and Census travel to work data trends.