
CAN regularly provides submissions to central government agencies on relevant legislation and policy proposals. Copies of these submissions are available below for downloading. Many of CAN's local groups also make submissions on local projects and strategies, as well as national consultation documents. If you think there is a public consultation document/issue that CAN should make a submission on, let us know!

CAW submission on draft Hutt Corridor Plan June 2011

Following is our submission on the draft Hutt Corridor Plan

CAW submission on draft Hutt Corridor Plan June 2011

Cycle Aware Wellington Inc (CAW) advocates for everyday cycling in the Wellington region, and has a mailing list of over 500 members.

The key points of the submission are:

Document Type: 

The proposed direction of the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2012/13 to 2021/22 (GPS 2012) - CAN Submission

27 May 2011

Chief Executive

Ministry of Transport

PO Box 3175


Dear Sir

Proposed direction for the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2012/13 to 2021/22

Document Type: 

CAW submissions on lowering the speed limits in Oriental Bay, Northern Miramar Peninsula, and Miramar, Seatoun and Strathmore Park Parking Areas

Attached are final submissions for WCC call for public input on lowering speed limits in Oriental Bay and Miramar.

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