
CAN regularly provides submissions to central government agencies on relevant legislation and policy proposals. Copies of these submissions are available below for downloading. Many of CAN's local groups also make submissions on local projects and strategies, as well as national consultation documents. If you think there is a public consultation document/issue that CAN should make a submission on, let us know!

CAW submission on lowering the speed limit in the Golden Mile

CAW submission on the proposal Lowering the Speed Limit in the Golden Mile

Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW) supports lowering the speed limit through the Golden Mile to 30 km/h, as proposed, because it will make walking and cycling through central Wellington safer and more pleasant.

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The Benefits of changing from 'Cars to Bikes' and : R.T.C. Request, for Carbon Tax to fund Waikato Sustainable Transport

Good day Norm Barker and Bill McMaster

We have a request for the Regional Transport Committee to lobby the National Government.

The RLTS Outcomes and Challenges mentions that on 1st July 2010 Transport enters the Emissions Trading Scheme, and the price of petrol will rise through carbon tax on vehicle emissions.

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Greater Wellington Annual Plan 2010/11 submission

Thank you for the opportunity to make this submission. Please contact me to arrange an oral presentation.

Patrick Morgan, tel 385 4967,


Cycling and walking
The Annual Plan does not include any clear provision for implementing the walking and cycling plans.

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Lower speeds submission Island Bay and Kilbirnie

Submission on behalf of CAW by Illona Keenan: 
Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW) supports lowering the speed limit in Island Bay and Kilbirnie to 30 km/h, especially the sections indicated on the maps in the brochure, because it will make walking and more so cycling in these areas safer and more pleasant.

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